Wilcox BOSS Xe

Matt Landfair on Police and the Minimum Requirement

September 14th, 2015

This is Matt Landfair’s second article on SSD. Matt is a Veteran Police officer, firearms/tactics instructor and founder of primaryandsecondary.com. We are hoping that articles like this can spur dialogue.


I have always been a firearms enthusiast. I was surprised I wasn’t surrounded by like-minded people when I went through the police academy. It wasn’t until I took further training beyond what is provided in law enforcement did I start seeing a bigger picture beyond just firearms. I learned how firearms, equipment, tactics, and training all work in concert. I also found this bigger picture was not an important aspect with many of my coworkers. This bigger picture is an important part of law enforcement; aspects within it can affect life or death outcomes.


Because of the weight firearms and firearms training holds; I found myself always looking to improve. My attitude is it is best to have and not need than to need and not have. Yes, the likelihood of needing firearms skills is lesser compared to other law enforcement skills. However, lacking firearms skills when you need them could potentially cause a life devastating incident. An issue I run into consistently is conveying the importance of training to those uninterested parties. The couple extra reps or magazines shot can make a difference, and in the long run they provide tangible results – unfortunately the naysayers want results now. During my quest to spread the gospel of good training and gear I have run into several different types of personalities who block progress within a department. These types of officers are obstacles to improving overall department capabilities:
-Too experienced – They used a sub-optimal or bad option which magically worked (against all odds). Now they push bad ideas.
-Already knows what is best – no experience, no scientific backing- they somehow already know what works. Worse, all of their answers are from the internet from questionable sources. .22’s kill more people; we should use .22’s as our duty guns.
-Playing the odds – They shoot down ideas because the likelihood of further training, superior weapons, or equipment (armor) most likely won’t ever be needed.
-Not important – similar to playing the odds, but this one wants department pencils (include your favorite excuse here) made instead of buying patrol rifles or funding training.


We already know police standards in training, equipment, qualifications are a minimum requirement. For me, this is not the standard to occupy. When is minimum a standard to strive for? If your department will not act to improve, to what extent are you willing to go to provide a better and safer environment for yourself at work? I may be better trained or equipped because it is on my dime, but what about my coworkers? A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Do you want those weak links with you in a gunfight?

So how do you get that further training and equipment to strengthen that department chain? Rank is not always needed to instigate a positive change. There are budgetary constraints to everything within a police department. Realistic explanations need to be provided as to why your concepts are a necessity and weigh that lifesaving option to the non-essential items and training that are being purchased. With this in mind, what is the life of an officer at your department worth? I worked for agencies that did not provide these things and having that specialized personally owned equipment and additional training put me in a class well above that standard.


That minimum standard not only affects weapons, gear, and training – this affects personnel. I don’t think the public is aware we are blessed by officers who do not see police work as a job but as a calling and a passion. I do not think any of my friends or coworkers do this because of the pay. When the public cries out because of a few bad cops – be aware, if those standards were higher and higher pay was offered to attract better candidates – bad apples would be more easily weeded out.

Don’t let department training and standards be your standards, go beyond that minimum – strive to lead.

This article was originally published on www.primaryandsecondary.com and reprinted with permission from Matt who retains the Copyright to his work.

FIREClean – Despite Rumors to the Contrary, It’s Not What’s for Dinner

September 14th, 2015

File this under “why did it even have to be said?”

We would like to address recent false or misleading allegations that range from simply misguided to false, defamatory, and libelous. These attacks have been made by competitors and others that paint our product in a false or misleading light. The allegations do not focus on actual performance or relevant tests, and draw a misleading picture.

FIREClean Advanced Gun Oil is a specifically formulated, technically superior weapon reliability solution that resists the harshest firing with enormous heat and carbon overload that seize most weapons. It is a formulation- made specifically for exceptional reliability in firearms and weapons- not a re-labeled or re-packaged product.

FIREClean has been proven in combat in Afghanistan by US Special Operations Forces, and is in use by Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force Special Operations. It is also in use by elements of the FBI, DHS, DEA, CBP, Secret Service, Department of State, various intelligence agencies as well as numerous State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies.

FIREClean has been successfully tested on and is in use on weapons from handguns and shotguns to fully automatic and suppressed individual weapons. It has also been successfully tested on and is in use on crew served weapons from 5.56mm M249s to 40mm Automatic Grenade Launchers.

In addition to over 3 years of Combat and Service/Duty usage, FIREClean has been used on the competition circuit by the best shooters in the world, including the US Army Marksmanship Unit. It has been used to win multiple National Championships in Pistol, 3 Gun, Sniping, and many other competitive shooting disciplines.

We are proud to be of service to those that bear arms in defense of our freedom, those that serve to keep us safe in our communities, and those that carry firearms for self defense. We are also pleased to be of service to tens of thousands of competitors, hunters, and recreational shooters- all of whom appreciate the highest possible levels of reliability and safety.

We believe that our performance speaks for itself. We offer what we and many others regard as the best, highest performing product on the market. We have not commented on the formulation, nor will we do so now. We have focused on performance, and we will continue to do so.

