At the upcoming New Breed of Warrior in Virginia Beach, Virginia, Aegis Industries will present a breakout session on the Mark 63 Trident.

An emerging market leader of professional security solutionsAegis Industries recognized that the operational demands of the military, law enforcement, corrections, and private security markets required a new class of intermediate force options to allow operators to communicate, contain and quickly control potentially dangerous scenarios more safely and effectively than ever before. They developed the MK63 Trident, the first in a new class of scalable intermediate force options: Hand-held Modular Multi-Stimulus Response Devices (HMMRDs). As you can see in the photo, the Mk63 provides numerous options including Laser, LEDs, Pepper Spray, Impact, and Neuro Muscular Incapacitation (NMI). NMI is essentially stun gun technology but with a bit more science behind it.
Aegis was founded by US Navy SEAL Kenneth J. Stethem after the events of September 211, 2001. Inspired by the courage of his brother, SW2 Robert D. Stethem, who was murdered during the 1985 hijacking of TWA FLT 847, Stethem founded Aegis with a single mission – To Defend, Protect and Preserve Life – by engineering the world’s most advanced and operationally effective intermediate force option.
Break Out Session Overview:
TITLE: The Aegis Mark 63 Trident: Revolutionizing Intermediate Force Options
LENGTH OF SESSION: (:30 Minutes Demo/:15 Minutes Q&A)
Aegis will be demonstrating its revolutionary new Aegis Mark 63 Trident, the first in a new generation of advanced intermediate force options. These Handheld, Modular, Multi-stimulus, Response Devices (HMMRDs) provide a level of flexibility, safety and effectiveness that is unmatched by any other Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) solution.
The Mark 63 is a scalable, full-dimensional solution that combines Lasers, LEDs, Pepper Spray, Impact, and Neuromuscular Incapacitation (NMI) in a single device. The Mark 63 delivers:
• Scalability
• Multiple force options are combined into a single, handheld device (Laser, LEDs, Pepper Spray, Impact and NMI).
• Force options can be used individually, in any combination or simultaneously
• Safety
• Innovative engineering and advanced technology backed by comprehensive medical safety research that was independently peer-reviewed and published prior to market launch.
• Industry’s first low voltage non-invasive multiple stimulus force option.
• Effectiveness
• Multiple force options allow operators to transition up and down the force continuum faster, safer and more effectively.
• Operators are better prepared, equipped and protected