
Archive for the ‘For the Ladies’ Category

For The Ladies – Kühl’s Kultivatr Overall

Tuesday, May 23rd, 2023

Offering UPF 50+ protection, the Kultivatr Overall is made from a stretch twill fabric and offers olenty of pockets for those outdoor chores.

Offered in Honey, Pavement, and Sage in sizes 0-16.

RMA Armament Announces Female Armor Plates & Kits

Tuesday, May 23rd, 2023

CENTERVILLE, Iowa (May 22, 2023) – RMA Armament, Inc., the King of Armor®., the industry’s leader in ceramic hard armor performance in law enforcement and civilian markets is pleased to announce its women’s hard armor product line – the first of its kind available for direct purchase.

Beginning with the Level IV FSAPI armor kit, RMA is revolutionizing female hard body armor with the shape, curvature and size requirement needed to not only properly protect, but also provide comfort for female wearers.

Let’s face it; women have a vastly different anatomy than men. So women’s armor protection needs to take on a different size and shape. Accordingly, RMA’s new FSAPI Level 4 body armor for women has a proprietary female architecture. And, this FSAPI plate doesn’t cut corners when it comes to protection. Firstly, it’s rated to defeat the Level 4 body armor standard 30.06 M2AP. Additionally, it will also defeat M80 NATO, 7.62×39 MSC, M855, M855A1, XM193, and more.

The 1118 FSAPI Level IV female armor plate from RMA is available in a custom-engineered 9″x11″ size and also weighs only 7.0 lbs. (+/- .125lbs).

“We’re thrilled to launch this female armor line that’s been years in the making. Years of research has gone into the sizing and curvature of these plates. Obviously, protection from rifle threats is a very real need for women, but so too is functionality,” said RMA founder and owner Blake Waldrop. “So this life saving product hopes to fill the need the void that armor companies in the past have neglected. And this is just the start. We have many more exciting plans for our FSAPI plates in the future.” 

Due to the custom shape and size of the FSAPI front and back plates, RMA, along with its partner Shellback Tactical, have created the Queen Plate Carrier (QPC), specifically manufactured for RMA’s proprietary FSAPI plates.

Cadet Sisters Compete at the US Army Small Arms Championships

Saturday, April 1st, 2023

Fort Benning, Georgia — This year’s U.S. Army Small Arms Championships was more than just a unique training event for two Texas A&M Reserve Officers’ Training Corps cadets, it was a family affair.

Cadets Hayle Mayer and Jesse Mayer, who are sisters, participated in the week-long, comprehensive, live-fire marksmanship training event that brings together more than 250 Soldiers from across the U.S. Army to the Maneuver Center of Excellence. The annual event, which is commonly called the All Army, is hosted by the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit and opens up with All Army competitors receiving a variety of classes from the USAMU champions and experienced trainers.

After that, the Soldier competitors, who were a mix of servicemembers from active duty, Reserve, National Guard and ROTC, put the lessons to the test on the ranges by competing in 11 different courses of fire during the week. The variety of matches allowed the Soldiers to compete in both rifle and pistol matches, with and without combat gear, as well a four-stage multigun match.

As a senior, All Army 2023 was Jesse’s second year to compete and the cadet said each year has been extremely helpful in developing her Soldier skills.

“I think both times that I have come here, I have really grown as a marksman…just learning the basics, what I am capable of, watching improvement each year, and just learning how complex marksmanship is. It’s been really incredible each time.”

For her sophomore sister, Hayle, it was her first All Army experience. With limited prior marksmanship experience and spending all week with an array of Soldiers with a range of marksmanship knowledge, Hayle said she was trying to absorb all that she could.

“I am just learning basically everything you can about shooting.”

Though Hayle and Jesse may at be different levels of marksmanship knowledge, the sisters say that military life in general is nothing new to them. In fact, they were born into that life since both their parents were Marines, both grandfathers were Soldiers and a grandmother was an Airman.

That meant that military life was just always there. It’s what we saw and respected, Jesse explained.

“Everyone was so disciplined and so patriotic. There was just such a higher purpose to the military that I always saw, and I wanted to be part of that.”

