GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

G-Form and High-Speed Gear Deliver 26,469 SF Wrap Pads to the US Army

February 3rd, 2025

PROVIDENCE, RI, February 03, 2025 – G-Form®, the leader in innovative technology protection, in collaboration with High-Speed Gear® (HSG), proudly announces the successful delivery of 26,469 pairs of SF Wrap Shoulder and Belt Pads to the U.S. Army.

G-Form, renowned for designing and manufacturing protective gear that integrates SmartFlex™ proprietary technology with Department of Defense (DoD)-specific Berry-compliant advanced materials, delivers unmatched mobility, lethality, and protection to enhance warfighter survivability.

“It’s time to revolutionize how luxury in protection is defined,” said David Jackson, Director of Military Programs at G-Form.

High-Speed Gear, a leader in high-quality tactical gear solutions, played a critical role in the success of the SF Wrap Pads, leveraging its expertise in tactical load carriage.

“The collaboration between HSG and G-Form represents a commitment to delivering products that enhance the comfort, endurance, and effectiveness of our warfighters,” said Allison Mitchum, VP of Sales & Marketing at High-Speed Gear. “This innovation ensures that service members can maintain peak performance with reduced fatigue, allowing them to focus on their mission.”

Product Development & Benefits

The SF Wrap Pads were developed following insights from the 2022 Army Expeditionary Warrior Experiment (AEWE), where prototypes received overwhelmingly positive feedback from soldiers. The pads:

• Enhance comfort by reducing energy transfer from plate carriers or rucks to the user

• Feature a 1/4” thin profile, preventing interference with cheek welds during weapon deployment

• Offer cable management with two strapping locations

• Dissipate heat and reduce unnecessary friction

• Provide versatile applications, from over-the-shoulder straps to battle belts, with or without Velcro inner belts

The SF Wrap Pads officially launched with High-Speed Gear in February 2024 and are available for purchase at www.highspeedgear.com.

Product Description

The HSG SF Wrap Pads feature SmartFlex™ non-Newtonian impact solution, which attenuates shock and reduces fatigue by dampening energy transfer. Their versatile design allows for:

• Wide configuration for maximum surface area on large backpack straps

• Slim configuration for minimal bulk on shoulder straps

• Compatibility with most plate carrier shoulder straps, belts, and weapon slings

• Customizable fit, as the material can be trimmed with scissors

• Set of two shipped with One Wrap straps

Part Number: 95SF00OD

For More Information

Sales Inquiries: sales@highspeedgear.com

Strategic Partnerships: strategicpartners@g-form.com

MATBOCK Monday – Celebrating 15 Years

February 3rd, 2025

Last week MATBOCK celebrated their 15 year anniversary. MATBOCK was founded with a vision to bring innovative solutions to the warfighters. Thank you to all the customers, vendors, industry partners, and friends who have supported us since day one and continue to support us today. 15 years later, we stand true to our mission and are excited for what the next 15 years and beyond bring.

Air Force Kicks Off Roadshow, Prepares Airmen for ‘Units of Action’ Implementation

February 3rd, 2025


Air Force senior leadersconducted one of their first stops of a recently launched roadshow at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland, Jan. 24, to prepare Airmen as the service transitions into Combat Wings, Air Base Wings and Institutional Wings as part of the ongoing U.S. Air Force reoptimization. 

This structural change increases the ability for commanders to focus on their mission and enables the creation of an Air Force “Unit of Action” capable of deploying as a cohesively trained and highly effective team of warrior Airmen. 

Senior leaders will visit approximately 20 bases and their corresponding wings over the next few months to communicate the wing reorganization plan, to include the implementation of the wing A-Staff and dissolution of most group command echelons. 

They will also explain the long-term effects of the new force presentation model to Airmen and their units, both in garrison and deployed. 

Implementation is expected to begin in the summer of 2025 to include the stand-up of new Air Base Wings at designated installations. 

Following the transition, Air Force installations will be comprised of a Combat Wing and/or an Institutional Wing and an Air Base Wing. 

Combat Wings will focus on training and certification for mission level warfighting skills and being ready to deploy or execute in-place in support of combatant command requirements. 

The mission of Institutional Wings will be to organize, train and equip the Air Force combat forces and will include units such as flying training wings and test wings. 

