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Archive for the ‘Contracts’ Category

Ground Soldier Technology Workflow, Integration, and eXperience (GS-TWIX)

Monday, August 15th, 2022

The Army Contracting Command – Aberdeen Proving Ground (ACC-APG), Natick Contracting Division, on behalf of US Army Combat Capabilities Development Command – Soldier Center (DEVCOM-SC), anticipates awarding a Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee (CPFF) contract for the Ground Soldier Technology Workflow, Integration, and eXperience (GS-TWIX) effort.

The Ground Soldier Technology Workflow, Integration, and eXperience (GS-TWIX) effort develops ground Soldier-centric information technology across the operational spectrum of hardware, software, network, and data as well as integrates same to optimize the ground Soldier’s ability to shoot, move and communicate according to the Army Modernization Priorities. GS-TWIX will impact multiple DEVCOM Soldier Center efforts and collaborations including Sensored Soldier, Nett Warrior, Integrated Visual Augmentation System (IVAS), Soldier Integration Facility (SIF), Joint Program Executive Office (JPEO) Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Defense (CBRND), OUSD Research and Engineering (R&E) 5G Tactical Applications for Small Units in Distributed Operations (5GTA-SUDO). These are detailed below:

Sensored Soldier

The goal of Sensored Soldier is to enhanced Multi Domain Operations (MDO) through mission information integration. This task has three sub-tasks that shall provide an interconnected tool suite of actionable decision tools by the end of FY25. First, the Leader Planning & Decision Tools sub-task shall guide Small Unit leaders in the maneuver planning for optimal Soldier physiological, equipment electrical power, network health, and protection using remote sensing drones. Second, the Soldier Equipment Sensing and Integration sub-task Shall provide Soldier Sub-system operational usage status to Small Unit leaders and provide equipment status sensing across the Squad workflow. Lastly, the Remote Sensing and Integration sub-task shall provide hardware, software, network, and data components that provide a Small Unit with a standoff capability to sense threats, maneuver, and communicate same to Small Unit leaders This sub-task shall 1) integrate remote sensing systems and sub-systems, 2) optimize user experience of remote squad sensing components, 3) optimize remote sensing MDO across the Small Unit workflow. Sensored Soldier tasks will transition to Nett Warrior, IVAS, or other Ground Soldier Systems Program of Record (PoR). Contractor shall provide DEVCOM – SC COR a technical report on Sensored Soldier activities in accordance with CDRL A002 after a technology assessment/demonstration. Contractor shall also provide DEVCOM – SC COR an annual final report on Sensored Soldier activities in accordance with CDRL A005 on an annual basis.

Nett Warrior and Ground Soldier System

The contractor shall provide comprehensive and wide-ranging support to the PdM GSS for evolving, maturing, and maintaining NW V3.X system in the areas of software engineering, system engineering, cybersecurity, system architecture, and integration.

The Contractor, in conjunction with the PdM GSS NW SETA contractor, shall ensure the work has a migration path to the NW program record and/or NW Future Initiatives, if the capability needs time to mature. If the Contractor and PdM GSS NW SETA contractor have divergent views on how to ensure a successful transition to the NW program of record of these requirements or how work is divided between both parties, then the Contractor shall promptly notify PdM GSS (GSS Tech Director / NW Chief Engineer) so any required Government clarification / direction can be provided to both parties. The Contractor shall develop solutions that allows application developers to store and distribute information in their own data format. However, the contractor shall leverage server services already provided by the larger TAK ecosystem rather than developing their own server system. Contractor shall provide DEVCOM – SC COR a technical report on Nett Warrior and Ground Soldier System activities in accordance with CDRL A002 after a technology assessment/demonstration. Contractor shall also provide DEVCOM – SC COR an annual final report on Nett Warrior and Ground Soldier System activities in accordance with CDRL A005 on an annual basis.

Ground Soldier Systems Integration

The contractor shall provide technical services for CCDC SC, IVAS, and other government agencies in areas of advanced concepts for information portrayal, sub-system integration, and data analytics: Similar to the IVAS-Soldier Integration Facility (SIF), CCDC SC Mission Information Team requires the development of information portrayal system that interacts with project objectives, project tasks, and both lab and field experimentation operations that includes Nett Warrior-based Soldier worn sensors, ATAK-platoon based sensors, and NW & ATAK web based sensors. Contractor shall provide DEVCOM – SC COR a technical report on Ground Soldier Systems Integration activities in accordance with CDRL A002 after a technology assessment/demonstration. Contractor shall also provide DEVCOM – SC COR an annual final report on Ground Soldier Systems Integration activities in accordance with CDRL A005 on an annual basis.

