Behind the Scenes of one of the world’s leading Tactical Equipment Suppliers
Melbourne, Australia
20th May 2021.
Aquaterro is Australia’s leading provider of soldier and officer worn and carried equipment.
On Thursday 20th May, Aquaterro was proud to host the HON Scott Morrison, The Prime Minister of Australia, accompanied by Assistant Minister for Customs, Community Safety & Multicultural Affairs the HON Jason Wood, at the company’s purpose-built 50,000ft2 Defence Industry Facility built in 2020.
Founder & Managing Director, Graeme Bulte started Aquaterro 27 years ago in Tasmania, and has grown the business to be one of the world’s most successful Defence & Tactical Equipment Distributors.
In 2021 Aquaterro also provides one of Australia’s very few advanced prohibited-weapon and firearm Supply, Technical Inspection and Service Centres, as well as being a substantial product design and manufacturing house in its’ own right for its Peacemaker® brand products.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison (centre), Assistant Minister for Customs Jason Wood (right) and Graeme Bulte Aquaterro CEO (left)
During the official visit to Aquaterro, the Prime Minister was provided the opportunity to inspect firsthand the company’s Textile Design Lab, Technical Sewing Workshop, Industrial Design Lab, CNC Advanced Rapid Manufacturing and Prototyping Workshop, Armoury & Technical Inspection Workshop, Indoor 100m/.50cal Range, Secure Vault Storage and substantial High Security Warehouse Storage Capability. The Prime Minister was among the first to see the new Combat Ballistic Helmet Technical Inspection and Refurbishment Workshop being built next door in a second 13,500ft2 dedicated Building 2.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison also showed great interest in the many Aquaterro designed and manufactured products at the company HQ including, Ballistic Helmet Covers, Equipment Pouches & Load Carriage Systems, Body Armour Vests, and injection moulded parts for armour systems, equipment integration and small arms components.

Prime Minister Morrison said,
“what is happening here is self-sufficiency…” “…that here in our Defence industries that we have been building the capability and self-sufficiency year, on year, on year to ensure that companies like this have the capacity to meet the demands and needs of our significant Defence Force upgrades.” Supporting them so they can do the right job for Australia the job we need them to do, and more of that is being done by Australian companies like Aquaterro here in Melbourne.”

Mr Bulte said today that,
“it is a real privilege to have the Prime Minister and Jason Wood our local MP here today” “my team have a real passion for what we are doing, and we are growing. As the Prime Minister has said here; what we are looking to is the confidence for the future and the confidence for jobs”, “in the next six months we are going to grow our workforce by 50%”

A unique advantage for Aquaterro is its “hybrid” approach, of ensuring access to the world’s best equipment coupled with local capability building. This is achieved through Australian value-adding and participation with technology transfer, licensed manufacturing & assembly, engineering services, training, service & inspection for its leading brands. Providing both high-level access and high-level participation, without compromising one for the other.
The world’s leading brands such as Sig Sauer, Team Wendy, TYR Tactical, Wilcox, SureFire, Oakley, Mustang Survival, ChemringTS, and Safariland equipment, work collaboratively with Aquaterro in this way to meet complex customer requirements.
Working directly with State and Federal Government clients, as well as with other Australian businesses, to deliver world’s-best product and system solutions is a hallmark of Aquaterro’s approach.

In line with its already underway expansion plans, Aquaterro is the largest industry participant in the Australian Defence Force Project Land 159 – Small Arms Replacement Program, and a Major Contract Provider under Project Land 125 which is about to enter a new phase of acquisition.
Mr Bulte said in conclusion;
“The future for Australia and for medium size businesses like ours is very bright, I am optimistic about what that future holds and inspired by the passion our team has for the job ahead.”