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Archive for the ‘SOF’ Category

Friday Focus – FirstSpear Wins ABAV Contract

Friday, May 4th, 2018

Fenton, MO – FirstSpear, industry leading innovator and manufacturer of military and law enforcement load bearing equipment, armor platform technology, and performance technical apparel has been awarded the SOCOM Aviation Body Armor Contract, ABAV.

The FirstSpear ABAV system endured a rigorous selection process that pushed the limits of performance and durability of the modular platforms required by todays best aviators. Evolving the transition from Air, Land, and Maritime Operations the FirstSpear system incorporated all of the features required by the end user in a streamlined package constructed from an all new FirstSpear Fire Retardant laser cut 6/12™ material.

Fully integrated emergency flotation is built right into the cummerbund allowing maximum freedom of movement for the operator while providing up to 73lbs of lift at surface in sea water during an emergency. The FirstSpear instant adjust back panel allows the end user to easily adjust cummerbund size between standard dress and flight suits to CBRNE or Cold weather gear. This functionality also allows the option to switch between land and maritime adaptive cummerbunds in just a few seconds thanks to FirstSpear Tubes™.

The ABAV was designed to enhance the survivability and lethality of the aviator within a single system that can be configured in just moments notice for the full spectrum of operational environments. FirstSpear is proud to support the men and women of our armed forces and will remain dedicated to providing the best possible equipment to those who need it most.

FirstSpear was founded in 2010 by a team of industry professionals and former U.S. servicemen with a mandate to shift industry paradigms and upend the status quo of load bearing technology and personal protective equipment. FirstSpear dedicates their efforts to support those willing to not just sacrifice and preserve our heritage but also secure our future.

Darley Defense Days 18 – Trijicon RM06-HRS

Wednesday, May 2nd, 2018

Trijicon is displaying their new RM06-HRS (Handgun Reflex Sight). Based on the Type 2, it is their submission for USSOCOM’s Miniature Aiming Solution – Daylight solicitation.

It features a 3.25 MOA Red Dot and has survived 40,000 slide cycles on a Glock 19 in testing.

Operation Eagle Claw

Tuesday, April 24th, 2018

Today marks the anniversary of Operation Eagle Claw. In the early morning hours of 25 April, 1980 President Carter announced to a stunned world that the United States had undertaken an ambitious raid into Iran to liberate 52 American hostages held illegally at our Embassy compound in Tehran. Unfortunately, Operation Eagle Claw was unsuccessful and we lost eight American servicemen in a horrible aircraft ground collision. Join me in remembering their sacrifice.


However, their deaths were not in vain. The hostages were eventually repatriated and the accident was the watershed event that created, over the next several decades, the world’s preeminent Special Operations capability; USSOCOM and its components. We wouldn’t be where are today without the determination of that fledgling task force. Join me in remembering those that had the guts to try.

US SOF Conduct Winter Warfare Training

Tuesday, April 10th, 2018

Two great videos here from Special Operations Command Europe depicting winter warfare training.

The first depicts US Army and Air Force SOF Train Above The Arctic Circle in Kiruna, Sweden. The training focused on skiing, snowmobile maneuvers, anti-personnel mine and live fire ranges.

The second video is of US, Polish and Lithuanian SOF operators conducted winter warfare training near Zakopane, Poland, in January.

Brothers in Berets: The Evolution of Air Force Special Tactics, 1953–2003

Saturday, April 7th, 2018

Air University Press new publication announcement:

Brothers in Berets: The Evolution of Air Force Special Tactics, 1953–2003 by Forrest L. Marion.

Relying largely on oral history interviews, this work explores the evolution and contributions of the Battlefield Airmen assigned to Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) special tactics units over 50 years.

“Their story deserves telling within the US Air Force and to the general public,” notes Gen John Jumper, USAF, retired.

Battlefield Airmen core competencies include performing duties primarily on the ground, often “outside the wire,” and under austere conditions—all skills needed for carrying the fight to the enemy on the ground. The AFSOC special tactics community is a small brotherhood of highly trained and equally dedicated warriors consisting of special tactics officers and combat controllers, combat rescue officers and pararescuemen, and officer and enlisted special operations weathermen.