CBRND Integration with Ground Soldier Systems:

The Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Defense (JPEO-CBRND) seeks to design, prototype, test, and document promising wearable capabilities integrated into a single system. The wearables system includes the following components: assistive automation capabilities; wearable, subcutaneous, and implantable devices; cyber secure and scalable wired and wireless architectures; and visualization and decision support tools. The contractor shall provide sub-systems that advance the human integration and current technology for lightweight, integrated wearable systems; Soldier integrated displays and body-worn systems that enhance the Soldier survivability, and situational awareness on the battlefield. Special interest areas include unique human systems integration of data and power systems, miniaturization, increased durability and reliability, and components having low power as well as new power solutions that meet Soldier-portable system requirements for survivability and situational understanding. Specific examples of body- worn system capabilities include: data devices, integrated electronic modules, inter- connections in fabrics, wearable battery technologies, combat identification, tactical engagement simulation capability, system voice control, State-of-the-Art unique interfaces, haptics, neuro-physiological, and physiological/medical sensors and data management, Soldier integration of individual/team weapon system sensors and controls. Contractor shall provide DEVCOM – SC COR a technical report on CBRND Integration with Ground Soldier System activities in accordance with CDRL A002 after a technology assessment/demonstration. Contractor shall also provide DEVCOM – SC COR an annual final report on CBRND Integration with Ground Soldier Systems in accordance with CDRL A005 on an annual basis.

5G Tactical Applications for Small Units in Distributed Operations (5GTA- SUDO)

The goal of 5GTA-SUDO is to demonstrate the operational impact of a 5G bandwidth improvement to the Integrated Tactical Network (ITN). This task shall develop and demonstrate in an operationally relevant environment, at the Battalion & Company echelon level, multiple ground Soldier tactical applications. Tactical applications shall include 96 hour out load, sensitive site exploitation, sensor to shooter Full Motion Video (FMV) applications, edge device management, ITN multi-network/Primary, Alternative, Contingency, and Emergency (PACE)) router, image product distribution, robotic systems integration and other 5G-based applications. All applications shall be integrated with the software code base and hardware system for either Nett Warrior or IVAS. Contractor shall provide DEVCOM – SC COR a technical report on CBRND Integration with 5GTA-SUDO activities in accordance with CDRL A002 after a technology assessment/demonstration. Contractor shall also provide DEVCOM – SC COR an annual final report on 5GTA-SUDO in accordance with CDRL A005 on an annual basis.

GS-TWIX specifically seeks to design, develop, and analyze solutions associated with small unit ground Soldier systems and devices as they impact Soldier sub-systems integration, Soldier workflow, and Soldier experience. Historically, Small Unit systems were electronic in nature. Currently, Small Unit systems span the mechanical, electrical, software, network, and data engineering spectrum. Furthermore, the operational space for these solutions is also diverse covering warfighter functions spanning lethality, maneuver, communications, logistics, and protection.

The GS-TWIX effort in FY22 to FY26 will focus on equipment, systems, software, network, and data flow throughout the Soldier workflow as it relates to ground Soldier systems to address optimization in warfighter functions such as lethality, maneuver, communications, logistics, and protection.

The contract will consist of a one year base period and three (3) one year options. This acquisition is a 100% Small Business Set-Aside.

Proposals are due August 21, 2022 by 5:00PM EST (sic).

See the full details here.

Zenith AeroTech Delivers Two Tethered Aerial Vehicles to Federal Law Enforcement Agency

Friday, August 12th, 2022

Quad 8 long-endurance unmanned platforms to provide video, communications, and illumination for enhanced emergency response capability

AFTON, Va.–Zenith AeroTech, a leader in heavy-lift tethered aerial vehicles (TAVs), announced today that the company has completed delivery of two Quad 8 TAVs to a Federal law enforcement agency for use as a command overwatch solution during emergency response missions.

