GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Archive for the ‘LE’ Category

MDM – SureFire G2XLE

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015

This is the G2XLE, a law enforcement variant of the popular G2X flashlight from SureFire.


The G2XLE offers a two stage click-style tailcap with 400 lumens (2.25 hours) on the initial click and 15 lumens (45 hours)  on the second.   This is an upgrade from the G2X Pro which offers 360 lumens.  In addition to constant on, the click-style tailcap also offers momentary on functionality.  It’s made from aluminum (bezel and tailcap) and Nitrolon material (chassis).  

At $80 full retail this is a good buy from SureFire.



Updated to correct order of illumination settings.  

MDM – Quantico Tactical / Pat-Down Props

Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015


Ran across this 16 piece kit in the Quantico Tactical booth. Pretty cool training aid that won’t give you a stick while conducting pat downs. Available through Quantico Tactical.

Matt Landfair on Police and the Minimum Requirement

Monday, September 14th, 2015

This is Matt Landfair’s second article on SSD. Matt is a Veteran Police officer, firearms/tactics instructor and founder of primaryandsecondary.com. We are hoping that articles like this can spur dialogue.


I have always been a firearms enthusiast. I was surprised I wasn’t surrounded by like-minded people when I went through the police academy. It wasn’t until I took further training beyond what is provided in law enforcement did I start seeing a bigger picture beyond just firearms. I learned how firearms, equipment, tactics, and training all work in concert. I also found this bigger picture was not an important aspect with many of my coworkers. This bigger picture is an important part of law enforcement; aspects within it can affect life or death outcomes.


Because of the weight firearms and firearms training holds; I found myself always looking to improve. My attitude is it is best to have and not need than to need and not have. Yes, the likelihood of needing firearms skills is lesser compared to other law enforcement skills. However, lacking firearms skills when you need them could potentially cause a life devastating incident. An issue I run into consistently is conveying the importance of training to those uninterested parties. The couple extra reps or magazines shot can make a difference, and in the long run they provide tangible results – unfortunately the naysayers want results now. During my quest to spread the gospel of good training and gear I have run into several different types of personalities who block progress within a department. These types of officers are obstacles to improving overall department capabilities:
-Too experienced – They used a sub-optimal or bad option which magically worked (against all odds). Now they push bad ideas.
-Already knows what is best – no experience, no scientific backing- they somehow already know what works. Worse, all of their answers are from the internet from questionable sources. .22’s kill more people; we should use .22’s as our duty guns.
-Playing the odds – They shoot down ideas because the likelihood of further training, superior weapons, or equipment (armor) most likely won’t ever be needed.
-Not important – similar to playing the odds, but this one wants department pencils (include your favorite excuse here) made instead of buying patrol rifles or funding training.


We already know police standards in training, equipment, qualifications are a minimum requirement. For me, this is not the standard to occupy. When is minimum a standard to strive for? If your department will not act to improve, to what extent are you willing to go to provide a better and safer environment for yourself at work? I may be better trained or equipped because it is on my dime, but what about my coworkers? A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Do you want those weak links with you in a gunfight?

So how do you get that further training and equipment to strengthen that department chain? Rank is not always needed to instigate a positive change. There are budgetary constraints to everything within a police department. Realistic explanations need to be provided as to why your concepts are a necessity and weigh that lifesaving option to the non-essential items and training that are being purchased. With this in mind, what is the life of an officer at your department worth? I worked for agencies that did not provide these things and having that specialized personally owned equipment and additional training put me in a class well above that standard.


That minimum standard not only affects weapons, gear, and training – this affects personnel. I don’t think the public is aware we are blessed by officers who do not see police work as a job but as a calling and a passion. I do not think any of my friends or coworkers do this because of the pay. When the public cries out because of a few bad cops – be aware, if those standards were higher and higher pay was offered to attract better candidates – bad apples would be more easily weeded out.

Don’t let department training and standards be your standards, go beyond that minimum – strive to lead.

This article was originally published on www.primaryandsecondary.com and reprinted with permission from Matt who retains the Copyright to his work.

Chase Tactical – Warrior Wednesday – Warrior Assault Systems DCS Plate Carrier Officially Approved by LAPD

Wednesday, August 26th, 2015

Warrior Assault Systems is proud to announce the DCS Plate Carrier in Black has been officially approved by the Los Angeles Police Department and added to the Official LAPD Approved gear list. By receiving the LAPD Approved certification, this now allows officers in the LAPD to individually purchase and use the DCS Plate Carrier during duty.

Warrior Assault Systems DCS LAPD

The Warrior Assault Systems DCS Plate Carrier was approved after a substantial evaluation period.

The DCS (Dynamic Combat System) is a lightweight armor carrier, with removable sides. Can hold Soft Armor Front and Back and in adjustable side pouches, is also capable of holding large ballistic plates front and back, and 6 x 8 side plates.

The DCS is fully adjustable for height and width, comes with 3D Spacer mesh lining for cooling and comfort.

The Warrior Assault Systems DCS Plate Carrier is currently available in Black, MultiCam, Coyote, OD Green, Ranger Green, A-TACS-FG, and A-TACS-AU

All Warrior Assault Systems products are made from genuine U.S. Mil Spec materials and hardware.


Extreme Outfitters Taking Preorders for Garmont T8 LE Boot

Friday, July 31st, 2015



2015 CT SWAT Challenge Preview

Monday, July 20th, 2015

It’s less than a month from the 2015 Connecticut SWAT Challenge, August 18-20.

2015 CT Swat Challenge Preview from Anthony Miele on Vimeo.


Tactical Pro Shop – Blue Lives Matter Patch

Monday, July 20th, 2015


The Blue Lives Matter patch, designed by and available exclusively from Tactical Pro Shop, is made of PVC with a Velcro hook backing. The patch features a design honoring all Law Enforcement Officers. Half of the profit from these patches is being donated to COPS – Concerns of Police Survivors, a highly-rated 501(c) charity.




TenCate Advanced Armor – Plate Up, America! Initiative

Sunday, May 31st, 2015

Plate Up, America

The Dalton Agency, on behalf of TenCate Advanced Armor, has started up the Plate Up, America! initiative. Plate Up, America! is an effort to raise awareness for the use of hard body-armor with Law Enforcement. The initiative targets LEOs and their families, with the goal of having them add their voices to the effort of making funding available for agencies to purchase hard body armor.

Plate Up, America! has its own website, in addition to efforts through social-media channels including Facebook and Twitter, through which they communicate statistics-based facts found on Government research websites such as those of the FBI and U.S. Bureau of Justice.

Although this effort is spearheaded by TenCate Advanced Armor, a commercial, for-profit entity, the hope is for more body armor companies to join in the effort. They are also making active efforts in demonstrating that the main goal of Plate Up, America! is to protect officers from violent criminals, and not the disarming of responsible citizens.