Air Base Wings will focus on the skills and readiness necessary to protect, sustain and operate the power projection platform (the installation), supporting Combat Wings and/or Institutional Wings along with any other tenant units. They maintain the responsibility to ensure base operations in competition, crisis and conflict while also providing for the care and support of family readiness for the entire base community. 

The missions of preparing and employing forces, as well as defending the installation against threats are full time jobs; the addition of the Air Base Wing allows all Airmen, from commanders to those working the line, to dedicate their full attention to their specific mission instead of dividing their attention. 

“Operating and protecting our bases under enemy threat is crucial, and we must ensure our Airmen are properly trained and prepared for deployment,” said Col. Scott Yeatman, current operations deputy director. “To achieve this, our goal is to have teams of Airmen receive comprehensive training through the four phase Air Force Force Generation cycle so they’re ready for action the minute they hit the ground on a deployment.” 

According to Air Force Deputy Chief of Operations Lt.Gen. Adrian Spain, “Airmen will form into cohesive units focused on training, exercising and deploying together as a mission-ready, warfighting team. These changes are fundamental to generating team readiness and increasing lethality for assured mission success.” 

In parallel with these efforts, Air Force wings will largely dissolve the group command echelon and implement a wing A-Staff to facilitate wing commander decision-making and better enable the squadrons to execute their missions. 

“We’ll be standardizing our staff structure across all bases, with a consistent framework, while allowing for necessary flexibility based on mission requirements at the local level. These changes will ensure the service is better organized and trained to execute operations across the joint warfighting functions,” Yeatman explained. 

Roadshow engagements address how these changes will directly affect each installation they visit, how each organization will be equipped to more effectively support Department of the Air Force mission requirements and provide a forum for Airmen to ask questions. 

“Reoptimizing the Air Force into Combat, Institutionaland Air Base wings is a foundational change to how we prepare and deploy combat effective forces,” said Brig. Gen. David Epperson, special assistant to the Air Force Chief of Staff. “I am excited for this roadshow and the opportunity it provides to both share information and engage in direct conversation with Airmen at the unit level about the way forward.” 

More resources on the Air Force’s ongoing reoptimization efforts can be found here. 

By TSgt Nick Z. Erwin, Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs

Passing of a Legend: Saying Goodbye to Doc Dater

February 2nd, 2025

The firearms industry lost a true legend on Wednesday, January 22nd, with the passing of Doctor Phil Dater. You may not know his name or his history. But if you know anything at all about suppressors, you definitely know his legacy.

I had the privilege to work for Phil at Gemtech for almost a decade, and I can truly say he will be missed.

Dr. Phil Dater, founder of Gemtech

Photos courtesy of JK Armament.

Dr. Phil Dater: Goodbye to a Suppression Pioneer

by Patti Miller

Doc Dater started with suppressors in the late 1950s, and as he used to love to recount in stories over the years, he created suppressors in the machine shop in the basement of a hospital where he worked. He tinkered over the years and officially started AWC in New Mexico, where he registered his designs and started production models for sale. He would later leave New Mexico for the Boise, Idaho area.

There, in the early 1990s, he created Gemtech.

For the next three decades, Phil would continue to build the company with his business partners, colleagues, and employees. Many of his designs from the early days through his time at Gemtech would be copied by competitors or used as the basis for the next generation of suppressors in the industry as we know it today. In addition to Gemtech, he would dedicate time and effort to share his vast knowledge base with others in the industry through seminars, writings, and mentoring others in the suppressor industry. That’s just a brief description of what he accomplished – his life was much more than that.

Anyone who knew Phil knew how passionate he was. He held strong beliefs about many things, including suppressors and sound suppression. At times, this would cause some heated debates regarding techniques or applications. But in the end, Phil really cared about the science and, more importantly, the people. While not always patient, he was usually ready and willing to help you learn.

I’m not going to lie and say that we always got along perfectly. I can honestly say there were many times we didn’t, but he never treated me any differently. He would go out of his way for those he cared about, and if you were one of the lucky ones he cared about, his generosity would know no bounds. He would strive to do what was right for those around him, and he was a man of his word. Phil went out of his way to take care of me as an employee at different times, and for that I’m extremely grateful. It was a testament to his overall caring and generous nature.

All I can say is that if you’re currently enjoying shooting suppressed, you need to thank Doc Dater. He will be very much missed, and the industry wouldn’t have been the same without him.

