Tactical Tailor

GA-ASI Demonstrates Release of A2LE from MQ-20 Avenger UAS

February 4th, 2024

SAN DIEGO – 01 February 2024 – General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI) successfully demonstrated an inflight release of its Advanced Air-Launched Effects (A2LE) platform, releasing an A2LE from the internal weapons bay of a GA-ASI MQ-20 Avenger® Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS). The demonstration took place on Nov. 28, 2023, over Dugway Proving Ground, Utah, capping a manufacturing, structural test, and flight demonstration.

GA-ASI’s design and engineering team partnered with Divergent Technologies, Inc. for the A2LE vehicle design and build, matching GA-ASI’s aircraft design expertise with the Divergent Adaptive Production System (DAPS™) to support rapid, low-cost manufacturing of the demonstration vehicle.

“This demonstration was a crucial first step in demonstrating GA-ASI’s ability to rapidly develop, manufacture, and test a Small Unmanned Aircraft System (SUAS) in a controlled, low-risk approach,” said Mike Atwood, vice president of Advanced Programs at GA-ASI. “A2LE demonstrates the coupling of GA-ASI’s pedigreed aircraft design capabilities with Divergent’s DAPS, paving the way for continued maturation of affordable, modular SUAS platforms that can be tailored to meet warfighter needs at a fraction of the cost and lead time of currently fielded systems.”

The demonstration vehicle airframe was 100 percent additively manufactured and was designed to meet the captive carriage and ejection loads of the jet-powered aircraft with internal weapons bays. The topology-optimized AM structure was validated via proof and pit ejection testing prior to the flight demonstration. The demonstration highlighted the design efficiencies that can be realized when AM is incorporated early in the design process and throughout the vehicle. It was also a key step in validating the AM process and material properties for incorporation in future systems to be employed by both manned and unmanned platforms.

GA-ASI’s A2LE platform builds on its extensive experience in developing SUAS. It provides a low-risk, low-cost, tailorable solution that bring affordable mass to the warfighter, with modular payload provisions to meet the requirements of current and future mission objectives. A network of A2LEs could create a persistent, expansive grid for surveillance, attack, enemy air defense suppression, or communication pathways, supporting and elevating capabilities of current and future manned or unmanned platforms.

Strategic Acquisition in Romania: Rheinmetall Acquires Majority Stake in Military Vehicle Maker Automecanica Media SRL

February 3rd, 2024

Continuing to expand its presence in Romania as a leading manufacturer of military vehicles, Rheinmetall is taking up a majority share in Romanian vehicle maker Automecanica Media. The acquisition deepens the Düsseldorf-based technology enterprise’s footprint in Central Europe, opening the door to new customer countries in the region with substantial sales potential. Rheinmetall already has locations in two other countries on NATO’s eastern flank, Hungary and Lithuania. In December 2023, moreover, Romania awarded Rheinmetall a major air defence order worth €328 million. 
Through Rheinmetall Landsysteme GmbH, the Group will hold a 72.5% stake in the company, which will operate in Romania under the name Rheinmetall Automecanica SRL. The remaining shares in the company will stay in private hands. The contractual agreement still requires approval by the relevant government authorities before it takes effect.

In the medium term, Rheinmetall puts the annual sales potential of the newly acquired company at around €300 million and expects incoming orders in the current financial year to be in three-digit million-euro range. 

As Rheinmetall chief executive Armin Papperger sees it, “Bringing Automecanica Media into the Rheinmetall family marks another important milestone in our strategy of strengthening the Group’s presence in Central Europe, which in turn contributes to bolstering the defensive capabilities of the EU and NATO on Europe’s eastern flank. We look forward to supporting Romania in future projects in the vehicle domain as well as with other Rheinmetall technologies. Here, the inclusion of local partners and strengthening the Romanian economy are matters of central concern to us. We want to meet the expectations of the Romania’s politicians and military in the best possible way.” 