Its members have proven themselves as force multipliers time and time again throughout their history in places like Somalia, Serbia, and the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq.

Download our publications at www.airuniversity.af.mil/AUPress. Order publications by e-mailing aupress@us.af.mil or calling 334-953-2773 (DSN 493). Publications are also available at the Air University Press Bookstore, 600 Chennault Circle, Building 1405 (Muir S. Fairchild Research Information Center), Maxwell AFB.

Top Guns: Army Green Berets take first place in international Special Operations sniper competition

Sunday, April 1st, 2018

FORT BRAGG, N.C. — There are shooting and marksmanship competitions around the world, and then there is the annual United States Army Special Operations Command International Sniper Competition.

A 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne) sniper team earned overall first place honors in the ninth annual event after besting more than 40 special operations forces teams from around the U.S. military’s most elite units and international special forces teams.

One half of the 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne) Green Beret sniper team, Sgt. 1st Class Cuong, uses communication and teamwork with his teammate Master Sgt. David at the United States Army Special Operations Command International Sniper Competition held at Fort Bragg, N.C. March 18-22. The team earned overall first place honors in the ninth annual event after besting more than 40 special operations force teams from around the U.S. Military’s most elite units and international special forces teams. Editor’s note: Due to the mission of Special Forces Soldiers, full names of members of the 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne) are not releasable. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army photo by Sgt. 1st Class Jacob Braman )

According to United States Army Special Operations Command, the International Sniper Competition consisted of 22 events over five days and four nights of physically and mentally challenging precision fires. Sniper teams converged on Fort Bragg, N.C., March 18-22, to compete in a challenging and combat oriented competition.

A Green Beret from the 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne) sniper team, Sgt. 1st Class Cuong fires his rifle in an event at the ninth annual United States Army Special Operations Command International Sniper Competition held at Fort Bragg, N.C. March 18-22. The 1st SFG (A) sniper team outperformed special operations teams from the Naval Special Warfare Command, Marine Corps Scout Sniper School, U.S. Army Sniper School, 75th Ranger Regiment, and international special operations teams from Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, France, Italy, and Singapore. Editor’s note: Due to the mission of Special Forces Soldiers, full names of members of the 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne) are not releasable. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army photo by Sgt. 1st Class Jacob Braman)

“We started off poorly on the first day due to some sleep deprivation,” said Master Sgt. David, a Green Beret with the 1st SFG (A) and member of the winning sniper team. “We really started clicking and things began to fall into place after we regrouped and got some rest between events.”

Master Sgt. David competed with his teammate Sgt. 1st Class Cuong, also a Green Beret with the 1st SFG (A).

A Green Beret from the 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne) sniper team, prepares to fire his rifle at the ninth annual United States Army Special Operations Command International Sniper Competition held at Fort Bragg, N.C. March 18-22. The International Sniper Competition consisted of 22 events over five days and four nights of physically and mentally challenging precision fire. Editor’s note: Due to the mission of Special Forces Soldiers, full names of members of the 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne) are not releasable. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army photo by Sgt. 1st Class Jacob Braman )

The event is distinguished by the high level of world-class teams competing. The United States Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School and the 1st Special Warfare Training Group (Airborne) hosted the competition.

“It is the level of competitors, the cadre, and the competition that make this event so unique,” David said. “At this level, all of these guys are the best of the best.”

One half of the 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne) Green Beret sniper team, Master Sgt. David uses binoculars to scan targets during an event at the ninth annual United States Army Special Operations Command International Sniper Competition held at Fort Bragg, N.C. March 18-22. Master Sgt. David and his teammate Sgt. 1st Class Cuong placed first in a field of more than 40 teams from Special Operations Forces around the world. Editor’s note: Due to the mission of Special Forces Soldiers, full names of members of the 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne) are not releasable. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army photo by Sgt. 1st Class Jacob Braman )

The 1st SFG (A) sniper team outperformed special operations teams from the Naval Special Warfare Command, Marine Corps Scout Sniper School, U.S. Army Sniper School, 75th Ranger Regiment, and international SOF teams from Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, France, Italy, and Singapore.

