GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Chase Tactical Launches New Website

October 17th, 2018

Bozeman, MT – Chase Tactical is excited to announce the launch of their new website.  After years of being known as a distributor, Chase Tactical has moved into manufacturing their own premium line of Chase Tactical branded nylon products.  The new product line will include Plate Carriers, Ammo Pouches, Utility Pouches, Bags and Packs and will complement the Company’s existing lines of Ballistic Armor.  Chase Tactical has been rolling out their new products over the last few weeks which are being made with 100% USA Made Mil-Spec Materials, IR Webbing and other premium components that customers would expect from Chase Tactical.  A Berry Compliant version of most products will be offered along with having a TAA Compliant line as well.  There will be no changes to Chase Tactical’s Ballistic Armor line which remains 100% Made in USA and Berry Compliant.

View the new website here: www.ChaseTactical.com

U.S. Department of Homeland Security Awards Protect The Force for Development of Photovoltaic Energy Harvesting Fabrics for First Responders

October 17th, 2018

An Award Through the Silicon Valley Innovation Program Under the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate

Protect The Force Inc., a leader in design and technology for military, law enforcement, fire and rescue, has received an award to develop photovoltaic energy harvesting fabrics from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T).

In what is the first award under the DHS S&T’s Silicon Valley Innovation Program’s (SVIP’s). Energy Harvesting Fabrics solicitation, Protect The Force will provide a proof-of-concept of a photovoltaic fiber that can be woven into an energy harvesting fabric. The fabric would be used in first responder garments with a goal to provide reliable power for charging batteries or power electronics.  The award is for the first phase of a four-phase program and is valued at $199,260.

The goal of the Energy Harvesting Fabrics solicitation is to seek new fiber technology that can be integrated into first responder uniforms, such as daily use uniforms, with the ability to charge radios, sensors and other electronics worn on the frontlines by police officers, medical personnel. The scope of the call also includes wildland firefighter uniforms that can withstand the extreme conditions of wildfires and structural firefighter gear used when responding to building fires.

Protect The Force will work closely with Dr. Ramaswamy Nagarajan, Professor at the University of Massachusetts-Lowell (UML), utilizing UML’s recently unveiled Fabric Discovery Center (FDC) facilities and with Tweave LLC to execute on this first phase of the project. UML- FDC acknowledges the support from the Massachusetts Manufacturing Innovation Initiative (M2I2) that provided the funding for the acquisition of equipment that will be used in the fabrication of the photovoltaic fibers. UML-FDC also acknowledges Advanced Functional Fabrics of America (AFFOA), NEXTFLEX and Advanced Robotics Manufacturing (ARM) USA Institutes.

“We are honored to be the recipients of this award from the prestigious DHS Science and Technology Directorate’s Silicon Valley Innovation Program,” stated Francisco J. Martinez, Protect The Force Chief Technology Officer.

“We would like to thank Dr. Nagarajan and Ms. Claire Lepont at UML-FDC for their relentless efforts in developing a winning proposal. We also appreciate the support of Tweave LLC’s General Manager Ms. Mary Reardon, as a key player in the project. We now look forward to the kick-off and execution of this project and to developing a potentially lifesaving technology to our First Responders.”

“It is estimated that the global market for energy harvesting is expected to reach $4.4 billion by 2021,” continued Mr. Martinez.  “With defense being the second most significant area of application, this segment is expected to reach approximately $845 million by 2019. The US Army is increasingly using energy harvesting in wearable devices.  First responders are also growing their use and need for equipment to aid communications, awareness, safety and improved technical ability in emergencies.”

“Our success in this program creates a great opportunity not only for our work with first responders and DHS, but for developing energy harvesting fabrics for the consumer market place including the outdoor industry, geo-textiles, marine industry and other markets,” concluded Mr. Martinez.

Widget Wednesday – Extending Operational Capability

October 17th, 2018

Many electronic end-user devices in use today will only run for a few hours before their batteries need to be replaced or recharged. But no-one wants to carry a ton of extra batteries, and stopping for a prolonged period of time to recharge batteries isn’t always tactically feasible either.

With the PTX range of solutions our mission is to enable you to perform your missions more effectively by extending your electronic operational capabilities. We do this by enabling the Warfighter to reduce the amount of different batteries they have to carry, to repurpose the batteries they have across different types of electronic equipment, and to recharge those batteries when off-the-grid or in austere environments. Sometimes this involves a full kit of power management systems and accessories, sometimes this involves a simple smart cable that connects an end-user device to an external battery of higher capacity.

Speaking of external batteries, we have developed a range of cables, adapters, connectors, and pouches that enable end-users to connect radios, tablets, smart phones, and other devices to high capacity, wearable, external batteries and power packs such as the Inventus CWB 85 and 150, the SoloPack® and SharePack® batteries from Revision Military, the Li-80 and Li-145, the Ultralife LM-145 and M-1, the Goal Zero Sherpa®, and more.