Each Quad 8 was designed to meet the customer’s need for a long-endurance aerial platform that could carry electro-optical/infrared video (EO/IR) video cameras, a communications relay system, and overhead, high-intensity light panels—all at the same time.

“The client wanted an overwatch capability to help secure their area of operations during emergency response efforts,” said Kutlay Kaya, chairman of Zenith AeroTech. “And unlike regular, untethered drones, our TAVs can stay in the air for days at time while carrying a variety of payloads.”

The Quad 8 can lift up to 20 pounds of customer-defined payloads. That’s more than enough capacity to carry a long-range EO/IR camera, a communications relay, and two 17,000-lumen, weather-resistant LED panels.

“These high-powered lights are ground-controlled for intensity and on/off functions,” said Doganc Kucuk, lead designer for Zenith AeroTech. “And when they are activated, it becomes like daytime on the ground.”

Hovering at altitudes of 200 to 400 feet, the Quad 8 TAV draws its power from the Ground Power Unit (GPU), which converts AC voltage into high-voltage DC power for the TAV and its payloads. The GPU also runs an automated management system designed to operate even under inclement weather conditions.

“This smart tether system allows the operator to focus completely on the mission, which at the end of the day, is the most important thing,” Kaya said.

Zenith AeroTech has been engaged recently with universities, military organizations, and large communications providers. Company officials estimate the market for these systems will see rapid growth as more end-user applications are developed and successfully fielded.

Milrem Robotics Delivers the First THeMIS Unmanned Ground Vehicle to the Spanish Army

Thursday, August 11th, 2022

The European leading robotics and autonomous systems developer Milrem Robotics has delivered the first THeMIS Unmanned Ground Vehicle to the Spanish Ministry of Defence.

The Ministry, through the Directorate of Armament and Material, awarded the contract for one THeMIS UGV to A.Paukner, S.A., Milrem Robotics’ representative in Spain.

The THeMIS was acquired in the framework of the Scorpion program that was launched in early 2021 to evaluate the capabilities of existing unmanned ground vehicles. During the first phase of the program a list of missions will be defined that can benefit from the usage of unmanned ground systems.

“The THeMIS has already proven itself to 12 countries, seven of which are members of NATO, as a capable, robust and versatile system. We are glad that Spain has joined as the 13th user of THEMIS and chosen Milrem Robotics as a partner to build their robotic and autonomous systems capabilities,” said Kuldar Väärsi, CEO of Milrem Robotics.

“A.Paukner, S.A is proud to become the first supplier of a UGV platform to the Spanish MoD within the framework of the ambitious “Escorpion program” devoted to testing and evaluating these unmanned ground systems,” said G. Ingo Paukner, CEO of A.Paukner, S.A.

“The THeMIS UGV is a very powerful, flexible, and easy to deploy multirole platform (also quickly configurable for disaster relief and firefighting missions, if needed) to be incorporated with leading edge Spanish Industry solutions. The combination of technologies provides a solid product and new capabilities to the Spanish Army which could potentially also generate joint business opportunities with other allied Armed Forces. The support and commitment of Milrem Robotics for this project have been outstanding. We are grateful for this support as well for the MoD’s trust in our company and its unmanned systems portfolio,” G. Ingo Paukner added.

“THeMIS provides a robust robotic platform ready to be equipped with several payloads in order to boost experimentation and other R&D activities with a reliable and well-known solution,” said a representative of the Spanish MoD’s program.

The THeMIS UGV is a multi-mission capable system intended to support dismounted troops that can serve as a mule for transporting a squad’s gear or be rapidly converted into a weaponized remotely operated unit to offer force protection.

It is the first system in its size class deployed to a conflict area during the anti-insurgency operation Barkhane in Mali. During the deployment, the THeMIS traversed 1200 km in one of the world’s harshest terrains of lava rock soil and climates climbing to 50 degrees Celsius in the shade. The UGV was operational for over 330 hours.

Milrem Robotics is the leading European robotics and autonomous systems developer and system integrator. The company is known for its THeMIS and Multiscope Unmanned Ground Vehicles and the Type-X Robotic Combat Vehicle. The THeMIS supports dismounted troops while the Multiscope is intended for civilian use such as forestry and firefighting.  The Type-X Robotic Combat Vehicle is a wingman for mechanized units.