Automecanica Media is a longstanding maker of special vehicles, truck build-ons and trailers for the civilian and military market. Rheinmetall has been cooperating with Automecanica since 2022, when the two partners joined forces to operate a maintenance and repair facility for military vehicles in Satu Mare, Romania. 

The plant in Media, Romania is poised to play a key role in maintaining the operational readiness of Western-built combat vehicles in Ukraine, as well as assuring logistical support. Rheinmetall’s presence in Romania means that forces deployed on NATO’s eastern flank will be able to count on shorter response times and more robust supply chains. 

The acquisition constitutes a further expansion of Rheinmetall’s global vehicle production network, which already includes plants in the United States, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, Austria, the Netherlands and Germany. As well as significantly expanding the Group’s production and maintenance capacity, the move adds to its current portfolio of military vehicles. 
Truck build-ons, trailers and other special vehicles developed and produced by Automecanica augment and complement Rheinmetall’s existing range of military trucks, a domain in which Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles (RMMV) is a major force in world markets. 

Looking ahead, the chassis of antiaircraft systems belonging to the Romanian military are to be maintained and modernized here as well. 
In the medium term, Rheinmetall puts the annual sales potential of the newly acquired company at around €100 million and expects incoming orders in the coming financial year to be in the mid-three-digit million-euro range. 

Automecanica has long been an efficient and effective partner of the Romanian armed forces. In the new constellation, Rheinmetall, moving forward with Automecanica, now seeks to be a leading partner of the Romanian armed forces as well as those of neighbouring countries, with a significantly expanded array of products and services. 

Oak Grove Technologies – FOV Drone Operator Course

February 3rd, 2024

Mark your calendars! We’re excited to share our upcoming two-week digital FPV drone course, scheduled for 11-22 March 2024, at our Test and Training Center in Hoffman, NC (Adjacent to Camp Mackall).

Training Includes:

Expert Instruction: With a wealth of commercial and hobbyist experience, our instructors bring a unique blend of skill, passion, and real-world insights to elevate your FPV drone proficiency, including our lead instructor ranked 10th globally by MultiGP.

Optimal Training Environment: Navigate our tactical flying area plus student-build stations equipped with 3D printing capabilities for crafting custom parts. A protective net guards the pilot pit to ensure safety, offering a secure space for uninterrupted training.

Advanced Learning: Begin with computer simulations, mastering radio flight controls, and understanding FPV drone responses. Transition to hands-on experience, starting with basic flight skills on a Tiny Whoop, and progress to the 5” FPV drone you assemble.

Culminating Mission Experience: Reach the summit of your training with an immersive tactical mission scenario, where you apply and refine your skills in a real-world setting, solidifying your expertise through practical experience.

Materials: Upon completion, leave with your fully assembled digital drone, TX16S radio, HDZero goggles, spares, and a Pelican Air deployment/travel case.

This course is for military, government or law enforcement only.

Please Scan the QR code to begin the registration process, or reach out for more detailed information, including pricing and registration details: uas@oakgrovetech.com

US, Allies and Partners Integrate for Dynamic Targeting Kill-Chain Automation Experiments at Nellis AFB

February 3rd, 2024

The 805th Combat Training Squadron, also known as the Shadow Operations Center – Nellis, executed their annual Capstone event by experimenting with and developing tactics, techniques, and procedures for integrated two-way kill-chain automation between the operational and tactical command and control including battle management levels, to create competitive advantages for the United States and its allies and partners at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada.

As the United States Air Force’s lead Advanced Battle Management System Battle Lab, the ShOC-N (a.k.a. the Rhinos) experiments and assesses emerging concepts, applications, and technologies, as well as develops TTPs for the Multi-Domain Operations Center of the future.  During the five-day Capstone event, the Battle Lab executed a constructive large-force employment, using data generated organically within the ShOC-N’s modeling & simulation environment, to improve dynamic targeting kill-chain automation through software integration and associated TTP development.