So when it came time for college, joining an Army ROTC program was nothing out of the ordinary because both our parents instilled a strong sense of independence and strength in us, Jesse said.

“Our parents really made sure that we always knew that we were capable of anything that we wanted to do. So there was nothing stopping us, as long as we put our minds to it and put in the hard work.”

And that’s exactly why Hayle and Jesse were at All Army. As part of their ROTC’s Ranger Challenge Team, the cadets competed in the USAMU training event to gather experience and knowledge that they could later share with other cadets. That way, the A&M Team will be stronger and more knowledgeable before we go to the Sandhurst Military Skills Competition at West Point, Hayle explained.

“We all want each other to do the best that we can.”

Jesse reflected that same espirit de corps as well when asked about if her and her little sister were competitive with each other.

“We are very competitive with each other, but also very supportive I think — we balance each other out.”

Sharing knowledge with her teammates, and her little sister, is just a way to pave it forward and frankly, just how we were brought up, Jesse explained.

“Growing up, I watched it—the honor, the sacrifice, and what it meant to give back and serve other people, your Country and your family.”

With all that, Jesse is proud to say that she is contracted to commission in May of 2024 and looks forward to carrying on her family’s tradition of service.

“It means a lot to me to serve my Country, to push myself in any way that I can, and it is part of a family legacy—being in the military—and I just want to complete that and do that for my family.”

Though military service is a tradition in the family, Hayle says it’s not something she feels like she has to do as well. She just wants to do it too, and that’s the advice she’d give to any other young adult, or even a little sister.

“Hold yourself to your own standards, not the standards of other people. If you want to do something, then that’s just the fact and just do it.”

By LTC Michelle Lunato

Female Veterans Made ‘Visible’ by new Transformational Programme Which Will Provide Ambitious Toolkit to Support Servicewomen from the Royal Navy, Army and RAF

Sunday, March 19th, 2023

“When people hear ‘veteran’ they think of an elderly gentleman wearing medals. But what about our servicewomen? Women have been invisible for too long, and we now know the far-reaching impact this is having.”

Colonel (Retd) Alison Brown OBE, Chair of the Cobseo Female Veterans’ Cluster, and Life Vice President of the WRAC Association

[LONDON] The invisible cohort of female veterans will finally be brought into view, thanks to a new programme designed to deliver long-term, systemic change at veteran-facing organisations such as healthcare services, care homes and charities. The news follows research including a 2021 report by Cosbeo and NHS England showing that female veterans are significantly less likely to identify with the term ‘veteran’ than their male counterparts.  

The Female Veterans Transformation Programme will be managed by the Women’s Royal Army Corps (WRAC) Association and Cobseo (The Confederation of Service Charities) to reduce barriers to women who have served, by working collaboratively across the Armed Forces charity sector. The project will be funded by a £300,000 grant from the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust.


The announcement follows extensive research into the experience of female veterans who have left the Armed Forces which shows an estimated 53% of female veterans feel their needs are not adequately met by current veteran services, as confirmed by Sarah Atherton MP in a 2021 report. The Female Veteran Transformation Programme plans to set foundations for future generations of female veterans across the Royal Navy, Army, and Royal Air Force by developing a toolkit to tackle key themes including: physical and mental healthcare, financial advice, care provisions, employment services and combating loneliness. In the words of Colonel (Retd) Alison Brown OBE, who is Chair of the Cobseo Female Veterans’ Cluster Group, and Life Vice President of the WRAC Association: “We will translate our strong understanding of the female veteran cohort to ensure that the particular needs of female veterans are firmly embedded in the design and delivery of support services, diluting and, in time, removing the many barriers to access now identified through published research.


