GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Archive for the ‘LE’ Category

S.O.Tech Viper MACTAC, LAPD Approved

Thursday, June 20th, 2013

S.O.TECH has announce that their Viper Vest MACTAC is on the LAPD approved list for plate carriers.



3D Human Body Exposed Training Shirt Design by Webtechgear

Wednesday, June 12th, 2013

This three dimensionally printed shirt puts the vital body parts on full view. Large muscle groups, internal organs are displayed for edged weapon training, baton training. You are only limited by your imagination. Target areas are now right in front of your eyes. A moving target is what you likely will face, so train to hit prescribed areas.

Webtech exposed body shirt

An additional benefit of this shirt is that with marking devices you can visibly “score” the wounds and discuss the psychological and physiological implications. In addition you can use the “hits” to conduct immediate after action triage and first responder treatment based on the now visible wounds. Self treatment for preservation and minimization of injuries is the new wave of LEO training so make use of this shirt to bring it home in your training classes.


A New Badge For USAF Security Forces

Sunday, May 5th, 2013


Apparently, there’s an initiative by Air Force ‘Top Cop’ Brig Gen Allen Jameson to scrap the traditional Security Forces shield and adopt a more civilian-looking version akin to what is seen above on the right. His office on the Air Staff, the Director of Security Forces, is currently soliciting feedback from the field. While I don’t have a dog in this fight, the whole move away from Security Police to Security Forces 15 years ago was to focus more on air base defense and less on handing out parking tickets. To me, that new badge screams Barney Fife. Air Force Security Forces fulfill a unique role and their badge should reflect it, just as it has all of these years.

Here are the choices.

Option 2

Option 3

What do you think?

A Video For The Irish Garda ERU Experts

Friday, April 19th, 2013

The other day we shared a photo from the Irish Sun depicting a member wearing Arc’teryx LEAF Talos combat clothing in Wolf Grey. Some readers didn’t believe that the photo was of a Garda member since he wasn’t wearing Black. Maybe this video will help clear things up?

Here is the description:
Teams from the Irish Garda Emergency Response Unit (ERU) put on a show of strength in a large international counter-terrorism exercise in Dublin City, Ireland one day after the devastating terrorist bomb attacks in Boston City, United States.

Officers from Ireland’s elite counter-terrorist Police task force, the Garda ERU, hosted a European Union (EU) Coordinated Anti-Terror Exercise as part of Europe’s ‘ATLAS’ law enforcement network at an abandoned power generating site in Dublin. The exercise involved elements from land, sea and air, all designed to replicate a response to an extensive terror attack, either domestic or foreign.

Gardai have also confirmed that specially-trained Police men and women will undertake sea patrols during the 39th G8 Summit in Fermanagh, Northern Ireland (United Kingdom) this summer – June 2013 – to prevent against any threats to the worldwide governmental forum. The Guards will be working alongside members from the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI), UK Intelligence Agencies, such as MI5 and MI6, and the British Military.

USAF Security Forces Mandate Use of Safariland Holster

Monday, April 15th, 2013

Last week, the Security Forces Center which serves exercises functional oversight for the Air Force’s largest careerfield issued guidance to the community mandating use of the Safariland Modular Holster System consisting of the 6004/6005 holster with the Quick Locking System for all SF applications of the M9 pistol in the Drop Leg, Hip, or Chest position. The memorandum dated Apr 5, 2013 also revokes authorization to continue to purchase Blackhawk SERPA holsters.

Mandatory Purchase and Use of the Safariland Modular Holster System Memo

(Click Image To Download Memo)

Storm Freerun – Featuring GORE-TEX Tactical Footwear for Police

Friday, April 12th, 2013

When I first saw this video a few weeks ago it really blew me away. It’s fun to watch free runners in action and interesting to check out what the European footwear brands are up to and how they are integrating the latest GORE-TEX® technology.

The footwear
Recent and comprehensive market research has shown that the effective climate comfort and management of moisture and heat loss together with reliable waterproofness, light weight, well cushioned, flexible and sporty performance soles are becoming more and more important for the police officer’s daily duty footwear. To meet these requirements the Gore professional footwear team together with HAIX®, LOWA® and MEINDL® has developed “GORE-TEX® Tactical Footwear“. The styles include HAIX® Black Eagle, MEINDL® Black Cobra and LOWA® Zephyr Black.