Master Sgt. David and Sgt. 1st Class Cuong are humbled to have come out atop the competition.

“These guys were so good we knew whoever was going win was going to need to have a little bit of luck on their side,” said David.

“We are proud of Dave and Cuong,” said Command Sgt. Maj. Tony Labrec the 1st SFG (A) senior enlisted leader. “Their experience and professionalism will serve 1st Group for years to come as they pass on that knowledge to the Green Berets coming up behind them.”

Editor’s note: Due to the mission of Special Forces Soldiers, full names of members of the 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne) are not releasable.

By Staff Sgt. Christopher Harper

USSOCOM Adopts 6.5 Creedmoor

Friday, March 23rd, 2018

Last Spring, USSOCOM undertook a study of 6.5 family cartridges to determine a path forward for Precision Intermediate Caliber Ammunition. Over the last year, USASOC, the primary driver of this initiative, narrowed it down to 260 Remington and 6.5 Creemoor. Testing indicated that the two calibers performed very closely.

Last month, the command conducted a reliability test, using two incumbent weapons, currently in US service; the FN SCAR Heavy and KAC M110. Two weapons of each type were used, one was in 260 Remington and the other in 6.5 CM. What they found is that both weapons performed just as well and were just as reliable in either caliber.

As both cartridges were similarly accurate and reliable, the determining factor for selection of 6.5 CM would end up being trade space. The prevailing attitude is that there was more room with the 6.5 CM to further develop projectiles and loads.

I don’t expect a major announcement, or any fanfare with this decision. Instead, you’ll begin to see small movements toward configuring weapons to utilize this round.

At the USASOC Sniper Competition, there were several weapons in 6.5 CM. Yesterday, we gave a little tease on Instagram of a Knight’s Armament Co M110 in 6.5 CM.


Today, I fired a FN Mk20 in 6.5 CM which was configured as a demonstrator for new features, such as a non-reciprocating charging handle and AR-style stock. Shooting a SCAR Heavy is like taming a beast, but with 6.5 CM, the recoil impulse was negligible.


Briefings last year indicated that SOCOM was interested in looking at an intermediate cartridge family gas gun and light machine gun. However, the lay of the land is a little different now. I do not expect a full and open competition for a new car being in 6.5 CM. Rather, I expect them to modify the 7.62 rifles they already own. Additionally, there has been no recent talk of looking at a light machine gun in that caliber.

Col Claude Tudor To Assume Command Of 24th SOW

Friday, February 16th, 2018

I served with Col Claude Tudor at the 720th STG. Like the man he is taking 24th SOW’s reins from, Col Mike Martin, Tudor is an outstanding officer. Congratulations!


The Commander, Air Force Special Operations Command Lieutenant General Marshall B. Webb requests the pleasure of your company at a Change of Command Ceremony at which Colonel Michael E. Martin will relinquish command of the 24th Special Operations Wing to Colonel Claude K. Tudor, Jr. on Thursday, the eighth of March at ten o’clock in the morning


Colonel Claude Tudor is the Vice Commander of Twentieth Air Force (Air Force Global Strike Command) and ICBM Task Force 214 Deputy Commanding Officer (United States Strategic Command), Francis E. Warren Air Force Base, Wyoming. Twentieth Air Force and Task Force 214 are responsible for the nation’s ICBM force, including four operational missile wings with over 11,000 assigned personnel. As vice commander, he serves as the designated successor and principal advisor to the commander, Twentieth Air Force. He is also director of the 100-person headquarters staff.

Colonel Tudor was born in Cape Canaveral, Florida, and commissioned through the ROTC program at Troy State University in Alabama. He has spent the preponderance of his career in special-operations ground combat assignments. He has deployed extensively in support of Joint and Coalition special operations supporting combat, humanitarian assistance and peacekeeping/peace-enforcement operations globally.