£300,000 in funding from the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust’s Transformational Grants programme will allow Cobseo’s Female Veterans’ Cluster Group to set foundations for future generations of servicewomen – by collaborating with veteran-facing organisations (such as health services, care providers and charities) to provide tailored guidance on how to support newly transitioned female veterans as well as their older counterparts. Nick Pope, Chair of Cobseo, voices his delight: “This funding is a very positive step forward in developing sustainable and targeted support for all female Veterans. The research commissioned by Cobseo’s Female Veterans Cluster, and undertaken by the Veterans and Families Institute for Military Social Research (VFI) at Anglia Ruskin University to examine women’s overall experiences in the UK Armed Forces in June 2021, made a range of recommendations on how to improve life for women during and after military service, and this funding enables us to work collaboratively across the Armed Forces Charity sector to take significant action towards making real lasting and change.

Anna Wright, Chief Executive of the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust, shares her thoughts on the newly-awarded Transformation Grant: “We are excited by the potential for systemic change, addressing some very difficult challenges for the Armed Forces community. It is inspiring to see the level of in-depth knowledge, experience and expertise shown by those who’ve received funding. We look forward to seeing the impact that this funding will have and hope that it will prove to be truly transformational.”


The Rt Hon Johnny Mercer MP, Minister for Veterans’ Affairs has recently highlighted the need for improved provisions for female veterans: “Making this country the best place in the world to be a veteran shouldn’t just be something we say, but something we do. In order to deliver this ambition, it’s vital that we listen to women veterans, celebrate their successes, and deliver the support they need.”

Paula Rogers, CEO of the WRAC Association, explains: “This AFCT funding allows the Women’s Royal Army Corps Association, in partnership with  the Cobseo Female Veterans’ Cluster Group, to take forward this much-needed work to design and sustain the provision of support services for all female veterans. We are proud to be spearheading this work for female veterans across the Royal Navy, Army, and Royal Air Force and will work to deliver long term systematic change with benefits reaching our elderly war-service veterans through to those leaving their service career in years to come.

Army’s First Female Deep-Sea Diver Reflects on Career

Sunday, February 5th, 2023

FORT LEE, Va. — Andrea Motley Crabtree’s career can be lauded as a ground-breaking triumph.

Or, it could be noted as a tragic tale of lingering misery, a grim reminder such achievements often come with human tolls.

Crabtree is the Army’s first female deep-sea diver and the first African American female deep-sea diver in any branch of service.

The retired Army master sergeant was the guest speaker at the Martin Luther King Jr. observance Jan. 19 at the Lee Theater. She spoke in front of a few hundred people, including CASCOM and Fort Lee commanding general Maj. Gen. Mark T. Simerly, whom she has known 30 years.

During the speech, the 64-year-old laid bare her fight to pursue what she loved, the forces that undermined her ambitions and the deep, invisible wounds she suffered as a result.

Crabtree said she knew the journey to earning the Army Diver Badge would be fraught with difficulty — a classmate said she “belonged in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant” — but even she could not anticipate the malevolence exhibited by some classmates because she was black and female.

“I expected to go through a lot of hazing when I went through dive school and I did,” she recalled, “and I actually agree with the process. Once that diver badge is pinned on, any diver that sees that pin knows exactly what I went through and what I’m capable of, and I knew the same of them … If they were wearing that pin, I knew they knew what they were doing. That should have been enough. That should tell it all. For me, it never stopped. I had to prove myself over and over and over again every day.”

The Westchester, N.Y., native was the only Black person and the only woman among eight Soldiers and more than 20 others on day one of her 1982 class at the U.S. Navy Deep Sea Diving and Salvage School at Panama Beach, Florida. The three-month program of instruction awarded the Corps of Engineers’ military occupational specialty 00B to Soldiers, who go on to use their training to support underwater maintenance and construction projects amongst other missions.

To graduate, students were required to pass a health and fitness assessment that disqualified many. Other course challenges included requirements to rise from a seated position wearing the 198-pound Mark V deep sea dive suit, walking to a ladder, descending into the water and climbing back up. In the end, Crabtree was one of only two Soldiers and nine Sailors to earn the coveted diver badge.

Although Crabtree had accomplished what no female Soldier had in the predominately white, male career field, there would be no confetti drop. It became clear from her first assignment at Fort Belvoir.

“There were only about 39 divers total in the Unites States Army diving field at that time — all male — and the majority of them were not thrilled to have me,” she said.