“During the Capstone event in 2022, the ShOC-N proved it was possible to quantify, observe, and measure command and control; the idea of measuring C2 has been overlooked in the past because of the misconception that ‘C2 is an art’. Human judgment will continue to play a critical role, but we’re proving C2 decision making is far more science than art,” said Col. Jonathan Zall, Department of the Air Force ABMS Cross Functional Team.  “The Rhinos are taking the lead to correct the oversights of the past. They’re developing and conducting crucial scientific C2 experiments.”

Zall continued, discussing the 2023 Capstone event. “The ShOC is an incredibly professional class act, disciplined ensuring the data is credible, not just if they like the toys, but how the tools perform, and they are measuring those things.  That is why I am genuinely impressed with the Rhinos, with everyone coming in and all the TDY support and everything that has been achieved.”

This year’s event featured independent but related experiments influenced by Indo-Pacific Command tactics that were identified and selected by the Command, Control, and Communications Battle Management, or C3BM, Operational Response Team, DAF, Air Combat Command, and Pacific Air Forces. Experiments included:

1 Dynamic Targeting Kill Chain Automation

2 Connect the Five Eyes, or FVEY, Battle Labs, also known as the Combined Federated Battle Laboratories Network, or CFBLNet, to the ShOC-N

3 Transformational Modeling for Battle Management, or TM-BM

4 Digital Battle Management Node, also known as Tactical Operations Center – Light, and Mobile Solutions

“The ShOC-N doubled the number of experiments this year and primarily focused on the scientific rigor needed for data collection and analysis in order to provide data-driven insights for new prototypes or processes,” said Lt. Col. John Ohlund, 805th CTS/ShOC-N commander.

The Dynamic Targeting Kill Chain Automation experiments utilized tools focused on increasing the speed, scale and accuracy of the find, fix, track, target and engage, or F2T2E, process for PACAF’s experiment while also supporting ACC’s NEXUS integration efforts.

The ShOC-N modeled and replicated PACAF’s current operational- to tactical-level systems and processes, allowing for the secure experimentation of two new dynamic targeting kill-chain automation technologies.

The ShOC-N hosted personnel from across the DAF, industry, and coalition partners for the experiment. Data collection and analytics measured speed, scale, and accuracy during the experiments.

The ABMS CFT’s experiment objectives focused on procuring data through connecting FVEY Battle Labs/CFBLNet, TM-BM, and data capture and debrief tools.

Japan Self-Defense Forces, German and French Armed Forces, along with FVEY New Zealand Defence Forces, and United States Air Force Weapons School students participated in the TM-BM artificial intelligence-enabled technology experiment known as “Match Effectors,” or the decision to appropriately pair effectors with targets while taking into consideration many factors.  The experiment observed two groups of participants one using one operating system’s software and a control group using a different operating system’s software to compare the effect of human-machine-team decision speed, quality, and human confidence in HMT solutions.

The United Kingdom and Canada were the first coalition partners to integrate into the ABMS Battle Lab, allowing them to connect and participate in the TM-BM experiment.  The ShOC-N is currently working with Australia and New Zealand to connect their Battle Labs.  The two FVEY Battle Labs used the CFBLNet enclaves to establish a releasable, or REL, environment allowing the exchange of mission-related files, simulation data, and voice/chat/data link messages, providing the initial validation for the United Kingdom and Canada to host future combined C2 experiments. 

“This new capability provides our coalition partners access to the Battle Lab as if they’re physically on the operations floor, allowing our partners to fully participate in CJADC2 [Combined Joint All-Domain Command and Control] and ABMS exercises and experiments,” said Jeffery Compoc, 805th CTS/ShOC-N chief technical officer.

During the final ABMS CFT experiment, the simultaneous effectiveness of four data capture and debrief tools that support C2 were assessed. The experiment compared the type of data collected, quality of measurements, and display between the four applications.

