SIG SAUER - Never Settle

ACW – FireLoc Heat Stabilized Plastic Fasteners And Buckles

October 24th, 2016

This is a release from ACW regarding their new FireLoc Heat Stabilized Plastic Fasteners and Buckles.

ACW is the industry’s leading designer, manufacturer and supplier of Heat Resistant Plastic Hardware.

Introducing FireLoc® heat stabilized plastic fasteners and buckles.

In response to the need for plastic hardware capable of meeting UL/ULC and NFPA standards for heat resistant hardware, we at ACW have engineered a plastic hardware line specifically designed to withstand high-heat applications. These heat stabilized products have been tested and approved by Underwriters Laboratories for use in the United States and Canada.

Our FireLoc® heat stabilized plastic fasteners and buckles meet UL/ULC Certified Standards of Safety.

• NFPA 1971, Standard on Protective Ensembles for Structural Fire
Fighting and Proximity Fire Fighting, 2013 Edition
• NFPA 1951, Standard on Protective Ensembles for Technical Rescue
Incidents, 2013 Edition
• NFPA 1977, Standard on Protective Clothing and Equipment for Wildland
Fire Fighting, 2016 Edition
• NFPA 2112, Standard on Flame-Resistant Garments for Industrial
Personnel Against Flash Fire, 2012 Edition
• NFPA 1975, Standard on Emergency Services Work Clothing Elements,
2014 Edition
• NFPA 1999, Standard on Protective Clothing for Emergency Medical
Operations, 2013 Edition
• CAN/CGSB 155.20, Standard on Workwear for Protection Against
Hydrocarbon Flash Fire, 2000 Edition
• CAN/CGSB 155.22, Standard on Fireline Workwear for Forest
Firefighters, 2014 Edition

ACW, Inc. is located in Woonsocket, Rhode Island in a state-of-the-art weaving and molding manufacturing facility. For more information on our FireLoc® heat stabilized plastic fasteners and buckles, please contact us at 401-762-5500 or visit

The Q Ball – SHOT Show 2017

October 24th, 2016

Traditionally, Kevin Brittingham has been known for holding some really great SHOT show parties at the Rio’s Voodoo Lounge. If you want to know what a Kevin Brittingham SHOT Show party is like, this  video from 2010 features MiniKISS. It was a rocking good time.

Now that he has the new company Q, why should things be any different? In fact, I’d bet The Q Ball will be even better.

You need to four important things about this event: Zip line, party, girls, fun! Sounds great, right? Be Military, Government or an Industry customer, and you are the kind of person this party is meant for. However, it’s invite only, so the only way to get a pass is through a sponsor, or Q. Unfortunately, there is a limited number of passes as the venue holds only about 500 people. There are still sponsorship packages available and interested parties can reach out to for more info.

If a cool party atmosphere wasn’t enough of a reason to go, how about some business? The Q Ball will feature product releases as well as giveaways and an auction to benefit the great work of the Special Operations Care-Fund.

As an aside for those of you who attend all of these parties at SHOT Show, that graphic gives you an idea of what they cost. So think about that next time you’re sucking down booze provided by a company that you’ll never buy a thing from. Vegas isn’t cheap and Q isn’t making money here, they’re just paying the going rate.

ZeroBravo S.M.A.R.T. Card (Simple Marksman Adjustment Reference Table)

October 24th, 2016


ZeroBravo’s S.M.A.R.T. Card or Simple Marksman Adjustment Reference Table card was developed to provide a simple method for calculating how many clicks are required to properly adjust a variety of popular electronic sights. The S.M.A.R.T. Card is made of waterproof die cut PVC, is sized for easy carry in a pocket, and features distance adjustments from 7m to 400m.

You Never Know Where They’ll Show Up

October 24th, 2016

Red Beach, Guadalcanal. My grandfather served on Guadalcanal. It was some of the roughest fighting in the war in the Pacific. He would never talk about it.

TAC-SAC – Get Your Balls Back America

October 23rd, 2016

There’s not a lot that needs to be said about the TAC-AC. Rather, it’s something that you get, once youve seen. Unfortunately, in this day and age, the TAC-SAC may be offensive to some, so I’ll suggest you not go to the jump unless you’re sure your career won’t be in jeopardy. Read the rest of this entry »

Meet The El Camino Suppressor From Q

October 23rd, 2016

Earlier this year, Kevin Brittingham put together his dream team to form a new company, named Q. While I initially believed they were going to launch a series of weapon accessories, including optics mounts, they went right after suppressors.

