TYR Tactical

Frederick Russell Burnham – An American Scout

February 27th, 2018

Although I grew up in Scouting, it was not until just a few years ago that I learned the story of Frederick Russell Burnham.

Burnham’s story is an amazing tale, that could only have happened in the 19th century. He served as an Scout for the United States Army during the Indian wars and later emigrated to southern Africa where he served as chief of Scouts for British Forces fighting the Matabele and Boers. Eventually, he was awarded the rank of Major by King Edward VII and invested into the Companions of the Distinguished Service Order, the highest military honor bestowed upon an American in the Second Boer War.

During this period he worked with Lord Baden-Powell, teaching him woodcraft. Lord Baden-Powell put them to immediate use in his campaign and when he later started the Scouting movement, those lessons became integral parts of the program.


What I find most amazing about their friendship is that Lord Baden-Powell adopted the Stetson and Neckerchief worn by Burnham. When Lord Baden-Powell created Scouting, a multi-use uniform item was the neckerchief. As this was not a common item of British military garb, I had always wondered how it and found itself into the Boy Scout uniform which was initially based upon military clothing. Conversely, during the Indian Wars in particular, you’d find a US Army Cavalry Trooper wearing a neckerchief which could be used for a variety of tasks, on the trail and in camp. Once I learned about the Burnham connection, I realized the neckerchief had come full circle, from the United States, to England, and then back to us.

But he did so much more than give us a neckerchief. Burnham participated in the early Scouting movement and was a lifelong friend of Lord Baden-Powell.

Frederick Russell Burnham: Explorer, discoverer, cowboy, and Scout. Native American, he served as chief of scouts in the Boer War, an intimate friend of Lord Baden-Powell. It was on some of his exploits demanding great courage, alertness, skill in surmounting the perils of the out-of-doors, that the founder of Scouting based some of the activities of the Boy Scout program. As an honorary Scout of the Boy Scouts of America, he has served as an inspiration to the youth of the Nation and is the embodiment of the qualities of the ideal Scout.

— 27th Annual Report of the Boy Scouts of America 1936

I’ve read several books on him, but my favorite is “A Splendid Savage: The Restless Life of Frederick Russell Burnham” by Steve Kemper. Be sure to check it out. And please, share the story of the American origin of the Scout neckerchief.

United States Marine Corps Selects Leupold TS-30A2 Mark 4 MR/T for M38, Squad-Designated “Marksman Rifle”

February 27th, 2018

BEAVERTON, Ore. — The United States Marine Corps is in the process of fielding the M38, which features a Leupold TS-30A2 Mark 4 MR/T riflescope atop an M27. The configuration is to be known as the Squad-Designated Marksman Rifle. The TS-30A2 Mark 4 MR/T has previously been fielded with the Mk 12 Special Purpose Rifle.

“We pride ourselves on building optics that deliver elite optical performance and unparalleled reliability,” Bruce Pettet, president and chief executive officer for Leupold & Stevens, Inc., said. “We’re ecstatic that the Marine Corps selected the TS-30A2 Mark 4 MR/T. The men and women of the U.S. armed forces deserve the very best, and we’re proud to deliver it.”

The TS-30A2 Mark 4 MR/T, which features a 2.5-8x36mm design, was designed with mid-range applications in mind, and has easy-to-adjust tactical turrets and range estimating reticles. A 30mm maintube provides greater strength and light transmission. As with all Leupold riflescopes, the optic is waterproof, fog proof, and shockproof.

“The TS-30A2 Mark 4 is the perfect optic for those looking to deliver fast, precise rifle fire,” said Sam Horstman, director of military sales for Leupold & Stevens, Inc. “Further, like all Leupold optics, it’s been strenuously tested for durability, and fully meets the rugged standards set by the Marine Corps.”

For more information on Leupold® products, please visit us at Leupold.com.

Join the discussion on Facebook, Facebook.com/LeupoldOptics, on Twitter at Twitter.com/LeupoldOptics or on Instagram at Instagram.com/LeupoldOptics.

INVISIO customer recognized for hearing loss prevention excellence

February 26th, 2018

Stockholm, February 26, 2018

The US Army’s TCAPS program has been awarded the Safe-in-Sound 2018 Innovation in Hearing Loss Prevention Award.

At the 2018 Annual Hearing Conservation Conference in Orlando, Florida, INVISIO’s customer, the US Army and their Tactical Communications and Protective System (TCAPS) initiative, was recognized for innovation and prevention of noise-induced hearing loss practices. INVISIO’s hearing protection and communication systems have been at the heart of their success.

“We congratulate the U.S. Army’s TCAPS program on receiving this prestigious award, and for having the foresight for their leadership in the defense community regarding hearing protection. INVISIO is proud to be an equipment provider to the TCAPS program”, said Lars Højgård Hansen, CEO of INVISIO.

The Safe-in-Sound award, was created in 2007 by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) in partnership with the National Hearing Conservation Association (NHCA) for Excellence in Hearing Loss Prevention.

