GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

TYR Tuesday – IDTOUR VTS |Virtual Trade Show| Huron Hot Weather Uniform

July 21st, 2020

Episode Four of Innovate or Die® Tour Virtual Trade Show #IDTOURVTS is here!

Episode Four:

IDTOUR VTS |Virtual Trade Show| Huron™ Hot Weather Uniform

New episode launching every Tuesday.

Hot Weather Uniform Available Now:



Our mission has always been about protecting those who run towards the threat. To that end, we created the Innovate or Die® Tour and Mobile Showroom. Over the past couple years it has allowed us to meet you face-to-face, gather your feedback and answer your questions.

Life has been put on hold for many people around the world, but you have not stopped risking your safety and health against all the threats we face today.

We can’t wait to meet you on the road again.

Thank you to the men and women of the armed forces, first responders and health care professionals who continue to put their lives on the line.  You haven’t stopped working and neither will we.

Episode One:

IDTOUR VTS |Virtual Trade Show| PICO-DS & DSX Plate Carriers

Episode Two:

IDTOUR VTS |Virtual Trade Show| The Ultimate Range Bag

Episode Three:

IDTOUR VTS |Virtual Trade Show| Shield & Dolly System

Hasbro Presents – GI Joe Cartoons Live on Youtube

July 21st, 2020

If you grew up saying “knowing is half the battle” then you’ll appreciate that Hasbro is running full episodes of the GI Joe cartoon series on YouTube.

IWI Expands its Offerings with a Comprehensive Riot-Control Solution Providing Versatile Methods to Keep Public Order and Safety

July 20th, 2020

Aiming at minimizing the use of force the solution integrates top-level methodology with cutting-edge technologies, defensive and offensive equipment, and tailored training
July 16, 2020 IWI – Israel Weapon Industries, an SK Group Member and a leader in the production of combat-proven small arms for military forces, police units, law enforcement agencies, and governmental entities around the world – announces the expanding of its portfolio with a comprehensive riot-control solution. The newly offered solution uses versatile methods to maintain the public order and safety with minimum force application. These qualities make it – as intended – perfectly suitable for the operational use of Law Enforcement Agencies, Military Personnel, Police Units, Prison Services, and riot-control Special Forces.

IWI’s riot-control solution, tailored to client’s needs, includes conceptual and operative methodology, defensive products such as tactical anti-stab uniforms, anti-stab and bulletproof vests, tactical helmets, shield, multipurpose grenades and more, offensive tools such as multi-shot 12 gauge shotguns, 37-38mm launcher, 40mm launcher, ammunition, drones, and tactical courses for all levels.

“Civil disorder, characterized by extremists violently demonstrating, or even a legal and peaceful demonstration which escalated into an uncontrollable riot, can result in property damage and human casualties. There is a great importance to handle the situation with minimum use of force and lethal equipment to keep the public safe and retrieve order”, says Ronen Hamudot, VP Marketing and Sales at SK Group. “Only a well-structured methodology of proper use of law enforcement techniques, procedures, and tools will ensure the order and reestablish the confidence to the citizens”.

Hamudot explains that IWI’s vast experience with proven track record as a solutions provider, for military forces and law enforcement agencies enabled the company to create a holistic solution that gives the authorities the right means to control a riot while minimizing the use of force and avoiding unnecessary casualties. “As the pandemic continues to spread around the world, and with its effect on different aspects of our lives, there is a greater need for such a solution to keep the civilians safe”, he says.

Savage Now Building Southpaw Precision

July 20th, 2020

WESTFIELD, Massachusetts – July 15, 2020 – In keeping with its long tradition of supporting southpaw shooters, Savage is pleased to announce the debut of new left-handed models of their dynamic Precision Series rifles. New Model 110 Elite Precisions and 110 Precisions will be available this summer, making precision long range shooting accessible to any left-handed marksman.