So, here’s the legend: may he rest in peace.

Learn more about the history of Gemtech or learn more about Doc Dater on RECOILweb or on Small Arms Defense Journal

Patti Miller is a longtime industry/marketing maven with a passion for search and rescue work, overlanding, shooting suppressed, and mighty works of gardening. Learn more at Everything Miller.
You can read more of Miller’s work on Breach-Bang-Clear, the Cadre Dispatch, The Mag Life, and other publications.

POTUS Stands Up Task Force 250

February 2nd, 2025

President Donald Trump (“Trump 47”) has issued an executive order establishing what they’re calling Task Force 250, more formerly titled the “White House Task Force on Celebrating America’s 250th Birthday.”

The United States will be celebrating the 250th anniversary of its independence on Independence Day 2026, roughly 18 months from now.

The Executive Order was issued yesterday, January 29.

This is how it reads:

Celebrating America’s 250th Birthday

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in anticipation of the 250th anniversary of American Independence on July 4, 2026, it is hereby ordered:

Section 1. Purpose. It is the policy of the United States, and a purpose of this order, to provide a grand celebration worthy of the momentous occasion of the 250th anniversary of American Independence on July 4, 2026. It is also the purpose of this order to take other actions to honor the history of our great Nation.

Sec. 2. Establishing the White House Task Force on Celebrating America’s 250th Birthday.

(a) There is hereby established the White House Task Force on Celebrating America’s 250th Birthday (Task Force 250).

(b) The President shall be the Chair of Task Force 250 and the Vice President will serve as Vice Chair. The Chair shall appoint an Executive Director, who shall administer and execute the day-to-day operations of Task Force 250, and who shall report through the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy. The Chair, the Vice Chair, or a member of Task Force 250 designated by the Chair, shall convene regular meetings of Task Force 250, determine its agenda, and direct its work, consistent with this order. The Executive Director and the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy shall assist in the performance of these duties. The Chair may designate any member of the Task Force to preside over meetings of the Task Force.

(c) In addition to the Chair and Vice Chair, Task Force 250 shall consist of the following members:

(i) the Secretary of State;
(ii) the Secretary of the Treasury;
(iii) the Secretary of Defense;
(iv) the Secretary of the Interior;
(v) the Secretary of Agriculture;
(vi) the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development;
(vii) the Secretary of Education;
(viii) the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy;
(ix) the Deputy Chief of Staff for Legislative Affairs;
(x) the Cabinet Secretary and Deputy Chief of Staff;
(xi) the Director of Speechwriting;
(xii) the Chair of the National Endowment for the Humanities;
(xiii) the Chair of the National Endowment for the Arts;
(xiv) the Director of the Institute of Museum and Library Services; and
(xv) the heads of such other executive departments, agencies, and offices that the Chair or the Vice Chair may, from time to time, designate or invite to participate.

(d) The Chair and the Vice Chair, as they deem appropriate, shall invite the Executive Director of the United States Semiquincentennial Commission to provide recommendations and advice to Task Force 250.

(e) Task Force 250 shall coordinate with the executive departments and agencies (agencies) to plan, organize, and execute an extraordinary celebration of the 250th Anniversary of American Independence and shall coordinate agencies’ communications with the United States Semiquincentennial Commission. In addition, the Executive Director may seek information or advice from such other agencies as Task Force 250 shall direct.

(f) For administrative purposes, the Task Force shall be housed in the Department of Defense, which shall provide funding and administrative support for Task Force 250, to the extent permitted by law and subject to the availability of appropriations.

(g) Agencies shall provide a report to Task Force 250 regarding their respective planning and activities with respect to the celebration of the 250th Anniversary of American Independence. These reports should be submitted to the Executive Director of Task Force 250 no later than March 1, 2025.

(h) Task Force 250 shall terminate on December 31, 2026, unless extended by the President.

Sec. 3. National Garden of American Heroes.

(a) Executive Order 13934 of July 3, 2020 (Building and Rebuilding Monuments to American Heroes) and Executive Order 13978 of January 18, 2021 (Building the National Garden of American Heroes) are reinstated as they were prior to issuance of Executive Order 14029 of May 14, 2021.

(b) The Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy shall recommend to the President additional historically significant Americans for inclusion in the National Garden of American Heroes, to bring the total number of heroes to 250.