“Watching the TM-BM and dynamic targeting experiments was like holding a prism into the light to reveal distinct decision categories, like the prism reveals the distinct colors of the rainbow,” said Zall.  “We [ABMS CFT] eventually wanted to get to experiments where we combined different decisions, but there were concerns the more decisions we put together that each little decision might be lost in the chaos, but now we know that we can do these combined decision experiments because the Rhinos just did it and they’ve been doing it all week.  Since the Rhinos are so methodical with collecting data, we can use it like it was our own experiment.  All we have to do is apply the model and pull the insights from the data.”

Throughout the Capstone event, the TOC-L, now known as the TOC-enabled Control Reporting Center, or CRC, team executed tactical C2 primarily from the TOC kit in a tent outside the ShOC-N.  The TOC family of systems provides a tailorable Battle Management C2 center that scales up or down based on the Component Commander’s needs. The TOC kit is a mobile ground based tactical BMC2 capability used to conduct BM functions within a CRC or Air Support Operations Center.  The ShOC’s dynamic targeting and M&S cells sent data to the TOC enabled CRC for use within the common operational picture display and target prosecution. The experiment analyzed the operational speed of data exchange utilizing experimental software and traditional crews executing the target process.

The ShOC-N deployed Wi-Fi on the combat operations floor for the first time, allowing mobile solutions for C2 warriors.   The Rhinos, in partnership with the C3BM ORT office utilized ORT’s Mobile Solution tablets employing Commercial Solutions for Classified, or CfSC, infrastructure during the Capstone event. 

“The mobile solutions experiment allowed operators to move freely on the operations floor and maintain communications and situational awareness of the operations, while the ShOC-N analyzed battle-management data, instrumentation network metrics, and experimentation on the influence for the kill-chain execution,” said Compoc.

“The partnership between the C3BM Operational Response Team’s Mobile Solutions/CfSC prototype and the 2023 ShOC-N Capstone event provided battle management operators with a hands-on experience of what mobile C2 could look like in an ACE CONOP [Agile Combat Employment concept of operations] environment,” said Capt. Shane Toner, DAF C3BM ORT program manager. “C3BM collected user feedback of the operator experience while replicating the battle management functions of operator workstations on the ShOC-N operations floor that will influence CSfC capability and End User Device form factors for the future DAF Battle Network.”

Toner continued, the use of CSfC End User Devices can reshape thinking around operations floor physical layouts, the ability to collaborate and generate teaming environments, and the DAF’s ability to conduct mobile C2 in a wireless fashion. ShOC-N Capstone provided a key venue for the development of C3BM ORT’s plans for the Mobile Solutions prototype and the team looks forward to supporting the ShOC-N in 2024.

“What we are seeing here [at the ShOC-N] is 90% ingenuity and grit and 10% resourcing, so one of my messages back to my bosses and anyone who will listen is, now just imagine what these folks could do with more resources? And you can trust them to be good stewards of resourcing because they have already proved it,” said Zall.

The ShOC-N’s mission is to provide an environment for the DAF to make rapid acquisition decisions, provide data-driven requirements, and distribute warfighter feedback to the industry to drive information advantage and decision superiority against current DOD pacing challenges.

“The ShOC team is excited for 2024 and the continued experimentation with the Secretary of the Air Force’s Operational Imperative team for ABMS and CJADC2. Our goal is more experiments, potentially smaller and more frequent, and culminating in an annual Capstone,” said Ohlund.

Deb Henley

505th Command and Control Wing

Public Affairs

Major Order for Rheinmetall – International Partner Orders Additional Kits for Fuchs 2 Production

February 2nd, 2024

An international partner has awarded Rheinmetall an order to supply Fuchs 2 components for producing the wheeled armoured vehicle at a factory in the partner country. The current follow up orders also include kits for conversion and the supply of spare part packages. Booked in December 2023, the order is worth a figure in the three-digit million-euro range. Delivery of the kits — both for production and conversion — starts this year and will be complete in 2028.