“Savage has built an extensive catalog of left-handed firearms, quite possibly the largest in the industry.” said Beth Shimanski, Director of Marketing for Savage Arms. “Our customers come to expect it from us and these new Precision rifles once again demonstrate our commitment to serving all of our customers, equally.”


The 110 Elite Precision has changed the way shooters think of off-the-shelf rifles. The Model 110 action rides in an Adjustable Core Competition chassis from Modular Driven Technologies (MDT). From its full-length ARCA rail to its nitride coatings, this is a rifle built for a lifetime of Elite Precision.

• Savage factory blueprinted action
• MDT ACC aluminum chassis with fully adjustable stock
• ARCA Rail along the entire length of the chassis
• Stainless steel, flash nitride target receiver
• Titanium Nitride bolt body
• 1.5-4 lb user-adjustable AccuTrigger
• Self-timing taper aligned muzzlebrake (short action calibers only)
• MDT Vertical Grip and AICS magazine


The 110 Precision pairs Savage’s legendary 110 action with a LSS XL chassis designed by the accuracy experts at Modular Driven Technologies. The 110 Precision is fully customizable. From the adjustable comb height and length of pull, to the capabilities of its AccuTrigger™, this aluminum-framed rifle is built for long-range accuracy and uncompromising performance.

• Savage factory blueprinted action
• Matte black carbon steel heavy barrel, threaded 5/8-24
• MDT LSS XL Chassis with FDE Cerakote
• Exclusive skeletonized stock with fully adjustable comb height and length-of-pull
• 1.5-4 lb user-adjustable AccuTrigger
• 20 MOA 1–piece EGW rail
• AICS magazine
• BA Muzzlebrake

Learn more at www.savagearms.com.

SIG AIR PROFORCE M18 Airsoft Pistol

July 20th, 2020

Many are using MilSim (or airsoft) for Force-on-Force training purposes. SIG AIR has just introduced their PROFORCE M18 airsoft training pistol. It operates via green gas and operationally mimics the standard M18 Modular Handgun.

– Optic Ready Slide with Removable Rear Sight Plate
– Flush Mount Green Gas Magazine
– Field Strippable with Similar Balance and Weight As the Real M18
– Metal Slide Construction with Full Blow-back Action
– (1) 21rd Metal Magazine
– Up to 320fps


Sons of Liberty Gun Works Build Video

July 20th, 2020

One at time, by one of our talented craftsman. The birth of a blaster. From our family to yours. Enjoy!


GAO Report – Military Parachutes: Observations on Army and Marine Corps Acquisition Programs

July 20th, 2020

The House Armed Services Committee directed the Government Accounting Office to review the Army and Marine Corps’ procurement of free fall parachutes.

Their report examines the acquisition strategies used by the Army and Marine Corps for their parachute programs and the extent to which the Army and Marine Corps programs are meeting their cost, schedule, and performance goals.

The Army awarded its contract for the Advanced Ram Air Parachute System—known as the RA-1—in 2011. The Marine Corps awarded its contract for the Enhanced-Multi Mission Parachute System—now called the PS-2—in 2018.

GAO found that both programs are on cost and schedule.

Download your copy here.

MATBOCK Monday Rifle Mag Pouches

July 20th, 2020

Good morning and Happy MATBOCK Monday!

The Multi-Caliber Rifle Pouch is designed to accept any size magazine from single or dual 5.56, 7.62, .308 etc. Easy size adjustment, lightweight, MATBOCK Tabs on back and integrated belt loop are just a few of the additional features that make this the most versatile rifle mag pouch on the market.

The pouch is designed to hold 2 x 30 rd 5.56mm magazines. Both magazines, or only the back magazine, can be secured in place with the bungee retention lanyard for quick removal of the first mag without fear of losing the second.

The pouch is designed to hold 3 x 30 rd 5.56mm magazines, side-by-side. Specifically designed to be mounted to MOLLE or worn on an operator’s belt.

The pouch is designed to hold 1 x 30 rd 5.56mm magazines.

Don’t forget to tune in on Monday at 4:30 PM EST as we go live to demo our Mag pouches!