(c) Section 3(c)(ii) of Executive Order 13934 is amended by striking “prior to the 250th anniversary of the proclamation of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 2026” and inserting in its place “as expeditiously as possible”.

Sec. 4. Protecting America’s Monuments from Vandalism.

Executive Order 13933 of June 26, 2020 (Protecting American Monuments, Memorials, and Statues and Combatting Recent Criminal Violence) is hereby reinstated as it was prior to the issuance of Executive Order 14029 of May 14, 2021. Recent examples of conduct necessitating reinstatement of this order include pro-Hamas-related vandalism of historically significant public monuments and related assaults on Federal officers and employees following October 7, 2023, including the vandalism of the exterior of the Department of the Treasury and of statues in Lafayette Square in Washington, D.C. on June 8, 2024, and the assaults on Federal officers and vandalism of the Christopher Columbus Memorial Fountain and Freedom Bell at Union Station in Washington, D.C. on July 24, 2024.

Sec. 5. General Provisions.

(a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:

(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof; or

(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.

(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.

Read more Presidential Actions online at Whitehouse.gov.

M05 Camo Fur Hat from Finland

February 2nd, 2025

For guys who want to brave the cold wearing something a little different, the ORIGOPRO Fur Hat in M05 camo is available now. The only thing missing is the official insignia.


UF PRO and Lindnerhof Highlight Cutting-Edge Tactical Solutions at SHOT Show 2025

February 1st, 2025

FULDA, GERMANY (30.01.2025)

At the 47th annual SHOT Show, which took place from January 21–24, 2025, at Caesars Forum in Las Vegas, UF PRO and Lindnerhof, two sub-brands of Mehler Systems, showcased the latest advancements in tactical clothing and gear, underlining their commitment to providing high-performance solutions for professionals operating in demanding environments.

UF PRO introduced a range of innovative products, withthe Striker TT Combat Pants and Shirt receiving its U.S. debut. Designed for extreme heat, dense vegetation, and humid conditions, this new BDU brings lightweight comfort and mobility to the forefront, setting a new benchmark for tactical clothing. Alongside the Striker TT, the brand presented a comprehensive lineup of weather-specific solutions, including cold-weather jackets, pants, rain gear, and the P-40 line, featuring all-terrain pants, jeans, urban pants, and shorts. These solutions are crafted to ensure professionals remain agile and comfortable, regardless of environmental challenges.

With the expansion of its U.S. operations, UF PRO also introduced the UF PRO USA team, based in Charlotte, North Carolina. This expansion signals a stronger commitment to supporting U.S. military, law enforcement, and special forces units, as well as an increasing number of American consumers.

Lindnerhof presented a series of high-performance solutions, including the Heavy Load Carrying System, designed to transport heavy loads with enhanced stability and comfort. The MX042 Plate Carrier, recognised for its modularity and lightweight design, was also on display. Additionally, multicaliber pouches, Curv tactical belts, and the Shikari Series—a tactical rope system designed for support and easy access to gear—were featured, highlighting their practical functionality and durability.

The booth attracted interest as experienced brand influencers, recognised for their practical knowledge anduse of tactical gear, stopped by to meet visitors. Their presence allowed attendees to engage directly with experts who rely on these products in the field, offering authentic perspectives on their functionality, durability, and overall performance.

SHOT Show 2025, as the first trade show of the season, marked an important moment for both UF PRO andLindnerhof, underscoring their continued dedication to providing reliable and high-performance tactical clothingand gear for professionals operating in challenging environments.


Tactical Toilet Paper Storage Case

February 1st, 2025

I swear to God this is real. It’s one of those wild things that shows up in my Instagram feed.

The Tactical Toilet Paper Storage Case accepts a roll of toilet paper and keeps it intact, relatively dry and free from dirt.

It features a daisy chain of webbing so you can tether it to other gear or the log on a makeshift latrine as well as a Velcro section so you can add a pithy morale patch or name tag so your TP isn’t swiped by the guy who ran out.

Look, it’s actually practical but it’s not something I would have ever thought was needed. But apparently now, I need one. It’s bad enough I make the wife use whatever facilities are at hand when camping. At least now, she’ll have a nice cozy for her TP.

Related, they also offer a Tactical Tissue/Wet Wipes Holder.