Considering Brittingham and chief designer Ethan Lessard’s background at AAC and SIG it shouldn’t have come as a surprise, but it did. That’s because the first product is a .22 suppressor called the El Camino.

I thought to myself, “Why would he mess with a .22 suppressor?” So, I asked Kevin Brittingham and he told me he considers the AAC Element the industry standard .22 suppressor, but he found that it isn’t very accurate. That’s why he did it.

Q has a couple of world class shooters who go by the names of Robbie Johnson and Lindsay Bunch. They took several .22 suppressors out and determined that none of them held accuracy. It’s a common issue that few recognize because most suppressed .22 weapons aren’t known for their own accuracy. In the case of the Element, the suppressed shot group was two to three times the size of an unsuppressed group. Consequently, the team concentrated on improving accuracy along with sound suppression.

For instance, Brittingham claims the El Camino is as quiet as the AAC Element although the Element may have a half db edge on first round pop.

In conjunction with Silencer Shop, Q gave the El Camino a soft launch at the recent Texas Firearms Festival. Silencer Shop posted video of the El Camino in action on both rifle and pistol, on their Instagram feed. As unscientific as the demonstration was, the weapons’ actions were louder than the report of the round being fired.

Q put a lot of R&D into the El Camino and there will be two variants. The Stainless Steel (17-4) model weighs about 4.2 oz and the titanium model is around 2.2 oz.

Either way, the construction remains constant. With both styles, the tube is titanium. Additionally, the end cap doesn’t use a proprietary tool for disassembly. Instead, it is compatible with a standard 1/2″ box end wrench or hex socket which most shooters have handy.

The baffles are a steep cone with asymmetric cut, whether 17-4 Stainless Steel or Titanium, and are designed to shield gasses from the outer tube.

During testing, Q shot 1000 rounds and at the end of the string of fire they disassembled the can and the baffles all fell right out. None of them were stuck to the outer tube, or one another.

Interestingly, the El Camino also features PVD coating. That’s a feature you aren’t going to see on a .22 can due to cost.

They’ve already started shipping forms and the first El Camino could be available in as little as two weeks.

Brittingham related that the planned MSRP is somewhere around $400; add about $50 to the cost for Ti baffles.

As I understand it, the entire first year’s run of El Camino suppressors will be available exclusively through our friends at Silencer Shop.

The El Camino might seem like the most vanilla product Q could release but it’s got my attention. I look forward to trying it out, along with several other promised products, including a full line of suppressors with a completely new construction, as well as a long gun, during SHOT Show.

BE Meyers & Company Announces MAWL Training Partnership With Presscheck Consulting & Training For LE

October 23rd, 2016

Over the weekend, MAWL manufacturer BE Meyers & Company announced a training partnership with Presscheck Consulting & Training for law enforcement customers. Look for more details soon.

Team Bianchi’s Kenda Lenseigne Wins Big at 2016 CMSA World Championship

October 23rd, 2016

Lenseigne impresses the crowd once again with a new world record

ONTARIO, Calif. – After setting not one, but two, world records at the 2016 Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association (CMSA) National Championship in May, Team Bianchi’s Kenda Lenseigne added another record to her impressive repertoire at the CMSA World Championship in Amarillo, Texas last weekend. In a world record run, Lenseigne won the Cimarron Eliminator CMSA World Champion Cowgirl title.

As one of Cowboy Mounted Shooting’s most renowned competitors, Lenseigne holds numerous titles and records prior to this victory. She has won this event four times before on her champion horse, Justin, between the years of 2005 and 2014. However, this is Lenseigne’s first World Championship win on her mare, Sparky, since retiring Justin last year.

“This win is incredibly special to me,” said Lenseigne. “I knew I could trust in my equipment to perform perfectly, but it is a big feat to be the World Champion in a first year partnership between rider and horse.”

Lenseigne finished the competition in 10.764 seconds, which was 0.12 seconds faster than the previous world record. Beating out the other 163 competitors entered in this category, Lenseigne ended with the overall fastest time for women.

“We are thrilled to congratulate Kenda and Sparky,” said Scott Carnahan, vice president, Safariland and Bianchi. “We are so proud of their accomplishments together and we thank Kenda for continuing to be an incredible ambassador for our brand and the sport.”

Team Safariland members are an integral part of the company’s product development process by regularly testing Safariland materials and products to ensure design and development. During the championship, Lenseigne utilized her Bianchi exclusive Kenda Lenseigne Signature Series Smokechaser™ Cowboy Holster.

For information about Team Safariland and Safariland equipment, please visit and follow Safariland on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter