There were a lot of great products at Federal Range Day, but I found this to be the most significant.

The Rapid Access Safe Room was designed by manufacturer and contractor KT Solutions USA to protect school students and staffs from active shooter threats. Naturally, it can installed in other buildings, both government and private sector, as well.

Offering NIJ level III armor protection, the RASR can be stored against the wall, the sides configured as dry erase or cork boards, yet can be deployed in 10 seconds, providing shelter from gunfire or even objects propelled around a room due to a tornado.
The door and wall are locked from within making unauthorized entry extremely difficult. Yes, there’s a way to gain entry in the case someone accidentally locks themselves inside and is incapable of opening the door but I’m not going to disclose it here.
There are optional cameras for both inside and outside the shelter which can be used to verify the identities and condition of those within the shelter and to maintain situational awareness outside of the shelter.
Interestingly, the safe room is manufactured with a standard height and custom panels are fashioned for each installation to allow it to cover from floor to ceiling.
Units and agencies can procure products seen at ADS Federal Range Day by contacting ADS, Inc.