
A Little Known Moment In HodgeHistory

February 16th, 2016

Today In HodgeHistory, Feb 16, 1923: Despite curses against it, the sealed burial chamber of Egyptian ruler King Tutankhamen is cracked open.


Now Shipping Magpul CORE Ranch Gloves & Tech Gloves In All Colors

February 16th, 2016

Magpul CORE Ranch Gloves

Inspired by their new home in Central Texas and their love for traditional things that just work, the Magpul Core Ranch Gloves are a modern interpretation of a classic.

The Ranch Gloves feature a modern athletic fit, touchscreen enhancement, and 100% goatskin leather construction for hard-working hands to feel at home.

– Constructed with soft and durable goatskin for roping, riding, or simply working around the ranch
– An elasticized wrist and extended gauntlet gives you an easy on and off glove
– Conductive thread on the index finger for touchscreen compatibility
– Subdued branding

Magpul CORE Technical Gloves


The most lightweight and tactile glove in the Magpul line up, the Technical Gloves offer abrasion protection with maximum dexterity.

Durable synthetic construction for a second-skin fit with terry backed thumbs and touch screen capability that provide protection for active hands with minimum impact on fine motor skills.

– Lightweight, durable glove without compromising dexterity
– Tough synthetic suede palm and inner finger construction for wet or dry grip on all firearms
– Narrow, minimalistic forefinger for easy access and better control of firearms triggers
– Terrycloth backed thumb area to quickly remove fogging on hunting optics and glasses
– Ambidextrous three-finger touchscreen capability
– Elastic wrist closure keeps out debris
– 100% synthetic
– Subdued branding for better camouflage and concealment

SKD’s HSGI Taco Tuesday

February 16th, 2016

Got this note from SKD that I thought you might be interested in for an Instagram contest. 

Next Tuesday (2/23/16), we are giving away a FREE HSGI Taco pouch to 5 people who post an AWESOME pic with the hashtag #skdtacotuesday actually taken in the image (not photoshopped). Write/print/tattoo #skdtacotuesday on something/someone, and put it in an AWESOME picture, and post it between now and 23:59 CST on Monday (2/22/15). The SKD Council of AWESOME shall select 5 winners and publicly recognize their superiority over other contestants. Make sure to also type in the following hashtags when you post: #highspeedgear #skdtacotuesday #skdtactical. This promo is limited to colors we have in stock, and only for our AWESOME U.S. customers.

Old Grouch’s Military Surplus – Poncho

February 16th, 2016

It seems the US military has slowly gotten out of the poncho business which has dried up their availability on the surplus market. Instead, we see import models which don’t quite live up to US-GI quality. Yet, demand remains. Old Grouch’s has found a new manufacturer to offer American made ponchos to their customers. They’ve also made some updates to the design.

The poncho is a multipurpose item that can be used for a wide variety of applications. Not least of which, is as a garment to keep you out of the weather. I don’t know how many nights I’ve slept underneath a poncho hooch, one of the lightest and most versatile shelters I ever used while in the Army. There are so many ways to pitch it. It’s an item that belongs in everyone’s toolbox.

Thanks Thumpy!

Dressed To Kill

February 16th, 2016

This image from the September 28, 1959 issue of ‘Life’ magazine depicts a developmental US Army clothing system reportedly intended for wear on a nuclear battlefield. While the gloves, mask and coveralls are interesting, what is really cool is the helmet, complete with IR goggles.

The plastic helmet integrates the AN/PRC-34 radio, the developmental Soldier Radio of its day and an attempt to replace the large, walkie-talkie PRC-6 squad radios. The two studs along the crown of the helmet hold the antenna in place when not in use. In this photo, the antenna is deployed. Between the M-1 helmet-style webbing and the shell was a snag of wires.

But the IR goggles are the real treat here, considering this photo is coming up on 60 years old. First off, they are binocular and mount in a similar fashion to what we still do today.  You can also see the battery pack at the rear of the helmet.  A later version of the helmet was developed that offered some ballistic protection as well accommodations for a newer radio variant, the PRC-36.  However, this radio was not integrated directly into the helmet.