Milrem Robotics is the leader of a consortium awarded 30.6M (EUR) from the European Commission’s European Defence Industrial Development Program (EDIDP) to develop a European standardized unmanned ground system (UGS). During the project, titled iMUGS, modular and scalable architecture for hybrid manned-unmanned systems will be developed to standardize a European wide ecosystem.

Army’s New Next Generation Squad Weapon Program to Launch ARC’s Weapons Intelligence Platform

Wednesday, August 10th, 2022

ARC’s embedded IoT sensors to provide unprecedented mission-critical data to ground leadership


WASHINGTON–Armaments Research Company, Inc. (ARC), a technology and data company serving national security and public safety customers, announced today their Internet-of-Things (IoT) full-stack technology will be introduced in the Next Generation Squad Weapon (NGSW) program of record, in partnership with Sig Sauer. For the first time in 65 years, the U.S. Army’s initiative will replace its individual rifles, squad machine guns, fire control system, and ammunition, helping to modernize and better equip the warfighters of tomorrow.

ARC’s technology platform will provide data on individual weapons at scale. The resulting insights will enable units to regularly assess weapons’ health, reduce failure rates, extend the lifetime of a weapon and optimize maintenance plans, enhancing performance and reducing costs. The data can also improve a unit’s understanding of its readiness, which measures the unit’s fundamental ability to deploy quickly.

“Our team is thrilled to partner with Sig Sauer to deliver this groundbreaking platform and refresh the Army’s weapons for the first time in several decades,” said ARC CEO Michael Canty. “The Army NGSW program office is pushing the boundaries in seeking a modern, data-driven approach to weapons readiness and we are honored to contribute. With tens of thousands of new weapons as data sources in the field, we can optimize equipment safety and reliability, ultimately harnessing this data to save lives.”

The first production delivery of NGSW weapons will include ARC’s round count and inventory management system, gathering weapons usage data on the units over the next several years. The NGSW program’s intention to revolutionize the Army’s tactical weapons comes in response to findings that current weapons systems threaten conflict overmatch. More than 1,000 soldiers provided hands-on feedback during weapon testing and selection.

ARC’s weapons intelligence platform works with tactical tools and frontline AI to ensure mission readiness and improve small-unit performance. The platform enables the U.S. Army to capture mission-critical data from individual- and tactical-level weapons at scale, helping leaders at all levels make informed decisions during and after training to improve readiness, performance and operational efficiency.

ARC technical solutions and case studies are available for individual demonstration. Interested parties are invited to visit and contact for more information.

Major Order from NATO Customer: Rheinmetall Supplying 155mm Artillery Ammunition in the Upper-Two-Digit Million-Euro Range

Friday, August 5th, 2022

Rheinmetall has proven once again its compelling expertise in the world of indirect fire systems: a NATO customer has just placed an order with the Group’s South African subsidiary Rheinmetall Denel Munition to supply 155mm ammunition from its tried-and-tested Assegai product line. Awarded in July, the contract is worth a figure in the upper-two-digit million-euro range. Delivery will take place over the next two years.

The new order encompasses the complete 155mm Assegai ammunition system, including fuses, different projectile types such as high-explosive service rounds, and Assegai artillery propelling charges. The Assegai family of artillery ammunition can be fired from any NATO STANAG-compatible artillery system, including the PzH 2000 self-propelled howitzer.

“We’re known worldwide for our long-range Assegai indirect fire technology and are pleased to be able to welcome a new partner nation to the Assegai family”, says Jan-Patrick Helmsen, managing director of Rheinmetall Denel Munition.

“As a systems maker, we work constantly to improve our cutting-edge technologies so that we can provide our customers’ soldiers with the best-possible, most reliable solution.”

Back in 2019, Rheinmetall succeeded in setting a new maximum range record in South Africa with the Assegai family and other Group products like the new Topcharge. Thanks to the Assegai system approach – from fuse to projectile to propelling charges – long ranges were attained with various artillery systems. A non-NATO 155mm artillery gun with 52 calibre lengths and a 25-litre propelling charge chamber achieved a record range of 76 kilometres.

Rheinmetall Denel Munition is already working on other future artillery technologies. For example, the rocket motor in conventional 155mm Assegai projectiles is being improved. In addition to this, a new development is on the way that will boost the maximum range to over 155 kilometres.