Soldiers’ expressions of disapproval included pranks such as turning Crabtree’s air off underwater; placing a dead snake in the freezer; walking around naked following physical training; and “assigning me with what they thought were impossible tasks to complete,” she said.

Nevertheless, Crabtree dove head-first into her duties because the rewards were much greater than the efforts to stop her.

“For the most part, I could put up with it because I was a diver, I was diving, I was doing what I loved and I was learning,” said the Soldier of 21 years and mother of three adult sons. “I was learning to become a better diver. I loved what I was doing.”

Seeing she might rankle the dive community’s elitist culture, Crabtree said she was shipped off to South Korea after about eight months at Fort Belvoir. There loomed one Sgt. 1st Class James P. “Frenchy” Leveille, a renowned master diver who had enough juice to squeeze Crabtree out of the career field. He introduced himself to her via a boisterous, blustering tirade on who was in charge and how things would be run.

“He told me I was no different than any other diver, and if I couldn’t pull my weight, he’d be getting rid of me,” Crabtree recalled. “He went on and on and on and on.”

Leveille defied what many thought was his role in pushing Crabtree out of the career field, she said. Instead, he turned out to be no more or less than a hard-but-fair Soldier who took care of his troops no matter what and who was ready to challenge anyone questioning his leadership.

“He told all the divers that he would decide who dove, when they dove and who they would dive with, and anybody who wouldn’t dive with me wouldn’t dive at all and would be taken off of dive duty,” she added.

Leveille, now 75, said he staked his career on fairness and was not ignorant to Crabtree’s circumstance.

“As far as I was concerned, she was going to get the same treatment and same opportunity as everybody else,” said retired the sergeant major, “and she did very well for herself. She was a good diver, and she was a good Soldier. That’s the way I rated her.”

Leveille’s directive to his troops was clear — he called the shots and nothing was going to happen to Crabtree or anyone else unless he approved. He stood firm on what was right in the face of tense dissent, and the troops eventually fell in line, said Crabtree.

“It was only due to the respect they had for him, that they did as they were told,” she said. “Command climate is everything. It trickles down. No one was going to go against Frenchy.”

Crabtree, who remains friends with Leveille, said she grew under his leadership, learning more about diving than in dive school. Her proficiency eventually became a threat to earning diving’s most coveted honor. In the eyes of diving’s leadership at the time, it was one thing to be a female diver, but it was downright blasphemous for one to sport the Master Diver Badge, said Crabtree.

“I’m not trying to be conceited,” she said, “but I was a good diver. And the senior leadership knew it. They knew if I was allowed to continue, I would’ve made master diver. And they would be damned if that was going to happen on their watch.”

Crabtree at some point concluded leaders bet against her becoming a diver in the first place. When she questioned why she was accommodated prior to training and not so much during the course and afterward, one officer concluded, “We didn’t think you’d make it.”

Crabtree withstood powerful gales of hostility in doing so, but destructive storms were brewing on the horizon. Her orders for advanced schooling in California following the Korea assignment were cancelled; her 300-point Army Physical Fitness Tests were rescored as a male’s; and she later received notice her MOS would be closed to women due to changes in policy.

Deciding some of the actions directed against her were discriminatory, Crabtree filed complaints with her chain of command, the post inspector general, the specialized training branch sergeant major and the Department of the Army inspector general.

“They all wouldn’t help me,” she recalled. “They all said there was nothing they could do. I told my command they had won and requested to be relieved from dive duty. I’ve been angry every day since then.”

That was 1985. Crabtree finished out her career as a signal Soldier. Over the course of leaving dive duty, her indignation has grown into debilitating discontent, consuming every corner of her consciousness.

“That anger has taken its toll on every aspect of my life — on my marriage, my children. It’s affected my finances and, most of all, it’s affected my mental health,” she said.

Crabtree, who was accompanied by her service dog Buddy during the speech, said she could accept people resisting her for breaking new ground but has had difficulty reconciling why she was ill-treated.