GORE-TEX® Technology
The footwear’s main feature is the durably waterproof and highly breathable GORE-TEX® Extended Comfort Laminate, which keeps the wearer’s feet dry and comfortable due to the increased breathability of the laminate together with the components used allow moisture to easily escape and keep the wearers feet at their optimized temperature even in the warmer climate of summer or inside environments.

The film
To launch the new “Tactical GORE-TEX® Footwear” collections Gore´s professional footwear team worked together with the film-maker and photographer Claudiu Voicu and the freerunning team “Storm Freerun” in London.

Katie McDonell, Tim “Livewire” Shieffs, Chima Akenzua and Kie Willis tested the footwear to the extreme while shooting a fast chasing story through the backyards and over the roofs of East-London. Next to “Tactical GORE-TEX® Footwear” all runners were equipped with police-uniforms made with the latest GORE-TEX® and WINDSTOPPER® technologies.

Claudiu Voicu used a Canon 5D and 7D camera, a Helicopter and a Go Pro camera to capture the full action. To capture the details of the performance of the footwear he used a Phantom Ultra Slow Motion camera.

Feel free to watch the full length version here.

Marine South – Ontario Knife Company

Wednesday, April 10th, 2013

Ontario Knife Company has introduced a new line of knives aimed at the LEO called the Fortune series. These are fixed blade models named after the Roman Fates: Morta, Decima and Nona (top to bottom).


They all feature the same G10 handles but offer 4″, 3″ and 2″ blade lengths for different applications.


Canipe Correspondence – Support Your Local Law Enforcement

Saturday, March 2nd, 2013

I’ve seen a number of disturbing videos on Youtube and social media sites recently where people are blatantly disrespecting law enforcement officers in various ways. In one, a man refused to roll his window down to accept a ticket, only cracking it and sliding the documents through, being very difficult and rude to the officer who puled him over for a violation, refusing to roll the window down and answer any questions the officer had. In another, a guy walks up to a cop on the street and just starts cursing at him, calling him names, and taunting him. This seems all to common, with our younger generations and their sense of entitlement, poor upbringing, and an inexplicable notion that they are not accountable for their actions.

Law enforcement is one of the most noble and in my opinion thankless jobs in America. Nobody likes the cops around until they need them, then they complain-loudly and publicly-that they didn’t care enough to get there fast when they needed them. Cops in general get paid for shit. Everybody ponder the fact that Lady GaGa made something like $60 million last year, and the guy that protects you, your wife, your kids, your house, or your work might make under $30,000. These men and women sacrifice time with their kids, their spouses, their parents, and their friends to protect all of us. If that’s not worthy of some recognition, I’m not sure what is. So next time you decide to flash your lights at oncoming traffic when there is a speed trap, remember…the speeders are the ones committing a crime, not the guy trying to keep them from hitting your kids as they ride their bikes around the neighborhood.

Also encouraging is the recent turnout of law enforcement officials speaking out in our fight to maintain our Second Amendment rights. It’s certainly not all-inclusive, and while some have spoken for gun control the number of chiefs, sheriffs, and commissioners who have risked their political positions, be they elected or appointed, to speak for our rights is pretty awesome.

It’s no secret our economy isn’t at it’s strongest, funding is being cut in budgets at all levels, and our local law enforcement is at the bottom of the funding line. Law enforcement is chronically understaffed and underfunded in America, and is asked to take on more and more responsibility all the time. Think of the guys in blue when it’s time to vote in your next elections. It seems like every law enforcement organization in the country has a booster organization, so when they ask, donate. If there is something you could do to help the people sworn to protect you, why not support them?

Law enforcement professionals, you have my sincere thanks for all you do. Working long shifts, mountains of paperwork, the pressure of knowing how severely the courts, the media, and the public criticize your every move, all while being expected to lay your life on the line for those same people. That takes some heart and deserves some recognition. The shifts aren’t likely to get any easier, the thugs aren’t likely to get any more respectful, and the pay isn’t likely to get much higher any time soon, but there are a lot of us that really appreciate you laying it all out there anyways.