GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Archive for December, 2010

Silynx Updates Website ADS

Friday, December 31st, 2010

Silynx has updated their website. They offer a variety of communications solutions and as we reported earlier this year, the C4OPS headset system is fully programmable and is the system of choice for many of world’s most elite forces. Not only does Silynx regularly provide software updates, but they have built a system that can integrate with communications equipment from other vendors. Not only that, but it’s available in MultiCam, so no more big black PTT boxes on your chest.

One of the coolest upgrades to the site is the new “Build Your Own” interface. It allows you to configure a C4OPS system based on your actual requirements.

Silynx has also developed some very useful battery cables for those using the MBITR.

If you are in the market for specialized communication equipment, Silynx has your solution. Don’t forget, ADS can supply the entire Silynx line up to your unit or agency.


The Greatest Contest of the Year!

Friday, December 31st, 2010

Bearse USA and Juggernaut Defense LLC are sponsoring the coolest contest we have ever seen. Have you ever had a great idea for a piece of load bearing equipment but didn’t have the means to make it reality? Or maybe you have always fancied yourself a nylon gear industry tycoon who just needs that big break? Either way, you’ll get your chance. All you have to do is enter the “Greatest Contest of the Year” and convince the judges that you have the best idea around. Granted, it is the last day of the year, but you have to save the best ’til last.

To enter, visit contest.soldiersystems.net. You’ll find all of the details there. Please, feel free to pass the word.

STAT and LMT Collaborate on the Quick Fire Sight System

Friday, December 31st, 2010

STAT International, in association with Lewis Machine & Tool (LMT), has developed an angled offset mount system for mini red dot (MRD) optics. The Quick Fire Sight System (QFSS) as it is known, maintains height over bore consistent with the primary optics commonly used on A2 platforms, eliminating the “prairie-dogging” often associated with top mount MRDs. When mounted to the rear of the rail, the red dot can be easily accessed and the dot is already in field of view when at the high ready. According to testing conducted by STAT, 86% of evaluators and testers preferred the rear mounting position which allows the sight to be on the same focal plane as the primary optic.

The QFSS is designed to be used as a primary/backup to a magnified optic such as an ACOG or most Sniper/DM precision optics. This provides the precision shooter the ability to patrol and have a rapid acquisition, close quarter sight at the ready. The LMT manufactured mount attaches to any Picatinny-spec rail, works for both left or right hand, is machined from T6 aluminum and comes with all necessary mounting hardware. The system was initially developed by competitive 3 gun shooters needing quicker, accurate close shot acquisition, and was rapidly adopted by the military close quarter combat community.

For more information, please contact info@statintl.com.

LMT Quick Fire Sight System

Magpul Releases Rail Sling Adapter

Friday, December 31st, 2010

First mentioned at last year’s SHOT Show, Magpul’s Rail Sling Adapter has finally hot the market. The RSA is the perfect accessory for those using Magpul’s unique MS2 and upcoming MS3 slings. In fact, the whole project came about to accommodate those slings. But hell, it’s pretty sweet for use with virtually any sling. The loop is larger than anything else out there and will accept large buckles/shackles.

The RSA is crafted from precision cast black manganese phosphatized steel, It is designed to attach to any Picatinny (MILSTD 1913) rail. What’s more, Magpul claims that the RSA has been proven to withstand stress tests of over 300 pounds. This is important as the RSA is intended to be mounted on the top rail. But still, it’s pretty impressive considering it weighs a scant 1.26 ounces. Of course, it’s Made in U.S.A.


Tune in Tomorrow for an Exciting Announcement

Friday, December 31st, 2010

Tomorrow we will be making a very exciting announcement. For us, it’s the coolest opportunity we have ever been able to offer our readers.

Details to follow…

Maverick HS12 “Tactical” Over/Under

Friday, December 31st, 2010

Mossberg knows how to make a great shotgun. Their products are widely used by military, law enforcement, and civilian sources for both personal defense and sport. But when they decide to alter one of their hunting shotguns and call it a tactical firearm? That may just be jumping the shark a little. On that note, I present to you The Maverick HS12 over/under.

Now, when we get right down to it, a ‘tactical’ firearm’s purpose is to perform well when engaging an enemy, and I’m not too sure an over/under shotgun has that capability. Sure it’s black, features a shortened barrel, and sports Picatinny rails (just a reminder: I am not describing an M4 carbine) but those particular characteristics don’t instantly equal tactical. In addition to this, one glaring flaw really holds the Maverick back: it features extractors and not ejectors, so when you pop the barrel to reload, you have to manually remove the spent shells, a time-consuming action that could cost you your life.

Maybe I’m being a little too judgmental since I’ve never actually tested the Maverick, but the idea isn’t a practical one. I’d rather get a 590A1 with a six round magazine tube (from the same company, no less) than a double-barrel shotgun any day of the week. Also, when you release a firearm that sounds more like a Nerf blaster than a self-defense tool, you deserve at least a little scrutiny.

Tactical Fanboy

GSS Awarded GSA Schedule

Thursday, December 30th, 2010

You may know of them by their formal name, or the more user friendly GSS Gear. But either way you say it, you can also say that they are now on GSA. They have been awarded a Federal Government General Services Administration (GSA) Schedule contract, number GS-07F-0192X.

The GSA’s supply schedules are contracts that allow Federal and Executive agencies, the Department of Defense, and other authorized institutions and organizations to purchase products and services from commercial suppliers at pre-negotiated rates. For a purchaser, using a GSA contract eliminates potentially cumbersome and lengthy bidding processes while assuring quality and consistency. It also helps to ensure that purchases are made within the confines of the procurement rules.

“We are very pleased that our manufacturers’ products are now available through GSA,” says Emily Whittaker, CEO of GSS Gear. “Being awarded a GSA schedule means that we will be able to streamline the procurement process for our customers while ensuring that the price will be fair.”

Military, Federal, State and local agencies can obtain information about GSS Gear’s GSA Schedule by visiting GSA Advantage at www.gsaadvantage.gov or by contacting GSS Gear directly at 877.MOR.GEAR.


Ahhh…Now It All Makes Sense

Thursday, December 30th, 2010

So we’ve been sitting around the office for weeks trying to figure out Hypersealth came up with SMARTCAMOâ„¢, that color changing camo material they recently teased us with.

Then, we find out that Dr. Joseph Resnick, Lt. Col. Timothy R. O’Neill, Ph.D (U.S. Army, Ret.) and Guy Cramer (of Hyperstealth fame) have owned mineral rights for 95% of the side of the moon that faces Earth, the polar regions and 50% of the far side of the Moon since 2007. And that isn’t to mention their mineral rights on Mars!

So this has got to be it, they have found some rare mineral on the Moon that makes SMARTCAMOâ„¢ work. Now the question is, how did they get it back to Earth?