TCAPS, the Tactical Communication and Protective System, is one of the world’s largest military modernization programs for hearing protection and communication. Run by the US Army and PEO soldier, the program approved and implemented INVISIO’s product solutions in 2013 to reduce the risk of hearing loss and improve the wearer’s communication potential.

INVISIO’s soldier system is a combination of highly advanced Headsets and Control Units, that are easy to use and well-proven in the field. The system is designed to protect the hearing of soldiers on the battlefield, while allowing them also to maintain situational awareness.

More information about the TCAPS program can be found in this video by PEO Soldier, “The Tactical Communication and Protective System (TCAPS)”

Award & motivation


Tactical Distributors Offers New Logan Pants For Pre-Sale

February 26th, 2018


The TD Logan pant is a three season pant that is made for heavy use. Constructed from a poly/spandex blend to give you strength and durability with flex. Super stretchy, breathable and moisture-wicking fabric will allow you to stay active and comfortable. They also included a DRW treatment to the face of the fabric for those wet mornings. The fit is standard with articulated knees, expanding waistband and gusseted crotch. They built this pant to go through bushes, over fences and for guys who are in the game not on the sideline.


Storage: TD made this pant for adventure. When you are out in the filed you have nicknacks and gear. They designed the pockets so that you can keep all of your everyday carry or tools that can be organized and easy to access. The Logan pant has 11 pockets. This includes a 2-way cargo pocket. We also added a quick access magazine /cell phone welted pocket on both sides. You have one pocket that you can access with a side zipper while sitting. It has a front snap button and a YKK zipper for the fly.


11 Pockets
Flex Waistband
DWR Water Resistant Treatment
Mag/Mobile Pockets on Both Sides
Reinforced Bartac Stitching
Breathable Pocket Lining for Venting
Stretch Poly Fabric 90% Poly 10% Spandex
Breathable, Moisture Wicking Fabric
Abrasion Resistant
Articulated Knees
Gusseted Crotch


Will ship by March 15th, 2018.



H&K to Manufacture MR762A1 in New Georgia Factory

February 26th, 2018

According to an InstaGram post, Heckler & Koch plans to manufacture MR762A1 rifles right here in the USA in their new factory in Columbus, Georgia. This is good news indeed.


James Malarkey No Longer CEO of X Products

February 26th, 2018



Feb 22 2018

Effective Immediately James Malarkey has been removed as CEO of X Products

Since inception X Products has been a strong advocate of 2A rights and Does Not support Mr Malarkey’s statements or any position that would suggest gun ownership is anything other than a right protected under the 2nd Amendment.

Mr Malarkey has been replaced as CEO by Dewey Akers, as acting CEO, effective immediately. Please refer all references for response to Mr Akers.

It is with sincere apology that X Products Senior Management finds it necessary to defend its position as a STRONG supporter of 2A Gun Rights.

The Senior Management has found it necessary to respond to this with our community of followers in a manner that removes any association with Mr Malarkey’s comments.

Mr Malarkey, or his comments, DO NOT reflect the position of X Products, its staff,or Industry Partners.

We have taken steps to insure we regain the respect of an industry that has been a support and source of growth for X Products and its staff.

I want to Thank you for understanding, this process has been difficult to execute and hope you will contact me personally with any questions about our transition.

Dewey Akers


Email: dewey@xproducts.com

Office: 928.852.0078


February 26th, 2018


The MATBOCK Backdraft Medical Kit was designed for smaller units with pretty quick access to next level care.  Instead of carrying an entire med bag, the medic or corpsman can now have a more streamlines system.  The Backdraft mounts on the back of the plate carrier via MATBOCK’s Tabs and contains two separate pouches, one for airway and one for bleeding.  The bags are held in place via adjustable amounts of velcro and they have lanyards that secure near the side plates on the carrier. 

When one pouch is needed, the operator can simply select the correct lanyard and pull.  From recent combat action in Afghanistan, one medic had the following to say, “It’s an awesome system and perfect for the mission set we’re doing, much more comfortable and streamlined than a traditional aid bag.”  The system is made from MATBOCK’s Ghost and Ghost Lite materials making the bags lightweight and water resistant to protect your medical kit.



DroneShield Welcomes the Turnbull / Pyne Defence Export Strategy

February 26th, 2018

26 February 2018, Sydney Australia

DroneShield Welcomes the Turnbull / Pyne Defence Export Strategy

• The Strategy is a considered and practical roadmap.

? “Whole of government” approach.

? Funding assistance for industry.

? Focus on leveling the global playing field for Australian SMEs.

• Top-ten global Defence exporter status, and the other objectives of the Strategy, are achievable for Australia.

• As a result of the Strategy, DroneShield is viewing favourably the option of large-scale manufacture of its products in Australia.

• The Strategy did not appear to receive appropriate levels of media attention but it is a major step for Australia.

• The Government got this policy initiative right.