US Army Awards MATBOCK, LLC of Virginia Beach, VA, $6.9M pOTA to Develop a Joint Light Tactical Vehicle Hybrid Electric Vehicle (JLTV HEV)

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2022

Virginia Beach, VA: MATBOCK is an industry leader in bringing paradigm shifting technologies to the market and is excited to announce this partnership with the U.S. Army Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO) to develop a Joint Light Tactical Vehicle Hybrid Electric Vehicle (JLTV HEV) prototype that will utilize a M1278A1 Heavy Gun Carrier JLTV as the base platform.

In March 2022, the RCCTO awarded MATBOCK a $6.9M, including options, pOTA (Prototype Other Transaction Authority) to develop and deliver a JLTV HEV.  The primary purpose of this project is to validate or negate the feasibility of prototyping a tactical Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV). The goals of the project are to increase the overall automotive performance and operational range, increase the availability of on-board and off platform power, and increase the vehicle’s overall operational effectiveness by adding additional capabilities.

In addition to being able to generate additional power, the JLTV HEV will have a new capability over the non-hybrid JLTV variants by being able to operate in a ‘silent mobility mode’ that only utilizes the battery pack, increasing the silent watch capability over the non-hybrid JLTV variant.

MATBOCK has set up a new 4,000 sq-ft space directly attached to their existing space dedicated to military hybrid-electric vehicle efforts to include the JLTV HEV. MATBOCK has nearly 30 people dedicated to making this project successful. At the helm from the MATBOCK side is Mike Pilotte. Mike is an Armor Officer in the North Carolina National Guard and an experienced Project Manager having most recently completed a successful Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II with the Special Operations Command (SOCOM).

MATBOCK will be pushing past current limits of battery and automotive technology integration and engineering results with these performance enhancements, but MATBOCK is known for tackling tough challenges like this. “Without a doubt this will be the most complex project MATBOCK has faced in our 12 years in business, but we have the right team and core technologies to produce a successful outcome.” said MATBOCK’s Co-Founder & President Zach Steinbock.

To learn more about MATBOCK and our extensive product line, check out or email us at

USSOCOM Selects L3 Communications Integrated Systems AT-802U Sky Warden for Armed Overwatch Aircraft

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2022

USSOCOM has made a decision for it’s Armed Overwatch program which will add 75 aircraft to provide dedicated Close Air Support, precision strike, and airborne intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) from austere locations in a permissive environment.

It’s the Sky Warden from the L3 / Air Tractor team.

DoD made this announcement on 1 August:

L3 Communications Integrated Systems, Greenville, Texas, was awarded an indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract (FA8637-22-D-B001) in the amount of $3,000,000,000 (maximum ceiling value) in support of Armed Overwatch. Research, development, test, and evaluation; and procurement funds in the amount of $170,000,000 were obligated at time of the award. Armed Overwatch will provide Special Operations Forces deployable, affordable, and sustainable crewed aircraft systems fulfilling close air support, precision strike, and armed intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, requirements in austere and permissive environments for use in irregular warfare operations in support of the National Defense Strategy. The contract will be a mixture of firm-fixed-price, cost-plus-fixed-fee, time and materials, and cost reimbursement no-fee for the procurement of up to 75 aircraft, training systems, mission planning systems, support equipment, spares, and logistics support, with a period of performance from July 2022 to July 2029, including all options. The majority of the work will be done in Greenville, Texas. This action is a follow-on production contract in accordance with 10 U.S. Code 4022(f) authorized or required by statute. U.S. Special Operations Command, MacDill Air Force Base, Florida, is the contracting activity. (Awarded July 31, 2022)

Here is the L3 Harris Press Release:



• Sky Warden™ system to expand SOCOM’s irregular warfare capabilities

• SOCOM weapon system testing begins in 2022

• Six new aircraft will be delivered under the low-rate initial production Lot 1

MELBOURNE, Fla. — U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) has selected L3Harris Technologies (NYSE:LHX) and Air Tractor, Inc.’s AT-802U Sky Warden™ system for its Armed Overwatch program. Award of the Indefinite Quantity, Indefinite Delivery contract includes a cost ceiling of $3 billion. The program includes delivery of up to 75 manned, fixed wing aircraft, with an initial program contract award of $170 million.