“It didn’t bother me when I was the only woman; it didn’t bother me when I was the only Black,” she said. “What bothered me was the way they treated me because I am a Black woman.

“I know what it feels like to be hated because I’m a woman,” continued Crabtree, “and I know what it feels like to be hated because of my race. Yes, I’m sure a lot has changed for the good in the last 25 years, but many of the same issues are still hanging around as well as plenty of new issues that are not being addressed properly …”

Crabtree said a strong, values-driven command climate is a potent antidote for building foundations that are supportive of Soldiers.

“Soldiers will follow without question the leaders who take care of them,” she said to the audience. “Be a good leader. Take care of your Soldiers, and they will take care of you.”

Now living in the Augusta, Georgia area, Crabtree said she has spent considerable time trying to heal as a result of what she experienced in the Army. Engagements such as the Fort Lee MLK event at which she spoke have helped.

After the speech, Crabtree spoke with Soldiers and many were thankful she shared her story. One interaction with an officer was notable and even haunting because it proved to be powerfully restorative, if only in a small way.

“I get a little choked up when I think about it,” said Crabtree later of her exchange with a senior Soldier who had no hand in her ordeal. “He handed me a coin, took off his Sapper Badge (Tab) and apologized for the engineers. He’s an engineer officer. It’s the first apology I received from anybody associated with the Engineer Corps or the military. It’s really had an effect on me.”

The effect of offering glimmers of hope in an otherwise tragic tale of lingering misery.

By Terrance Bell

Army Editor’s note: In the U.S. Army today, males and females can sign up for the dive MOS — re-designated 12B — as well as many others that were only open to males when Crabtree enlisted. They include those in infantry, armor, field artillery and special forces. The U.S. Army also has initiated numerous efforts to ensure all Soldiers are treated with dignity and respect.

SHOT Show 23 – Crye Precision

Tuesday, January 17th, 2023

The items showcased in the Crye Precision booth are “coming soon” which means we should see then during this calendar year.

ATO High Loft Parka & Pants

The ATO ALPINE TERRAIN OPERATIONS High Loft Parka is a static insulation layer for cold weather environments. The Climashield Apex insulation is thermally mapped with three different weights that deliver optimized warmth while minimizing overheating. The unique reversible design provides both alpine and woodland concealment as needed. It is constructed with a durable nylon outer fabric that is wind resistant and packable. The ATO High Loft Parka features an expandable front zipper that allows the flexibility to layer up or down and even provides coverage for fully loaded plate carriers and vests. Hand pockets are lined in fleece for warmth and interior mesh pockets accommodate cold weather gear like goggles.

ATO HD Overwhites

The ATO Overwhites provide alpine concealment in a robust combat feature design. Built from a durable ripstop nylon shell, it utilizes water resistant reinforcement in areas of high wear like the shoulders, seat, and lower arms. You’ll see some M1951 Fishtail Parka DNA in there. Shoulder and cargo pockets stow essential cold weather items and pit zipper pass-throughs.

G4 Aviation Uniform

Developed in conjunction with a SOF aviation element, the G4 Aviation Uniform is offered in both male and female fit. It utilizes the same fabric as G4, the FR Commando Twill. There are also both Field and Combat models.

You’ll find some aviation unique features like dual entry shoulder pockets, center front zipper and loop placement to accommodate ID. The pants also have double seats, oversized patch pocket on calf, vertical zippered entry on thigh pockets, and a multi-tool pocket.

Offered in MultiCam m, Black, and Ranger Green.

LVS Female Fit

Crye’s proprietary 3 dimensional forming technology allows them to shape the vest to directly match the contours of the human body. Now they’ve applied it to the female form. Because it is molded, the armor will not crumple and fold up in the bottom of the carrier. Infact, the LVS Base Vest requires no external carrier at all.

FB/40mm Pouch

The FB/40MM POUCH is designed to accommodate flashbang and 40mm grenades. It is constructed from laser-cut AIRLITE and features a welded attachment strap with a unique tab geometry. Heavy-duty elastic provides a secure fit while the flap is tucked into the pouch. The dual security closure allows for extra security of your flashbang. Available in single, double and triple pouch.