1992 Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice, Troy State University, Troy, Ala.

1998 Squadron Officers School, Maxwell AFB, Alabama

1999 Master of Science Degree, Business Management, Troy State University, Fort Walton Beach, Fla.

2003 Air Command and Staff College, non-residence course

2004 Joint Military Intelligence College, Bolling AFB, Washington D.C. (Intermediate Developmental Education)

2004 Master of Science Degree in Strategic Intelligence, Joint Military Intelligence College, Bolling AFB, Washington D.C.

2007 Air War College, non-residence course

2010 Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pa. (Senior Developmental Education)

2010 Master of Strategic Studies, United States Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pa.


1. September 1992 – May 1995: Flight Commander, 314th Combat Control Squadron, Little Rock AFB, Ark.

2. May 1995 – May 1997: Flight Commander, 320th Special Tactics Squadron, Kadena AB, Okinawa, Japan

3. May 1997 – May 1999: Director of Force Management, 720th Special Tactics Group, Hurlburt Field, Fla.

4. May 1999 – May 2000: Assistant Director of Operations, 720th Special Tactics Group, Hurlburt Field, Fla.

5. May 2000 – April 2001: Chief, Air Ops Integration, HQ Air Force Special Operations Command/Plans and Programs, Hurlburt Field, Fla.

6. April 2001 – August 2003: Director of Operations, 321st Special Tactics Squadron, RAF Mildenhall, UK

7. August 2003 – June 2004: Student, Joint Military Intelligence College, Defense Intelligence Agency, Bolling AFB, Washington DC

8. June 2004 – July 2006: Commander, 321st Special Tactics Squadron, RAF Mildenhall, UK

9. July 2006 – July 2007: Chief of Special Tactics & Battlefield Airmen Branch, HQ Air Force Special Operations and Personnel Recovery Branch, Washington DC

10. July 2007 – July 2009: Foreign Affairs Specialist, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Global Security Affairs, Coalition and Multinational Operations, Washington DC

11. July 2009 – July 2010: Student, United States Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pa.

12. July 2010 – January 2011: U.S. Army XVIII Airborne Corps Air Liaison Officer, 18th Air Support Operations Group, Pope AFB, N.C.

13. January 2011 – December 2011: Commander, 368th Expeditionary Air Support Operations Group, U.S. Central Command, Iraq

14. December 2011 – June 2014: Deputy Director of Operations, Joint Special Operations Command, Fort Bragg, N.C.

15. June 2014 – present: Vice Commander, Twentieth Air Force (Task Force 214 Deputy Commanding Officer), F. E. Warren Air Force Base, Wyo.


1. July 2007 – July 2009: Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Global Security Affairs, Coalition and Multinational Operations, Foreign Affairs Specialist, Pentagon as Lieutenant Colonel

2. December 2011 – June 2014: Deputy Director of Operations, Joint Special Operations Command, Fort Bragg, N.C. as Colonel


U.S. Army Special Forces (SF) qualified Military Free-Fall and Static Line Jumpmaster with more than 400 jumps. He is also a SF Combat Diver, Federal Aviation Administration certified Air Traffic Controller, and Joint Terminal Attack Controller.


Legion of Merit

Bronze Star with one device

Defense Meritorious Service Medal with one device

Joint Meritorious Unit Award

Gallant Unit Citation

Air Force Outstanding Unit Award with Valor and eight devices

Air Force Recognition Ribbon


1994 Air Combat Command Combat Control Officer of the Year

1996 Air Force Special Operations Combat Control Officer of the Year

1996 Air Force Combat Control Officer of the Year

2004 Air Force Special Operations Gill Robb Wilson Award Recipient


Second Lieutenant May 29, 1992

First Lieutenant July 26, 1994

Captain July 26, 1996

Major Feb 1, 2003

Lieutenant Colonel Dec 1, 2006

Colonel Oct 1, 2010

(Current as of January 2016)