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Archive for the ‘Training’ Category

USAF Basic Military Training Establishes Tactical Combat Casualty Care Course for All Airmen

Thursday, March 26th, 2020

Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) is an All Service Members Course (AMS) that teaches service members lifesaving skills to render basic medical aid to a trauma casualty. The five lifesaving skills learned are: rapid casualty assessment, tourniquet application, wound packing with a hemostatic dressing, application of a pressure bandage, and basic airway maneuvers to open the airway. The Secretary of Defense has directed that all military service members be trained and become proficient in basic lifesaving TCCC AMS skills, replacing the Combat Lifesaver course. (U.S. Air Force video by Sarayuth Pinthong)

Federal Resources Announces Disinfection Unit Leader Course

Wednesday, March 25th, 2020

The Disinfection Unit Leader (DUL) course prepares personnel to plan and manage disinfection of PPE, facilities, equipment, and vehicles. Includes application tactics and multiple disinfection solutions.

Course ends with a full scale disinfection of the training facility.

Their mobile training team is still providing on-site training.

E-mail training@federalresources.com for more info.

US Army Rolls Out New Medical-Training Mannequins

Sunday, March 22nd, 2020

CAMP BUEHRING, Kuwait — The U.S. Army is rolling out a new program for certified medical-personnel to borrow state-of-the-art medical-training equipment from the Training Aids Service Center on post, scheduled to be fully implemented by this summer.

The medical-simulation unit is a mannequin that emulates many aspects of battlefield casualties to help commanders train their soldiers more effectively in Tactical Combat Casualty Care, in compliance with Department of Defense Initiative 1322.24: Medical Readiness Training (MRT).

“The purpose of this device is for the commanders to employ collective training where a casualty is incurred, and the squad is supposed to react,” said Dr. Jerry P. Higman, Deputy Product Manager of Medical Simulation, U.S. Army Program Executive Office for Simulation, Training, and Instrumentation. “At present we have instruction to field 77 systems across 41 sites.”

The mannequin, named the Tactical Combat Casualty Care Exportable, or TC3X, simulates the three main causes of death on the battlefield: airway obstruction, tension pneumothorax and blood hemorrhage, commonly referred to as the “ABC’s” — airway, breathing, and circulation. The TC3X is fully animatronic and effectively simulates the ABC’s through a heavily-monitored internal system, giving feedback to the soldiers through physical movements and vocalizations.

The movements and vocalizations can be set and controlled by an operator before the training takes place. The controller has a variety of scenarios built in with spaces for custom scenarios. Scenarios range from bullet wounds and shrapnel damage to head trauma and full amputations, requiring soldiers to act accordly in real time.

“You should definitely treat it like you would treat a human,” said Lt. Col. Rickardo Christopher, Product Manager of Medical Simulation, U.S. Army Program Executive Office for Simulation, Training, and Instrumentation. “If you don’t apply correct pressure to the wound, it’ll keep bleeding just like a real human being.”

The mannequin is built to withstand dust, dirt, mild moisture and variations in temperature, necessary for field-operations training.

“You’re working with a high fidelity mannequin, but it is robust,” said Higman. “Do not be afraid to work with the mannequin, in terms of deploying it or taking it to the field. We do not want the medics to have any inhibitions on checking it out.”

“You have to use what you have to get better,” said Christopher. “This mannequin sets the condition for soldiers to increase their overall medical readiness.”

To check out a TC3X for use in training, see the TASC on post to see if and when they are available.

By PFC Andrew Zook

Sky Soldiers Use BeaverFit’s 20’ Performance Lockers

Friday, March 20th, 2020

Gyms have been closed, but members of the 173rd Airborne Brigade are staying fit thanks to their BeaverFit 20′ Performance Lockers. The locker is a portable, versatile gym that is completely housed within a TRICON.

When using the BeaverFit, a dynamic variety of equipment can be unloaded and set up to create an immersive workout environment.

“I’m a big fan of working out outside,” said 1st Lt. Russ Parsons. “Once it starts to get warmer [and] you can come outside, the BeaverFit is perfect.”

The big focus right now is getting an H2F or Army Performance Locker down to each company across the Army. Units in the 4th, 82nd and 101st Divisions are using H2F or Army Performance Lockers.

BeaverFit can provide assistance with:
1. Human Performance Facilities (H2F)
2. Obstacle Courses and Punishers
3. Performance Lockers
4. ACFT Solutions (storage, fields, human performance SunPro or BeaverDome variant)
5. Rigs and Racks
6. Special Operations Equipment (Towers, Range Lockers, MOUT facilities)

Visit www.beaverfit.com.

Photos of the U.S. Army Europe U.S. European Command (EUCOM) 7th Army Training Command U.S. Army Garrison Italy & U.S. Army 173rd Brigade Support Battalion 2-503rd Airborne Infantry Regiment “The Rock” are by SPC Ryan Lucas.

Ruck March Keeps Airmen Mission Ready

Monday, March 16th, 2020

Airmen assigned to the 820th Base Defense Group perform a ruck march Feb. 21, 2020, at Moody Air Force Base, Georgia. Members of the 105th Base Defense Squadron from Stewart Air National Guard Base, New York, and 820th BDG participate in a ruck march as part of the Initial Qualification Training for Base Defense Group Airmen to ensure readiness in a deployed environment. Ruck marches allow Airmen to understand the feeling of carrying mission essential items to better pace themselves and stay fit.