The production facility in the partner country has seen an increase in added value in recent years as well as investments to ensure high-quality machining, welding and surface treatment. This long-standing strategic partnership is thus entering a new, promising phase, including the potential export of Fuchs 2 vehicles produced in the partner country.

The Fuchs success story continues with this large-volume order. As a versatile 6×6 wheeled armoured vehicle, it has been in service with the Bundeswehr as for almost half a century. 
Around 1,800 Fuchs vehicles have been built to date. The armed forces of many nations deploy various versions of the vehicle, which can be used as an armoured personnel carrier, mobile command post, field ambulance or for NBC reconnaissance. The German Bundeswehr has fielded multiple versions of the Fuchs 1 since 1979, deploying over a hundred of these vehicles in Afghanistan and elsewhere. The Fuchs 2 is an advanced version of the Fuchs 1, featuring a larger interior, a more powerful engine, an updated chassis, improved modern protection, and a digital electrical system.

The Bundeswehr has a total of around 940 Fuchs vehicles in its inventory, 272 of which are version 1A8. This version of the Fuchs 1 offers substantially better protection against mines and improvised explosive devices compared to earlier models; it also features enhanced protection against ballistic threats. Among the principal modifications found in the Fuchs 1A8 are structural changes to the hull, new seats and seat suspension systems in the fighting compartment for decoupling from the floor of the hull, reinforced wheel housings, doors and window mountings, additional storage boxes and reinforcement of the vehicle exterior. 

Mystery Ranch Remains Committed to Supporting Military Customer

February 2nd, 2024

There are a lot of questions regarding what the future holds for Mystery Ranch now that Yeti has purchased the brand.

One of those questions has now been put to rest thanks to this statement we received from Yeti.

We are committed to upholding MYSTERY RANCH’S mission to serve those who serve and will continue supporting the military community as passionately as ever.

It’s a new business area for Yeti, but it’s great to see that they remain committed to their military customer.

Exclusive AXL + Shaw Concepts ARC V2 in MultiCam Black (Limited Release)

February 2nd, 2024

Available one-time only while supplies last, this will not be a regular stocking item, so if you’re on the fence, now is the time.

Introducing the Shaw Concepts ARC V2 Suite in Multicam Black. This first-ever Multicam Black offering is available exclusively through www.AXLadvanced.com.

This limited bundle features the Shaw Concepts ARC V2 carrier in Multicam Black and AXL’s add-on accessories in one comprehensive package.

The set comes with:

-ARC V2 Front and Rear Plate Bags

-Base Shoulder Straps

-ARC Pontoons

-ARC V3 Placard

-Triple 5.56 Insert

-AXL Equinox Cummerbund

-AXL Structural Shoulder Pads

-FirstSpear Tubes Buckles


B5 Systems – Modular Machine Gun Stock

February 2nd, 2024

You may have noticed the unique stock on Ohio Ordnance Works’ New 338 Norma Mag Lightweight Medium Machine Gun, the Recoil Enhanced Automatic Precision Rifle (REAPR).

It’s the Modular Machine Gun Stock from B5 Systems. Made from long glass fiber advanced polymer, it features an adjustable length of pull, integral 4-position adjustable cheek comb, low profile shoulder stay, and recoil dampening buttpad.

The stock was designed to offer enhanced ergonomics and feature points for machine guns.  Although it debuted on the OOW REAPR but they also have a 1913 compatible version, with 240 and 249 variants in the pipeline.  The stock features an optimized cheek weld while still allowing side folding capability (operating system dependent).  The weight of the stock is dependent upon the weapon system/attachment point. 

Presently available to Government and OEM customers in Black and Coyote Brown.

The REAPR is also outfitted with the P23 Grip and MLOK Rail Covers from B5 Systems.