On 29 January 2018, The Hon Christopher Pyne MP, Australian Minister for Defence Industry, announced the new Defence Export Strategy (the Strategy) of the Turnbull Government.

The Australian developer and manufacturer of cutting-edge high technology counter-drone products DroneShield Ltd (DroneShield or the Company) has now had an opportunity to review and consider the extensive Strategy in detail.

DroneShield’s Statement on The Defence Export Strategy

As an active participant in the Australian Defence export industry, DroneShield welcomes the Strategy. DroneShield’s analysis is that the Strategy is not an aspirational theoretical policy, but rather is a carefully thought-through and practical roadmap to attaining ambitious but perfectly achievable goals that will benefit Australia.

Oleg Vornik, DroneShield’s Chief Executive Officer, said “We are heartened by the considered and focused approach of the Turnbull Government and Minister Pyne to maximising the economic and social benefits of Australia’s growing Defence export industry, for Australia. The Defence export industry contributes $1.5 billion to $2.5 billion a year to Australia’s economy today but it lags compared to its counterparts in other major economies. The Government has recognised that, with some help from the Government, this status quo can be disrupted. The Australian economy and standing in the world will benefit substantially from this disruption. We believe that the Government has come up with a set of measures that will quickly produce tangible results.”

Image: DroneGun Tactical

The Strategy focuses on several key objectives:

• job creation in, and economic prosperity for, Australia;

• growing Australia’s Defence industry domestic capability in order for Australia to become a top ten global Defence exporter;

• achieving broader international engagement by Australia;

• maintaining the Australian Defence Force edge; and

• enabling greater innovation and productivity.

“Whole of Government” Approach

Since late 2017, DroneShield has been a member of Team Defence Australia, a join initiative with Austrade and the Department of Defence. Participation in Team Defence Australia, which lends the weight and credibility of Australian governmental assistance to a small company like DroneShield, has been invaluable for the Company. This new Government Strategy takes this collaborative approach much further, as it employs a “whole of government” approach whereby the government has established the Australian Defence Export Office and the office of the Australian Defence Export Advocate. This is an efficient approach, which will focus the governmental assistance available to Australian defence exporters on areas that will likely make a substantial difference:

• providing local Defence industry experts who are able to provide exporters with advice and support in foreign markets;

• interfacing industry with Australian Defence Attaches;

• sharing Defence industry intelligence with a broad range of industry stakeholders; and

• supporting exporters with trade missions.

Funding Assistance to Industry

To date, DroneShield has been able to develop and commence the sales of its high-tech products with the most minimal financial assistance from the government. But governmental procurement processes around the world are long, and there exists a time gap between development and broad adoption of cutting-edge technologies by governmental end-users. The Strategy’s focus on the Centre for Defence Industry Capability (CDIC) recognises the reality of Australian and global Defence procurement, and the critical importance of governmental grants in developing “bleeding-edge” Defence technologies and bridging this gap.

DroneShield, like most Australian Defence exporters, is generally necessarily smaller than its foreign competitors. The integration of the Export Finance and Insurance Corporation (EFIC) into the Strategy will enable Australian Defence exporters to accommodate large orders for which they would not have otherwise had working capital. Further, the ability of EFIC to provide Defence export finance will provide comfort to foreign governmental customers that Australian Defence exporters, albeit smaller than their foreign competitors, can deliver.

Image: DroneSentry

Focus on Levelling the Global Playing Field for Australian SMEs

In addition to the use of EFIC, the Strategy specifically singles out Australian small and medium sized enterprises for support, in order to help them compete internationally.

Importantly, the Strategy expressly focuses on helping Australian small and medium sized enterprises access the supply chains of the global primes (the largest global Defence companies). The primes hold a substantial amount of negotiating and purchasing power in dealings with Australian SMEs. However, the primes are also dependent on the Australian Government, a major customer for many of them, for orders. The Government’s willingness to throw its weight behind smaller Aussie companies is a testament to its understanding of the market, and its willingness to use its reputational capital to help small Australian businesses who would otherwise have been disadvantaged due to their size.

The Strategy is Already Making a Difference

Peter James, DroneShield’s Chairman, commented, “The Strategy commits public resources and efforts to an area where they are likely to be most effective. These resources will provide the public with a multiplier effect in employment, domestic manufacturing, cash in-flows for the economy, innovation, and our domestic ability to defend Australia without relying on others. The Strategy does not appear to have received appropriate levels of media attention. However, it is a major economic, productivity and Defence step for Australia. We have spent the recent weeks considering the Strategy and its effect and are convinced that the Government got it right.

With the initial orders for DroneShield’s cutting-edge anti-drone products DroneGun, DroneSentinel and DroneSentry now coming in, DroneShield is in the process of determining the most effective location for larger-scale manufacture for its products. We have a wide range of options on the table, including the United States and Asia, some seemingly more cost-effective than the option of manufacturing our products in Australia would provide. The Strategy gives us the comfort that if we were to bring the manufacture of our products and the associated employment to Australia, we will be making the right decision.”