Find out more about the wide range of equipment, applications, and mission sets we enable at www.PTXnomad.com

Reversible Inner Belts (RIB) Now Available at Mean Gene Leather

October 17th, 2018

We have been reporting on “Mean” Gene Higdon’s company since it launched four years ago. This is the latest in a series of new products MGL has released, though building any of them was impossible for a while because of the hurricane. Many people don’t realize the former saddlemaker is usually up and sewing by about 4am, and rarely quits until long after this grandkids bedtime.

Hubert, North Carolina

Mean Gene Leather recently announced the availability of the new MGL Reversible Inner Belt (RIB). The RIB is designed to function as sharp, buckle-less EDC belt (with the leather outboard) or the under-belt for a duty rig (with the loop outboard), providing all the stability one needs for IWB, OWB, or “full duty” carry.

Hurricane Florence made it a bit difficult to obtain a Reversible Inner Belt for a while, but thankfully Mean Gene’s facility survived Flo’s drubbing and they’re back at it.

The RIB is very similar to the MGL Free Flight belt (q.v.), the difference being the addition of a polymer stiffener and hook-and-loop interior lining instead of a second layer of leather. This gives the wearer an everyday wear belt that simultaneously provides the option of flipping around, whether at need (throwing a full rig on from a kit bag) or just for convenience (stepping out of the courtroom and going back On The Job). Unlike nylon belts and rigger belts, the RIB is not clearly a tactical accessory.

RIBs are sewn individually at the time of order and will require a few days to build before shipping. Lead times are determined by MGL’s work load and availability of materials by suppliers.

MBL Reversible Inner Belt Features & Specs:

· Hand built using 8/0 oz. leather
· The RIB belt is available in all 10 MGL leather colors* with 5 options of matching or contrasting thread.
· Thread color options include black, brown, old sand, white, and steel grey
· RIB belt width is 1.5 in. only
· Standard sizes include 28 to 48 (US). For bigger or smaller, contact MGL**
· Male and female versions available (8 in. overlap and 5 in. overlap respectively)
· Weight will depend upon the size of the belt, but is typically in the 1 lb. range.
· Dimensions 13.45 x 11.63 x 2.25 in.
· Double stitching with #277 Bonded Nylon thread for strength and durability.
· Layers laminated with industrial strength adhesives in addition to the stitching
· Burnished and dyed edges.
· Hand conditioned with Ray Holes Saddle Butter Leather Conditioner before packaging for a soft, supple feel and increased flexibility.

*Rich Brown and Golden Brown are English Bridle Leather; Crazy Horse, Antique Brown, and Dirty Grey are premium water buffalo hide. All other colors are high quality vegetable tanned leather.

1. Wear the pants you normally would.
2. Measure around yourself, preferably using a cloth or other flexible measuring tape.
3. If you carry IWB, handgun or mag pouches or both, do so as you measure.


Need one, or just want one? Ü MGL RIP Reversible Inner Belt.

Find other MGL keep-your-belt up and support-your-gun offerings on the Mean Gene Leather Belt Page.

For additional information, contact info@meangeneleather.com.

Kydex and Cordura will work but distinguished things deserve leather.
Mean Gene Leather is dedicated to Handmade Leather products. Where the Old meets the New. Our vision is to provide the best handcrafted gear for our Mean Gene family. Without you, we would be nothing. MGL is online at meangeneleather.com. Connect on Facebook, /MeanGeneLeather/, or follow on Instagram, @mean_gene_leather. See more: #meangeneleather on Instagram | #meangeneleather on Facebook.

Everything The Army Wants You Know About The New Army Combat Fitness Test

October 17th, 2018

Everyone is talking about the new Army Combat Fitness Test set to become the standard of fitness measurement beginning in Fiscal Year 2021. Until then, 60 BN-sized units will evaluate the six event test which requires specialized equipment to complete.


On the plus side, the ACFT is designed to more accurately measure Combat Fitness than the current three event Army Physical Fitness Test. On the down side, the ACFT takes a lot of standardized equipment and time to conduct.

Although it has been referred to a variety of names over the past four decades, the three event test was adopted because all that was needed was a stop watch, measured two-mile course and a flat surface to conduct pushups and sit-ups. The test prior to that required a special facility with horizontal bars and a run, dodge, and jump course. In short, the APFT can be conducted almost anywhere with little preparation or equipment. It’s easy to conduct.

What’s more, the Physical Fitness score is tied to promotion with a common scoring system for all. While the ACFT will use a common scale with a minimum, Soldiers in different MOSs and assignments will be required to attain different scores. This undermines its use as a promotion tool.

Adoption of the ACFT will require a significant cultural shift. But enough of that. Here’s a Center for Army Lessons Learned document discussing the ACFT. It tells you everything the Army wants you to know about the ACFT. Enjoy!

img_7659.jpg(Click here to download pdf)

Brigantes Presents – High Angle Solutions – NATO Enabling Contract for Silva Expedition 5 6400/350 Global

October 17th, 2018

We are very proud to announce that the Silva Expedition 5 6400/360 Global has been awarded an enabling contract with NATO through NSPA.