Coming this year! Purpose built for multi-day recce missions, the SMOC (Special Missions Operations Coat) is designed to provide combat-specific weather protection and allow storage of critical gear. Constructed from a durable water repellent ripstop nylon shell and fully lined to provide warmth and wind protection, while the mesh venting at the chest pockets and underarm help to avoid overheating during movement. Designed with thumb loop cuffs, an elastic crotch strap and a shock cord cinchable waist to ensure proper fit and security.

See the 2023 Crye Precision catalog here.

ROSE by SIG SAUER: A Complete Solution for Women to Begin Their Firearms Journey

Thursday, January 12th, 2023

NEWINGTON, N.H., (January 12, 2023) – Introducing ROSE by SIG SAUER™.  Developed by SIG SAUER in collaboration with Team SIG Professional Shooter and 8-time World Champion Lena Miculek, the all-new ROSE brand by SIG SAUER was created to help encourage and inspire women to take on the responsibility of their own personal safety through education, training, and community.

ROSE by SIG SAUER is a complete firearms education program that begins with a custom ROSE P365 kit including a special edition P365-XL COMP ROSE pistol chambered in 9MM or P365-380 ROSE, a custom ROSE Vaultek safe, and instant access to a complete step-by-step video training series with Lena Miculek that is supported by an online community to encourage, inspire, and grow female shooters to become more confident and comfortable. 

“For the past ten years I have been exclusively a professional competitive shooter. While I worked hard for my titles, and am proud of all that I have accomplished, the most rewarding part of my career has been to help women overcome fear and get into firearms ownership.  You could say that ROSE blossomed through these experiences and is now made possible by the power of the SIG SAUER brand,” began Team SIG Professional Shooter Lena Miculek.  “ROSE is not only a pistol, it is a kit you take home with you to start your firearms journey and become part of a community where you are supported and can learn at your own pace in an environment you are comfortable in.  I have heard countless times from women that they leave the store with more questions than answers and they want to learn.  This is where ROSE by SIG SAUER comes in; the heartbeat of this program is education and getting you from the retailer to the range so you can start your lasting journey with firearms.” 

ROSE by SIG SAUER is a complete program that helps women take the first step towards responsible firearms ownership.  The program begins with the purchase of ROSE by SIG SAUER P365 kit that provides you with all the tools you need including the pistol, safe storage, and dummy rounds to begin your firearms journey and start your training program.  Whether it is your first firearms purchase, or you are just looking to improve your skills, the full online training course, guided by Lena Miculek allows gun owners to get comfortable handling the pistol and ready for the range.  The educational component is further complimented by an online community to support and share the journey as you learn and grow. 

“ROSE by SIG SAUER is based on Lena’s years of experiences as a career competitor and in teaching women at every skill level, all over the country.  ROSE was developed to be a complete system, that’s easy to understand, easy to learn and easy to use,” added Tom Taylor, Chief Marketing Officer and Executive Vice President Commercial Sales, SIG SAUER Inc. “For all that ROSE has to offer including the kit, the program, and the community, the entire package is a tremendous value that will pay dividends from the day you purchase and well into the future as both the ROSE by SIG SAUER brand and program grows.”

The SIG SAUER ROSE kit includes either a custom P365-XL COMP ROSE in 9MM or a P365-380 ROSE with (2) magazines, a signature ROSE Vaultek Lifepod™ pistol safe with built-in lock system and TSA approved, (5) polymer dummy rounds for safe dry-fire practice, a magazine loader, a personal note from Team SIG professional shooter Lena Miculek which includes access to the QuickStart guide and online training series.  Additionally, custom ROSE by SIG SAUER printable practice targets are available for download at

Both P365 ROSE pistols feature custom ROSE accents including a laser engraved ROSE polymer grip module, optics-ready slide with X-RAY3 Day/Night sights, and matte rose gold-colored controls including trigger, manual safety, slide catch, and takedown lever.  Additionally, both pistols are optic-ready for direct slide mounting of the SIG SAUER Electro-Optics ROMEOZero Elite optic.  The P365-XL COMP ROSE includes an integrally compensated slide, flat XSERIES trigger, and ships with (2) 12-round 9MM magazines, while the P365-380 ROSE comes standard with a curved trigger, and (2) 10-round magazines.