Rest assured that we will defend our good name against false, defamatory and libelous allegations using the full measure of remedies available to us.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

-Posted by FIREclean on their Facebook wall.

Frankford Arsenal Phila. 1942

September 14th, 2015

Our friend Joe T sent us this a photo of this interesting display with the caption, “Brass was scarce in 42 used steel cases.”

Tyron And Global Wheelto Supply Run Flat Wheel Assemblies For Springbuck APC

September 13th, 2015


Reduces production time and enhances vehicle capability

Loughborough, UK, 15th September 2015: The Springbuck Armoured Personnel Carrier manufactured in South Africa by DCD Defence, is fitted with complete runflat wheel assemblies provided by Tyron and its South African partner Global Wheel.

The initial contract for three complete sets of wheels are fitted with the Global Wheel bolt-together rim, Tyron multi-part All Terrain Rubber Runflat inserts and Continental tyres. These systems will be exposed to extreme harsh African terrains.


“By providing the complete assembly, DCD Defence can reduce the production line assembly requirements. The end user is provided with a proven, highly reliable solution which will keep the vehicle moving safely in the event of a sudden tyre deflation. The wheels can be changed without any special tools even at the roadside,” said Richard Glazebrook, Managing Director of Tyron Runflats Ltd.

Tyron ATR wheel assembly has a unique multi-part rubber runflat fitted to the Global Wheels two part bolt-together steel wheels. This system is locally manufactured specifically for the Springbuck APC.

The Tyron All Terrain Rubber runflat is not only a multi-piece unit but also successfully passed ballistic tests. Emphasis was placed on the connections to ensure that under severe ballistic attack the ATR is not compromised as rubber absorbs far more energy than hard materials from kerb strikes and IEDs.
The Global Wheels bolt-together wheels are available in both steel and aluminium, the rubber of the ATR is enhanced to ensure beadlock, which offers a guaranteed high level off-road flat tyre performance which is not possible with composite runflats.

With Tyron ATRs fitted, the Springbuck APC can be driven for a minimum of 50 km even with all tyres being damaged.

The Springbuck APC features a powerful MWM6 cylinder diesel turbo charged engine and carries a driver and ten personnel. With B6 ballistic protection upgradeable to B7, the all-steel armoured V-shaped hull is designed to withstand a TM57 mine directly under the hull and two under any wheel. The standard configuration can be easily adapted to suit various applications and end user requirements.

Tyron is exhibiting its range of ATRs on stand N9-300 during DSEI 2015 in London from 15 to 18 September. DCD Defence is exhibiting its range on stand N3-110.


Marshall confirms capabilities in providing military vehicle stretcher systems

September 13th, 2015

Media Release

Date: 10th September 2015


Casualty handling on the battlefield is critical to maintaining moral. To achieve this not only is excellent training needed but also a high quality ambulance fit out. Marshall Aerospace and Defence Group has developed a range of stretcher systems to be fitted into armoured ambulances and will be discussing these during DSEI 2015 on stand S3-310.

The systems have been developed based on the proven experience of supplying stretcher solutions for a range of armoured ambulances in service across Europe and over 800 stretcher systems for the ubiquitous Land Rover Ambulance which has been in service around the world for over 40 years with the British and other Armies.

“The skills of our engineering teams in developing these stretcher systems demonstrate that not only that Marshall is able to work closely with the end user and our partners but also has the innovate skills to deliver a quality, long lasting solution which is fit for purpose,” said Steve Fitz-Gerald, Chief Executive of Marshall Aerospace and Defence Group.

“Whenever nations are either upgrading their vehicle fleets or purchasing new ones there are opportunities for us to integrate the medical equipment into the clinical white space as well as provide stretcher systems using our proven vehicle engineering skills,” he added.

The stretcher systems are designed to maximise the working space in each type of vehicle for the medical attendant to monitor and treat the casualty, whether on a stretcher or seated.

The loading systems are engineered to minimise the effort and time of loading the stretcher by the combat medics into the vehicle so reducing the risk to themselves, the casualty and the vehicle.


London Metro Police On Patrol With SIG SAUER MCX

September 13th, 2015


A recent article published by the Daily Mail shows London Metro Police outfitted in the latest equipment supplied by Edgar Brothers, Arc’teryx LEAF uniforms and SIG SAUER MCX rifles,  the latter of which were missidentified within the article as G36s. 

You can check out the photos at the following link: www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3229819/Don-t-mess-Met-terrifying-machine-gun-toting-anti-terror-police-guarding-Israeli-PM-Netanyahu-visit-London

Hill People Gear Considers Adding New Kit Bag Harness

September 13th, 2015

In response to customers looking for a PALS backed harness for their Kit Bag, Hill People Gear came up with this prototype. If they decide to place it into production, it will be an add-on item and not a substitution at time of purchase.

Let them know what you think at hillpeoplegear.com/Forum.

Sneak Peek – Huron Hot Weather Uniform from TYR Tactical

September 12th, 2015

TYR Tactical is unveiling their new Huron Hot Weather uniform during next week’s DSEI at London’s ExCel Center in booth N4-374.

Look for full details here on SSD.