The fleet of modern multi-mission aircraft will address SOCOM’s need for a deployable, sustainable single-engine fixed-wing, crewed and affordable aircraft system. It will provide close air support, precision strike, armed intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR), strike coordination and forward air controller requirements for use in austere and permissive environments. The aircraft will be used in irregular warfare operations.  

“An important part of our Trusted Disruptor strategy is listening closely to combatant commanders’ needs, and responding faster than the evolving threats,” said Christopher E. Kubasik, Chair and Chief Executive Officer, L3Harris. “We want to deliver game-changing, modular solutions to U.S. special operators for their hardest missions, and Sky Warden does just that.” 

L3Harris expects to rapidly modify last summer’s Armed Overwatch prototype demonstrator into the production configuration and provide for customer weapon system testing in approximately six months. Production of new, fully-modified, Armed Overwatch mission-configured aircraft will begin in 2023 at L3Harris’ Tulsa, Okla. modification center, following initial production at Air Tractor’s Olney, Texas aircraft manufacturing facility. Six new aircraft will be delivered under the low-rate initial production Lot 1.

“Sky Warden will bring powerful and affordable close air support, precision strike, armed ISR, and command and control capabilities directly to special operations forces in the battlefield,” said Sean Stackley, President, Integrated Mission Systems, L3Harris. “We are ready now to begin work on this modern, multi-mission system for the SOCOM Armed Overwatch program.”

The production-ready Sky Warden system is tailorable for a variety of mission requirements to meet U.S. mission needs.

“The Sky Warden design reflects our commitment to America’s national security and the AT-802U will be equipped with everything we’ve learned manufacturing aircraft over the past 46 years,” said Jim Hirsch, President, Air Tractor, Inc. “The L3Harris team is an excellent partner, and our production and engineering staff are ready to immediately deliver this world-class product to our nation’s special forces.”

Learn more about Sky Warden at

Steadicopter Reports Winning Yet Another Significant Tender With Its Black Eagle Electric systems, For The Israeli Navy

Monday, August 1st, 2022

The Black Eagle Electric are the first unmanned helicopters to be powered by an electric motor and have a MTOW of up to 50 kg, adapted for use in advanced maritime missions, and many other applications.

27 July, 2022. Steadicopter – a leader in the Rotary Unmanned Aerial Systems (RUAS) industry – announces another win in a significant tender, this time for the Israeli Navy, for its Black Eagle Electric systems. The Black Eagle Electric family is the first family of unmanned helicopters that are powered by an electric motor, are capable of carrying several payloads and sensors, and can be adapted to diverse applications, including complex maritime missions. Just recently, the company announced the signing of a contract to supply the systems to another Naval customer.

The Black Eagle 5O Electric helicopter has a maximum take-off weight of 50 kg, a useful load weight of 30 kg – including payload and batteries, and a flight time of two hours. These capabilities enable high performance as well as maximum operational flexibility for military applications such as intelligence, coastal security, search & rescue, and advanced maritime missions.

The electrically-powered engine significantly reduces the weight of the platform, thereby enabling the installation of additional payloads that are required for a variety of missions. Weighing just 20kg as a platform, the helicopter can carry additional batteries for longer flights, heavier mission payloads, and more. As such, the system enables the widest variety of missions, including covert operations.

The dual-electric propulsion helicopter is economical, simple to operate, easy to maintain, and needs no fuel storage, making it environmentally friendly and safe. It is based on the proven capabilities of the gasoline-powered Black Eagle, including vertical take-off and land, long hover durations, and advanced mission sensors for any mission scenario, whether day or night. In addition, like other Steadicopter platforms, it is adapted to high-altitude flights.

“In the past year, we have expanded the Black Eagle family with the addition of a hybrid and electric system of up to 50kg,” says Noam Lidor, VP Sales, Marketing & Business Development at Steadicopter. “We are proud that just one year after the launch, we have already announced the winning of several significant contracts, for both systems, the latest of which is for the Israeli Navy – considered one of the most advanced forces in the world. There is a growing global need for unmanned systems with vertical landing and takeoff capabilities. The Black Eagle family meets this need with a unique low-weight technology, which enables it to carry several payloads, for flexibility and mission success. We expect that the company will be reporting further deals in the near future.”