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Archive for the ‘LE’ Category

Check Out Our Tactical Balls

Thursday, July 22nd, 2010

We’d like to welcome the Mad Duo themselves to the readers of Soldier Systems Daily. We have been following them for years on Breach-Bang-Clear and they will be stopping by occasionally to show you all a different point of view.

Brite-Strike Tactical Illumination Products has recently started showing off their balls, and not just their tactical balls but their IR/NVG balls as well! Now, we haven’t tried them out yet (hoping to get some soon to T&E) but we want to point out that they’re not, contrary to some of what we’ve heard, not intended to replace NFDDs (Noise Flash Diversionary Devices) like “flashbangs”. They are, however, intended to be a easily used, low cost distraction device that can be carried by patrol officers and deputies (or MPs, presumably) without specialized training. They are available in IR for military and LE tactical units.

Touted as small, lightweight, water- and shock-resistant, they “wobble and spin all around” when deployed by rolling or tossing them in a room, and will land light up to backlight your opponent or intruder. Presumably they may also provide a tactical or illumination edge in areas where a standard NFDD could not normally be deployed (like a clan-lab or potential sympathetic detonation environment), or perhaps as a signaling device. There’s a video of them being deployed here, though it probably doesn’t do them much justice. For ourselves, we’d rather see them made with a good strobe function like the Strategos Gladius, but we’re not ones to nay-say without trying something out.

The product bears the NTOA symbol of approval and is sold in lots of five (5). If we get some of ‘em to try out we will let you know most ricky-tick.


The Mad Duo believes everyone is entitled to their opinion. Check out their “Tactical Blog”, featuring occasional guest articles from LE and military professionals and frequent social or operational commentary. No sissies or hippies please.

Federal Premium LE Tactical HST

Friday, June 25th, 2010

Today at the ATK Industry Day, SSD was privileged enough to witness a demonstration of Federal Premium LE’s new Tactical HST round in .45 Auto. When fired into ballistic gel, which is designed to simulate human flesh, the round penetrated a full 12 inches (the photo was taken off angle), expanding to a max diameter of .96 inches at its resting point. The round is a two piece projectile with a copper jacket that folds completely out of the way during penetration, while the round’s petals open to full expansion. The ammo is available in 9mm, .40, .45, and .357 SIG, however the SIG round is too fast, and as a result doesn’t fully open during penetration. More information can be found at

Blackhawk Ergonomic Duty Belt Harness

Friday, June 11th, 2010

Designed to answer a Department of Justice requirement for a load carrying solution to help alleviate the large numbers of lumbar injuries suffered by law enforcement officer, Blackhawk developed the Ergonomic Duty Belt Harness. Designed to transfer the duty belt’s burden from the hips to the shoulder, it is also compatible with body armor. The idea is to share the load balancing it more between the hips and shoulders. In order to take full advantage of the harness, the duty shirt will need to be slightly modified with small buttonholes on the sides to accommodate the straps. The ergonomic duty belt harness is available in two sizes; small/medium and large/x-large.

Ford Introduces New Police Cruiser

Friday, March 19th, 2010

But it's a Taurus

So Ford is replacing the classic Crown Victoria Police Interceptor with a Taurus-based model. That’s right, the Ford Taurus. I can’t even say it will blend in with civilian cars on the road since I can’t think of anybody in his right mind who would pay money for a Taurus. I owned a Taurus back in the 90s. What a POS. My sister-in-law owned one. What a POS. The Crown Vic hasn’t been updated in 15 years so I guess we’ll see how long these last. However, I will say that Ford has gone all out on the new package. With over 90% of the interior updated, the front seats feature anti-stab plates and the rear seats are vinyl to clean up after that obnoxious drunk perp vomits all over the back of your cruiser. Gone is the V-8, the new Interceptor will come with a turbo-charged V-6 that is 25% more fuel efficient than its predecessor. Having said that, the new turbo-charged engine boasts 115 more horsepower than the Crown Vic. The new 365-horsepower V6 is the same found in the stock Taurus SHO. So it’s newer, more fuel efficient, accelerates twice as fast as the Crown Vic, but still…it’s a Taurus.

No-Contact – The Stun Gun You Wear

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010

Recently, my friends at Protect The Force told me that they wanted to show me an extraordinary technology that was initially designed to protect women from sexual assaults but that could be used for a variety of personal protection tasks. I must admit that in my mind’s eye I formed a picture of some sort of chastity belt-like contraption. Fortunately, my imagination run wild was nowhere near the truth of the matter. Instead, I was shown the video below and it brought everything into focus.

I immediately “got it” and began running scenarios in my head where I could apply the technology. I mean who couldn’t see the potential here? It’s phenomenal. No-Contact’s technology was developed by Adam Whiton, a researcher at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Yolita Nugent, an apparel designer. Named Conducted Energy Clothing, the concept is simple; bad guy grabs you, much to his chagrin he gets shocked, he unhands you, you fight or flight.

Now I can imagine that some of you are skeptical but they’ve been working on this for awhile. No, it won’t shock you. The wearer is insulated from the effects of the charged outer layer. Additionally, the garment features a Teflon coated waterproof layer to protect the wearer in the rain. Concerned about power requirements? Currently, the system is powered by a single 9v battery.

Remember, the system was initially designed to protect women from sexual assault. It had to be simple to use, so you wear it. Unlike firearms or blade weapons, it requires no training. Once armed, the system is passive. In fact, they are working on a variant that will allow security personnel to remotely activate someone’s CEC in the event they are unable to themselves. This would be great for VIPs and others who risk kidnapping or assault. Even in its current configuration the CEC technology is well suited for Law Enforcement, Corrections, and Security officers.

Some statistics to consider:

“Close-quarters assault from aggressors using fists and hands account for more than 80% of all total assaults faced by law enforcement officers.”
Federal Bureau of Investigation 2008 Uniform Crime Report

No Weapons were used in 74% of all violent crime incidents on civilian victims, just fists and hands. In addition offenders used a weapon in only 1% of all rapes/sexual assaults. Most often fists and hands are used to overpower and restrain the victim.”
U.S. Department of Justice – Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2008

They are still about six months out from full production. For more information visit or

No-Contact, for when “No” really means “No.”


Friday, July 3rd, 2009

Ever once in awhile you run across a new product that you look at and say, “Why didn’t I think of that?” It is at once both simple in design and purpose. The TacWedge is just such an item. Designed as a response to Active Shooter scenarios, the TacWedge is probably the only item that someone unarmed and untrained can employ to greatly increase their survivability. This makes it perfect for use in schools, hospitals and government buildings. It’s so simple anyone can use it.


It is simple to use. Place it on the floor cleats down and kick it under the door jam. The cleats will bite into the floorboards and prevent the door from opening. Conversely, the TacWedge can also be used to keep doors open by inserting it sideways between door and frame atop a hinge or it can be used as a simple door wedge when placed upside down.

The TacWedge is also available as a training model. Naturally it comes in “Bluegun Blue” and does not have the cleats on the bottom so it can be used over and over again with no damage to flooring.

To order visit The TacWedge can only be ordered by tactical professionals. Agencies can source the TacWedge through Tidewater Tactical.