This compass is the ideal navigation tool for militaries all over the world.  Following significant development work with the Royal Marines and Silva the compass has evolved into a substantially more robust tool with a thicker base plate and chunkier bezel, which is also now sealed to prevent air bubbles forming.

Functionally the Expedition 5 is light years from the old Militaire.  It still has all the useful tools that you would expect on the base plate, such as romers, measurers and magnifying glass but now also has an inclinometer, variable declination, measuring lanyard and most important of all a globally balanced needle.

The global needle enables accurate use of the compass anywhere around the world.  This is achieved by magnetising the central gimbal, which rests on a sapphire for the smoothest needle movement possible.  The gimbal allows the magnetic elements to point at magnetic north without disturbing the needle and reducing accuracy.

So not only do you get a compass that lasts a lot longer than the older Militaire but it replaces the need for two compasses, northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere.  All in all a great efficiency saving which will help expeditionary forces remain accurate and effective in their navigation.

For more information get in touch by email on international@brigantes.com or for UK customers warrior@brigantes.com.


Crush Cancer

October 17th, 2018

Dynamis Alliance’s motto is “Crush Everything” and they’ve decided to help go after cancer next.

This new t-shirt not only raises awareness, a portion of all proceeds of its sale will be donated to a charity of Dynamis’ choice to help others CRUSH CANCER.


New Security Solution Designed to Prevent Vehicle Terrorism

October 16th, 2018


In April, a man drove a van into a crowd on a sidewalk in Toronto, killing 10 and injuring a dozen more. In March, an angry driver drove a car into a group outside a bar in Texas, killing one and injuring at least three others. In 2017, several high-profile vehicle attacks occurred globally, including two in London. One, on London Bridge, resulted in eight fatalities. Another, on Westminster Bridge, resulted in five deaths. In December 2016, a man drove a truck into a crowd at a Christmas market in Berlin, Germany, killing 12 people and wounding nearly 50 more. In another vehicle attack, likely terror-related, a rented cargo van was used. Eighty-six people were killed. Hundreds more were wounded.

This new and dangerous mass-killing tactic shows no signs of abatement. Indeed, large vehicles may be replacing firearms as a weapon of choice since perpetrators can so quickly and easily gain access to them. Terrorists can rent a large truck quickly and surreptitiously from many places that provide such services. Unlike firearm purchases, these rentals aren’t delayed by cooling-off periods or tracked by law enforcement. Instead, the terrorist can rent a vehicle and become familiar with its operation well before the planned attack. Large vehicles can be obtained globally. Even a smaller vehicle, such as a van or passenger car, can cause mass casualties in a crowded area.

Vehicle attacks are particularly insidious because they attempt to deny people the use of open spaces, gathering areas and common markets, such as weekly farmers’ markets or specialty markets. Parades are also potential targets.

Currently, there is limited knowledge about how to predict or stop such attacks. Until now, no one in government or the private security sector has taken a leadership role in physical security to address such attacks. Now Security Pro USA has stepped up to provide a product to meet this need.

The company provides a variety of portable vehicle barriers which can be used to secure a perimeter from vehicle attacks. The company’s vehicle barriers are available in a variety of sizes to fit the threat level or needs of the security personnel and situation.

Most vehicle barriers have been fixed concrete structures, such as large bollards, or large and unwieldy products that were not portable. Security Pro offers a better option. The company’s HERCULES 100 Heavy Weight Modular Vehicle Barrier can be transported easily in a van, station wagon or SUV. When assembled, this barrier can stop vehicles as large as tractor trailers as well as cars, vans and even large trucks.

Security Pro also offers smaller barriers which are equally effective against a variety of vehicle threats. The Samson Modular Barrier for Heavy Weight Vehicles will prevent vehicles as small as a motorcycle or as large as a 12-ton truck from entering a secured perimeter.

“Our barriers represent the top level of both design and workmanship. Our products have been well-tested with a focus on saving lives,” said Security Pro USA CEO Al Evan.

Security Pro recommends the use of barriers for any event where traffic should be limited for security reasons. Examples of such events include open-air shopping experiences, outdoor concerts, fairs, parades and motorcades.

Security Pro vehicle barriers can be disassembled and easily stored in relatively small spaces. Due to their modular nature, these barriers do not have to be deployed in advance, but can be taken to the site and assembled prior to the event, reducing the inconvenience of barricading areas to a relatively short timeframe.

Security Pro barriers are designed for both civilian and governmental use as well as military applications, particularly where checkpoints are used, but permanent structures aren’t desirable or have been prohibited by host countries.

“We intend to get these barriers out to public safety officials as soon as possible to help protect public safety by assisting police and military personnel with quick deployment and the power to stop vehicles in protected areas,” Evan said.

Vehicle barriers are currently the best solution available to stop these types of attacks.

Visit www.securityprousa.com or call (800) 264-8273 now for more information.