(US Air Force photos by A1C Elijah M. Dority)

10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) Cold Weather Training

Sunday, March 8th, 2020

Over the course of this winter, “The Originals” of 10th SFG(A) have conducted a wide variety of cold weather and mountaineering training both at their home base of Ft Carson, CO and in at various locations in Europe.

USAF Rescue Squadron Athletic Trainer Rehabilitates Airmen

Thursday, March 5th, 2020


The 41st Rescue Squadron executes a physically demanding mission of personnel recovery, in doing so, rescue members require a recovery of their own.  

Lori Uretsky, 41st Rescue Squadron athletic trainer, provides these Rescue Airmen with preventative care and treatment for injuries to keep them mission ready.

“[Uretsky] does preventative maintenance,” said Tech Sgt. John Rosenberg, 347th Operations Support Squadron special missions aviator. ”She keeps minor injuries from becoming major injuries and sustains chronic injuries. Taking care of [injuries] on a regular basis keeps them from becoming major issues, which could take me off the flying schedule and have a direct impact on the mission.”

Uretsky has been working with the 41st RQS since October 2017 and has had more than 2,200 appointments and tended to 3,112 injuries.

“I see a lot of neck pain, upper back and lower back pain for the pilots and the special mission aviators usually have shoulders and knee pains because of their job duties,” Uretsky said.  “When I say neck and back pain that can range from muscle tightness to herniated disks to stress fractures in their back. I will say for the most part, a lot of neck pain [comes] from wearing helmets and night vision goggles because it adds weight to their head.”

Rosenberg, a patient of Uretsky’s, has been being seeing her for a leg injury for about a year.

“I’ve been having problems with scar tissue in my ankle” Rosenberg said. “We’ve been working on physical therapy with the ultrasound and sticks on my leg. It’s helping break all that stuff up. Yes, it hurts, but at the same time, I can actually feel it getting better. The prevented maintenance that she does is what enables me to still fly.”

In addition to treating injuries with dry needling, cupping and physical therapy, Uretsky provides annual and post-surgery rehabilitation services that help get wounded Airmen back in the game.

“I was unfortunately fortunate that we had someone get hurt downrange and sent back early for surgery,” Uretsky said. “I say unfortunate, because I never want that to happen, but I was able to do his rehab with him here in-house and get him cleared to return to fly. So, what we thought was going to be career ending, wasn’t. He’s back flying. So, I mean, that is really rewarding to see that.”

According to Uretsky, she has only had to deny seven Airmen from flight, which is lower than numbers seen in previous years because Uretsky is, not only on hand to provide her services here, but has the ability to travel with the unit.

“I’m going to the red flag exercise next month. This will be my second TDY,” Uretsky said. “This red flags a little shorter last year. [It lasted for] five to six weeks. They’d fly three, four times a week, have all their issues, then have to wait for when they come back [for treatment]. So even though I’m not there the whole time, I go in the smack dab of it, treat them and [which should] last until they can come back and see me again.

“I am able to do teleconferences if [Airmen] have issues. I’ve sent things downrange so that they would be able to take care of [issues] the best they could before they had to go to a major base to get treated.”

Uretsky believes being embedded in the squadron also makes a big difference in the relationships between her and her patients.

“I love my relationships with the patients,” Uretsky said. “I joke all the time and tell them that they’re a tad bit crazy for going into a bad scene probably getting shot at to go save others. Most people would go away from that kind of stuff. So, I think they’re very special. To be able to take care of them is awesome. My dad and my grandfather are vets. So, working with the military is my way of giving back.

“If I help one person and keep them in their career, then that makes me happy,” Uretsky said.

By Airman Azaria E. Foster, 23d Wing Public Affairs

SureFire Field Notes Ep. 55: Point Shooting with Larry Vickers

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2020

Larry Vickers is a retired US Army 1st SFOD- Delta combat veteran with years of experience in the firearms industry as a combat marksmanship instructor and industry consultant. In recent years he has hosted several tactical firearms related TV shows. Currently Larry presents videos on the Vickers Tactical Youtube channel of which Bravo Company is the presenting sponsor. Larry Vickers special operations background is one of the most unique in the industry today; he has been directly or indirectly involved in the some of the most significant special operations missions of the last quarter century. During Operation Just Cause he participated in Operation Acid Gambit – the rescue of Kurt Muse from Modelo Prison in Panama City, Panama. As a tactics and marksmanship instructor on active duty he helped train special operations personnel that later captured Saddam Hussein and eliminated his sons Uday and Qusay Hussein. In addition, he was directly involved in the design and development of the HK416 for Tier One SOF use, which was used by Naval Special Warfare personnel to kill Osama Bin Laden. Larry Vickers has developed various small arms accessories, with the most notable being his signature sling manufactured by Blue Force Gear, Glock accessories by Tangodown, and 1911 specific products by Wilson Combat. In addition he has maintained strong relationships with premium companies within the firearms industry such as Blue Force Gear, BCM, Aimpoint, CCWSafe, Wilson Combat, and Tangodown. He has developed and offered a line of Vickers Tactical Glock pistols sold exclusively thru Lipseys Inc.. He is also author of the Vickers Guide series of firearm books. Larry Vickers travels the country conducting combat marksmanship classes for law abiding civilians, law enforcement and military.