February 16th, 2016

Although it’s been around for awhile now, I first saw the TRMR E2 in SERT’s booth when I stopped by to check out the Sentinel Pack.

The TRMR E2 is a reusable diversionary device. What makes it stand out from others is that it has received a determination from the BATFE that on its own, it is NOT a Destructive Device. Available in 12 and 20 gauge, it can be loaded with Nitro Propellant (not explosive nor gunpowder), Magnesium Oxide, or Magnesium.  Not only does this make it safer and easier to store, transport, train and use, but also makes it less expensive to employ since it is reusable.

It’s a two part cylindrical device manufactured from metal components. The main body is available in a number of colors including black, grey and blue. Each unit is engraved with a unique serial number on a flattened surface of the main body. The TRMR E2 design addresses a number of critical shortcomings against currently available items improving in key areas.

This new device helps familiarize operators with diversionary devices and is an effective audible and visual distraction with temporary stun effect.
3-Stage Safety System – The fastest deployable & reloadable inertia device on the market.

3-Stage Safety System – The fastest deployable & reloadable inertia device on the market.

No Pins or Levers to Lose – Incorporating the “Twist to Arm” Safety System which provides up to 50% reduction time on deployment.

Inertia Recoil Firing System – Allows for successful discharge of munitions.

In the UK there are four loads available for the TRMRs and ALL have been tested and classified as 1.4S (regular ammo). However these are months out before they will receive determinations from BATF. Loads need to also be determined to be non-destructive which will then make it easier for the procurement, storage and transportation of these by LE.

US loads tested last week have an output of 172db and 1.5 mil candelas @ 7 feet.  These US loads already have non-destructive determinations so no waiting for that. In essence, the 20mm (12GA) TRMRs and these new loads will be made available for sale before the end of March.

ACR Electronics – SARLink

February 16th, 2016

SARLink-front(First Handheld Device With Two-way Data Communications, Global Tracking and Immediate 406 MHz Emergency Access.)

Fort Lauderdale, FL., February 15, 2016 – ACR Electronics, Inc.announces the release of the SARLink. The world’s first communication device that combines the global services of Iridium’s Short Burst Data, and the Cospas-Sarsat 406 MHz emergency network into an ergonomically designed hand-held device. The Iridium based features of the SARLink fulfil the requirements for Blue & Friendly Force Tracking, as well as two-way messaging for command and control. The 406 MHz locator beacon leverages the proven reliability of the Cospas-Sarsat network, which has successfully aided search and rescue personnel around the world in saving over 37,000 lives since the mid-1980’s.

SARLink can be provisioned to operate on the DoD Gateway utilizing the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Enhanced Mobile Satellite Services airtime contract, or the Iridium Commercial Gateway, supporting 10, 30 byte, and PECOS formats. The 406 MHz beacon can be configured to standard or national protocol. SARLink incorporates a second battery dedicated to 406 MHz operation, providing more than 24 hours of distress messaging.

Military personnel equipped with a SARLink will benefit from the following distinct operational capabilities:

  • Dedicated SOS Button – redundant emergency notification through both the Cospas-Sarsat and Iridium networks with embedded Precise Location Information (PLI)
  • Iridium Only Distress Alerting – option to engage the Iridium-only distress alert, user-defined notification to proprietary command centers and personnel
  • Two-Way Data Communication – send and receive free-text and canned messages using the on-board QWERTY touch screen keyboard to:
  • Verify and validate distress messages as well as routine operational command and control;
    Communicate via text with:
    – other mobile cellular and satellite devices;
    – other SARLink devices; and
    – any email service.

  • Contact lists can be pre-defined and can incorporate canned messages that are scripted and loaded across agency devices
  • Friendly Force Tracking – transmit PLI at selectable intervals from once per minute to once per day. Create, save, and send waypoints as well as manual check-ins
  • Gerald Angeli, ACR Electronics President and General Manager stated, “We are proud to provide an elite product such as the SARLink to support our military’s communication and emergency needs. As a leading manufacturer of survival gear, developing new products like the SARLink to enhance the safety of military personnel brings further validation to the importance of what we do here at ACR.”

    Prometheus Design Werx – Expedition Watch Band Compass

    February 16th, 2016


    Seen here in general purpose wrap mode.