Caliber: 9MM / 380 AUTO

Overall length: 6.6 inches / 5.8 inches

Overall height: 4.8 inches / 4.2 inches

Overall width: 1.1 inches / 1.1 inches

Barrel length: 3.1 inches / 3.1 inches

Sight Radius: 5.1 inches / 4.9 inches

Weight (w/magazine): 20.7 oz./ 15.7 oz

The complete SIG SAUER ROSE kit is now shipping and available at retailers.  To learn more about the SIG SAUER ROSE program and watch the welcome video with Team SIG professional shooter Lena Miculek, visit

Join the ROSE by SIG SAUER Community:

IG: @rose.sigsauer

FB: @ROSE.SIGSAUER and /groups/rosecommunitysigsauer


Shoot Like A Girl Announces 2023 Mobile Range Tour Dates

Sunday, December 18th, 2022

ATHENS, Ala. – December 14, 2022 – Shoot Like a Girl is thrilled to announce they are hitting the road in 2023, bringing their mobile range to a variety of locations across the country. Dedicated to educating women and their families about the importance of firearms safety, the trailer allows attendees to gain experience in handling and shooting all types of guns and compound bows. The Shoot Like A Girl tour gives women who are new to shooting sports the confidence to begin their journey, while simultaneously encouraging experienced shooters to continue their journey.

“After traveling over 35,000 miles in 2022, we’re excited to announce we will be continuing to deliver some amazing shooting experiences to women across the country,” said Karen Butler, Founder and President of Shoot Like A Girl. “Our Shoot Like A Girl 2023 tour will provide a safe and welcoming environment for women and their families to confidently learn about all things firearms, shooting bows and self-defense. We’re proud to continue expanding on this mission as we hit the ground running in 2023.”

2023 Shoot Like A Girl Tour Dates Include:

• JAN 16: Range Day – Boulder City, NV (Invitation Only Event)

• FEB 16-19: Bass Pro Shops – Daytona, FL (Daytona 500)

• MAR 4-5: Bass Pro Shops – Tampa, FL

• APR 1-2: Bass Pro Shops – Garland, TX

• APR 28-29: PBR – Ridgedale, MO

• MAY 6-7: Bass Pro Shops – Columbia, MO

• MAY 20-21: Bass Pro Shops – Clarksville, IN

• JUN 10-11: Cabela’s – Centerville, OH

• JUN 24-25: Bass Pro Shops – Rossford, OH

• JUL 15-16: Cabela’s – Avon, OH

• JUL 28: Corporate Event – New Port, NH

• JUL 29-30: Bass Pro Shops – Hookset, NH

• AUG 12-13: Bass Pro Shops – Hampton, VA

• AUG 18: Corporate Event – Mayodan, NC

• AUG 26-27: Bass Pro Shops – Cary, NC

• SEP 14-16: NASCAR – Bristol Motor Speedway

• SEP 30-OCT 1: Bass Pro Shops – Kodak, TN

• OCT 14-15: Bass Pro Shops – Chattanooga, TN

With guidance from certified female instructors dedicated to empowering and teaching other women, guests will have the chance to handle and shoot a firearm in the semi-tractor trailer, free of charge. Using a state-of-the-art, military-grade firearm stimulator, guests will experience realistic recoil, impact and sound feedback. Archery coaches will also be onsite to assist guests in shooting bows.

Outside of the trailer, visitors of all ages are welcome to compare a variety of disabled firearms including revolvers, semi-automatic pistols, shotguns and rifles. Additional outdoor and self-defense products from Shoot Like A Girl partners such as Gun Tote’n Mamas concealed carry handbags, CrossBreed Holsters, TrueTimber camouflage, Vortex Optics, SABRE pepper spray and much more will be on display.

To learn more about Shoot Like A Girl’s mission, partners, resources and events, visit